Never waste cut roses, ladies. 8 comments
· 10 years ago
This is an old wives' tale and you've wasted food. Tit.
HEADLINE: 1st Snowman created in Florida 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Not the first, nitwit. 1993 Storm of the Century devestated orange growing industry. The snowman is cute though, so good try.
Would this face lie to you? 11 comments
Top gear 8 comments
· 10 years ago
There is nothing wrong with being gay. And cunts are pretty great too. grow up.
Black and blue 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Laughing at victims of domestic violence is just idiotic, insensitive, and really quite low class. Disgusting.
Eh, Canada? 12 comments
· 10 years ago
actually it's more like ' a bout ' like a bout of sickness, or a boxing match. Asshats.
do it the right way 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Why on earth is looking at someone's photos 'stalking?' People put albums up to be looked at by other people ya twits.
Genes, strong genes 28 comments
North korea 2 comments
· 11 years ago
so you'll drop a bomb and wipe out the millions of already subjugated, oppressed people! Asshat.
Why I shop at Target 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, ha ha, it was funny the first 10 times I've seen this same joke done. Grow an imagination.
The very hungry caterhitler 8 comments
Square roots 4 comments
· 11 years ago
It's paving stone. Outside. This is not a floor. Please get off your computer and see the outdoors!
Today was a good day 9 comments
Yeah keep talking girl 6 comments
Escaping the Friend Zone 6 comments
· 11 years ago
When will the friendzone meme just die? Boys, you don't get a hero cookie for not raping women either. You're friendzoned because she doesn't want your penis in her. Get over it.
You dont mess with truckers 11 comments
· 11 years ago
And yet, truckers cut people off all the time and we apparently just forget about that. Until they kill you.
Alcohol consumption in different countries 6 comments
Jennifer Lawrence giving 'that look' 20 comments
I'm just gonna lie here for a moment 10 comments
Homo bugs 12 comments
Police brutality 23 comments
· 11 years ago
You can be arrested for swearing at a cop. They have power. Cameras should be on them. They do need to be surveilled, it checks their abuse.
People often ask me what being a transs*xual is like. 135 comments
· 11 years ago
I'm sorry songofthewhitestag that you feel pain. I think you have a lot of allies here in the interweb, but I sure hope you have a lot of allies who are living and right there in person too. I really don't know what else to say but thanks for posting. I can be an ally, but I can see even from this pic I can't ever ever really know how you feel. Keep being awesome.
Nice try canada 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I'd like to know what business transaction is being done outside in such frigid temperatures. A wee bit dodgy.
The moment you realised 32 comments
As a new stepmother, Disney is not working in my favor 13 comments
· 11 years ago
A week after my mother died, my stepmother told me how my father cut me out of his will. I'm with Bluedogs on this. Stepmothers can be evil. She also babysits in her home and makes kids watch Disney instead of doing her job, that is, taking care of them. Stop depending on Disney to do the caretaking!
Am I? 25 comments
· 11 years ago
such an app would only be useful for people for those who need to find out if people like their post. Go make some friends. Real ones.
Om nom nom , jump ! 79 comments
· 11 years ago
yeah, both these kids are losers. The celebrity and the asshat homophobe who made this.
I blame mtv for this 35 comments
· 11 years ago
This is a feckin' cry for help. The 'i would slap you but I don't want to get slut on my hand' is just feckin' assholeish-the kid is 11. Eleven. Steer them back. Villifying kids on the internet isn't cool. KIDS. Yes, she appears to behave badly here, but this is a CHILD. Get it together people.
Brother saving his little sister 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Love how the parents took the time to take photos of their toddler rescuing their other toddler instead of f*ckin rescuing their toddlers. Guess they just had to update those fb profiles!
Look mittens 18 comments
Fail at parenting 19 comments
· 11 years ago
This has it all wrong. This says girls shouldn't dress or dance to sexy or they will end up pregant (or raped). It's highly Christian overtones are overbearing and sadly people who come from families who don't allow self expression for their children end up having kids who grow up to be Republicans or jerks who shoot people in high schools. As well, this seems to say that teen pregnancy is an outcome in only certain kinds of families. 'Good' parents may find themselves as grandparents no matter how churchy they are. Hopefully they'll still be good parents and grandparents too. Whoever wrote this probably sneers at mothers who's kids scream at the grocery store and then sneer at them when they give a kid a treat.
Hollywood importing manly men 22 comments
Why women take so long to shop and try things on 16 comments
· 11 years ago
funny how each photo, the legs are in the exact same position. It's a good point, why the photoshop?
11-Year-Old girl escapes arranged marriage 41 comments