I've never seen a better resemblance 44 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't even feel bad, Soccer. It's a lame excuse to attack a person's grammar.
Had to say something 24 comments
· 11 years ago
If you want to hold to that argument and ignore the obvious bias that has and still does exist against people of color that is up to you and your own mind. My grandparents saw segregation, lynchings, cross burnings, unequal treatment for housing, education, employment... MY grandparents. In this current lifetime. The ripples of racism don't just disappear, the same way hatred of homosexuals isn't going away even though they are being afforded equal protections. Prejudices exists, hatred is passed down- it's their whether you acknowledge it or not.
Had to say something 24 comments
· 11 years ago
*the slave trade with the Irish and British captives, not Ireland. Unclear wording there
Had to say something 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah, no. That was Ireland's slave trade you're talking about, right? With less than 20,000 people compared to millions upon millions. That's comparing apples to genocide. Check yourself:
Had to say something 24 comments
· 11 years ago
I remember when black people enslaved and oppressed an entire race of Caucasians.... it was around the time women raised to power and collectively held 99% of land and earned more than 25% then men. No one ever points this out, dude, thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention how difficult it is to be a white man.
Feminism I think 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Men making comments like that and deliberately misunderstanding messages against violence against women are why women think we're dense enough nit to understand the dangers of violence they face on a daily basis.
Truth hurts 53 comments
The Fashion Police mean business 1 comments
I love you hawkeye<3 5 comments
Can't even read... :\ 11 comments
2014 kids 30 comments
· 11 years ago
I think that is kind of her thing, isn't it? Some people take on a persona, and that's the one she's going with.
This is happening more than it should recently 73 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't recognize your name, my friend, which is not a bad thing. I am on sporadically.
This is happening more than it should recently 73 comments
· 11 years ago
I didn't mean it negatively, people get angry at others on here and forget that there are a wide range of ages- a young adult would not normally yell at a 12 year old for chatting with others about their crushes, would they? Stepping back and taking some perspective on the people behind the names was what I was suggesting.
This is happening more than it should recently 73 comments
· 11 years ago
That is a good point, I meant more of the dramatic soap opera storm offs that were popular for a while- but don't get me wrong, everyone has a right to be dramatic or call themselves a king or poodle of substance if they wish- but I could see how others take it as being overpowered with inside jokes. And thank you Lace- I would if I was on enough
This is happening more than it should recently 73 comments
· 11 years ago
And you are a lovely person- personally I haven't seen anything that would make anyone feel cross towards you. So please don't dwell on all this because you have a star.
This is happening more than it should recently 73 comments
· 11 years ago
If you've made a post referring to you funsubstance self, your funsubstance "relationship," your "haters on here," your departure of the site, your arrival back to the site, or any reference to yourself as any type of royalty or deity- king, queen, or otherwise- you might have delusions of funsubstance grandeur.
This is happening more than it should recently 73 comments
· 11 years ago
It's just a group of maybe six- don't you just skip over their posts? If I know there is going to be some hardcore "shipping" or such talk I move on. It is annoying when it springs up in the middle of relevant post conversation, but what can you do- they are like 10-14. That's what kids their ages does, right?
Even when i fall, i'm fabulous 4 comments
You dont mess with truckers 11 comments
Rhymes 31 comments
This is happening more than it should recently 73 comments
· 11 years ago
I don't think it's all people with stars. There are about what, forty people with stars, I can name maybe ten of them off the top of my head- six because I see them on posts a lot, and four because I remember the content of their messages or posts. I'd have to look up the list to figure out all of them.
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Only if we can threaten one another every so often so as not to end up in a swirling bitter vortex that will swallow us both whole, of course.
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh dear. While you all are telling women to get raped and attracting the huge amounts of rewards and respect that deserves, I will be dying a bitter cold death alone. No sexual assault for me, and that leaves me friendless, lifeless, and alone on my deathbed. I will be screaming "Why didn't I just harass women?! WHY COULDN'T I HAVE THREATENED JUST A FEW? DEAR GOD WHY?"
Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. I am going out to disrespect some girls right now! I shall not die alone, no siree!
Thank you for showing me the error of my ways. I am going out to disrespect some girls right now! I shall not die alone, no siree!
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
^^basically should Google counseling so you don't end up a prison rape joke.
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
And you are a hero too, matrix, for being so bold and brave to take a stand for rape threats and violent speech against women, which we know needs protecting. It's not like you hear of women being raped, beaten, harassed, and all everyday- you are a freaking hero for standing up for a man perpetuating a very rare, and never heard of cycle of systematic harassment. You are so brave!! I bet it makes you proud to look in that mirror! Atta boy!!
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Well, I am convinced. You have converted this merciless moral crusader. I think men should be allowed to say what they what, whenever they want to women- no matter how violent it is. And god damn it, if those woman dare question our right to threaten them we can play the victim and rally around one another with our hurt manfeelings, because HOW DARE THEY.
How dare these women stand up and question therza. He did perfectly. He told her she was a victim of rape for not laughing along, and then bristled when she asked him what that made him for laughing. And then he did what all men should do, tell that loud feminist hen to go get raped and cry!!! Because how dare that cur not laugh? How DARE she talk back? She's just a woman, after all. Pathetic.
How dare these women stand up and question therza. He did perfectly. He told her she was a victim of rape for not laughing along, and then bristled when she asked him what that made him for laughing. And then he did what all men should do, tell that loud feminist hen to go get raped and cry!!! Because how dare that cur not laugh? How DARE she talk back? She's just a woman, after all. Pathetic.
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Damn, and here I was wondering how the woman he told to go get raped and cry about it was doing. You're right, I have been looking at the wrong victim- here he kept taunting her and making more jokes here when it's obvious he just needs a hug and sympathy. Screw the girl who was threatened, save the man who did the threatening! Group hug?
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Dude, vindicated, chill! Let the broskis bond and defend each other over their superduper important rape humor.
Your "reality" or "logic" is not wanted there, 'K? We all know threatening women with rape, making light of rape, and suggesting that women who speak up be raped is super edgy- these bros are artists defending their right sexual assault in all verbal forms!!
It’s not like it's the norm. It is not something that women deal with every day. Maintaining the status quo around violence against women is revolutionary!
Your "reality" or "logic" is not wanted there, 'K? We all know threatening women with rape, making light of rape, and suggesting that women who speak up be raped is super edgy- these bros are artists defending their right sexual assault in all verbal forms!!
It’s not like it's the norm. It is not something that women deal with every day. Maintaining the status quo around violence against women is revolutionary!
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
I know, right? I hate people who don't find rape hilarious like us, bro. There's nothing I like better then to kick back, tell a few jokes about violent sexual assault. Except tell the waitress I hope she gets raped if she gets my food order wrong. Amirite? Yay for bro solidarity for rape and boo for those evil witch's who don't find graphic sexual assault hilarious!!! High five!!!
Just lettin you know 60 comments
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
I know dude, just keep playing the victim, try to pull people over to your wishing rape side, and for God sakes don't apologize or say you might have been wrong, and you'll end up exactly where you are supposed to. Keep it up!
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeah man, I hate it when the hysterical beeyotchs I tell to get raped get all defensive and take it the wrong way. Can't they see -I- am the victim? How dare people hurt my feelings for wishing rape on others. Please comfort me!
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
Definitely dude, there are probably a lot of men who tell women to get raped when they are angry at them. You'll probably meet them one day, all of you doing 25 to life together.
Just lettin you know 60 comments
· 11 years ago
This is weird being posted by the guy who told a girl to "get raped" on another post....