Have you seen my cheese? 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I've a weird affection for cheese. I would literally buy a huge slice of brie and bite chunks out of it
I guess it's not a Canadian thing only... 8 comments
The ocean is inside of this opal 4 comments
· 10 years ago
It's just the way the formation of the rock is shaped. The rock does not contain an actual ocean.
When two rivers meet 14 comments
The classic white dad attire 28 comments
Exactly like that 8 comments
· 11 years ago
Cockroaches can be trained and tamed by people, they're actually pretty smart and can recognize sounds and stuff! Congratulations you are one step closer to being a cockroach tamer.
Spongebob war feels 21 comments
Cyberbullying 36 comments
· 11 years ago
cyberbullying also includes the other person hacking into your account/ posting bad pictures of you online. You can't just ignore that kind of thing by turning off the computer. Cyberbullying isn't a simple issue
A brief history of the gods 7 comments
Just tumblr 6 comments
Pufferfish are aquatic house cats 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Pufferfish are pretty darn intelligent, they can recognize the faces of their owners and build a bond with them
Pop-tart, gun, and idaho all in one 19 comments
Fluorite - It kind of looks like the night sky 26 comments
you know your neighborhood is weird when 8 comments
· 11 years ago
It looks like the evil blue badger in Ace Attorney
If anyone gets my reference
If anyone gets my reference
My favorite emo gif 42 comments
Ugh, I want a duck too 23 comments
Rough night for superman 5 comments
· 11 years ago
Lots of kids have been reported jumping out of windows after being gifted superhero costumes :(
When I find out I did the wrong homework 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Once my 7th grade science teacher told my class that he'd make his whole entire class talk to their parents about puberty and like the physical effects it had. He meant it as a joke but I wasn't listening very well and I thought it was a real homework so I ended up doing it ;___;
Newton's cradle 10 comments
My friend got a fish. It was not pleased 15 comments
Ash aint the smartest kid on the block 9 comments
· 11 years ago
I personally think he got a brain damage. In special cases brain damage can lower a person's growth rate...
I've seen evil teachers but this is madness 8 comments
Cold War Era spy tools 10 comments
Blood stains are so hard to get rid of but hey at least we dont get caught 23 comments
· 11 years ago
Ok so you know how blood can still be detected from a surface even when it's been removed? Well what if a girl murdered someone in her bathtub? The police would have a hard time suspecting her because of her period :O