
Gender inequality 120 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Throwing in my two cents here. Feminism is not the act of condemning or stereotyping men. A true feminist will campaign for the rights of women, but they won't downplay the needs of men.
However statistically women generally are paid less than men, in the UK this is only in higher wage bands. But some employers do refuse to employ young women because of the risk of them taking maternity leave.
In some countries women are refused an education altogether and expected to leave to become a home maker.
I'm actually doing a male oriented degree and for two years was the only female in my class. I had to sit through some awful kitchen jokes, and breast comments.
At the same time men do suffer from domestic abuse, and discrimination from some jobs that are traditionally female ones.
Anyway I'd actually like to see some sourcing for this sort of thing. Where did you get these statistics from?
Music 20 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I'm actually really angry and how long this took me to get...
Quit school! 10 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Yeah a large percentage of homeless people are very well educated and intelligent. Some of them even come from good backgrounds and careers and just got very unlucky. Others might have to rough it to hide from an abusive partner or to pay for something more important than a house.
Ash aint the smartest kid on the block 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Naw his screwed with the dialogue. So many times he claims to be eating a hamburger or something when he's holding a riceball
That's it, moving to the UK 31 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Every time I see this I have to wonder where this person got these grade boundaries from. That's not the UK grading system. We don't even have a set grading system, it changes from subject to subject