
Like wtf 25 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I feel like I see this fairly often -- a person is hired to do something, then one day the boss shows up and says "hey, do you mind doing this too?". The person wants to be a good employee and agrees to take on the extra work (and obviously bosses never come and say "I will pay you extra if you do this"). Then the boss sees the person is reliable and next time there's more work they turn to the same person again. Then down the line you have employees who were hired to do one thing, but in the end are doing two, three jobs at the same time, but without a pay raise. And yes, that will make a person feel like they are being underpaid and taken advantage of, and it will definitely lead to them not doing as good of a job, and I think that's reasonable. If a company wants to fill two or three positions, they should hire two or three people, not dump a bunch of extra work on some employee who ends up working on the edge of burnout for minimum wage, which is how it is for many employees.
Like wtf 25 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Different guest here, but wanted to say that the contract you guest_ speak of isn't always upheld by the employer, putting the employee in a difficult situation. At my last job, for example, I was hired to do one role, but when I started the job it turned out I was expected to actually do two roles simultaneously. This was not mentioned in the interview or in the contract itself. It caused me quite some stress because suddenly I was basically doing two jobs instead of one, but I was getting paid the same as everyone who was only doing one role. Since I applied for the job because I needed an income to pay rent and food I couldn't just quit either. I did eventually end up leaving that job, especially when I pointed out that I basically do two jobs but get paid the same as everyone who only does one, only to be told it's not in the budget. They just wanted someone (me) to work one of the extra roles for free, instead of hiring an extra person.
Seems right 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You can afford a washing machine? Wow, that's more than I can afford! Those things are pretty expensive.
Here's that sauce you ordered 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And how to access these sources? For those of us who want sauce but aren't that savvy... Please. :3
Very true 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So if you come a minute before closing time, and the store closes in a minute, you have to leave a minute later because the store is then closed. Closed means closed, deal with it.
Finally something I can get behind 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don't get it?
Utopian legal shaky Rail 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You don't know that the app was created by a white male or that the police officer is gonna be a white male. This is assuming developers and police officers are all white males, which isn't the case.