
Hmmm 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Boycotting Russia doesn't signal,virtue like boycotting a US state.
Hostage situation 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Social,commentary from the teen who has to be driven everywhere she goes.
Due to a recent discussion I am brimming with house pride. #BadgerPride 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago guys know this is just made up, right?
Cecily burning a lot of politicians 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Irony: She in fact IS telling them "how to do politics or whatever," just not directly but via sarcasm.
Please do 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"The firearms industry supports people being able to,defend themselves from Niger, stronger and numerous assailants. I'm going to demand legislation that requires others to refrain from supporting those industries."
Trump 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Trump is ugly.

Trump has weird hair.

Trump's skin is orange.

Feminists: "It's terrible how only women are judged on their appearance!"
So wrong, we need more people like this 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you want to serve food to the public, you need to have a certain level of cleanliness. For example, our church had a kitchen with wood counters, and before we could use that kitchen to prepare hot lunches for the school, the counters had to be changed to stainless steel. There were other changes as well.

So, the first reaction to the "guy arrested for feeding the homeless" headline is that it's over-regulation (or if you're really stupid, "capitalism's fault). But what are we supposed to do...ignore the laws when someone has good intentions? Not have food safety laws?
*Justice league of Sass 5* 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Teens: Yeah! Stupid materialistic adults!

Also teens: Mom, Dad...i need you to buy me tons of stuff.
This was written by an 8yo girl from Romania! 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Hope nobody ever needs something that requires effort or sacrifice or thought to create. Doing nothing gets you the same as doing something that others can't or won't.
An extremely rare Pocket Shark, only second of it's kind seen by humans 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's a twist...there was they examined what was the contents of a sperm whale instead on the sperm that was the contents of a girl from Wales.
Please, just for one day 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Removing warning labels will result in massive homicide? The post doesn't advocate making murder just suggests removing warning labels.
why can't all countries be like this? 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Here's how to start without even needing new laws: Whenever you are in a situation where you would,otherwise have needed a plastic bag, make sure to have a bag (or several bags) with you--a cloth bag, paper bag, even a previously used plastic bag. Then, you will have saved the store or whatever from having to give you a bag or bags for your stuff. You can get all like minded people to adopt this tactic. Others will see you doing this, and it will catch on, saving many plastic bags times the huge percentage of people you inspired.

The downside is that YOU have to start doing something instead of relying on other people to make a law that forces others to do what you want.
Rules of feminism 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago apostrophe.
Really makes you think 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
At the federal level, Obama had a partial term as senator. Before that, he was a Chicago politician and "community activist," which means professional grievance promoter and agitator.

Some people have business experience, that is, unlike lifelong politicians, they've had to make a payroll, evaluate profit and loss, navigate government regulations, and plan around growth and product development. You'd *think* that politicians would be conversant in government regulations, but they exempt themselves. That is, for example, OSHA doesn't apply so the unpaid interns (note that $0 per hour is definitely less than minimum wage) are subject to tripping hazards over extension cords running all over and fire risk from overuse of outlets...things that would get a *company* a fine or shut down.

That doesn't mean I think that Donald Trump's experience warrants voting for him, but experience in private enterprise (for *someone*) would,be preferable to decades of nothing but politics.
illuminati confirmed 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I was in 5th grade in 1971. Feel young again?
SNL Korea stereotypes the American girlfriend 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Next up: Comments on all the other memes about Americans by people from other countries who get all their information on americans from TV, movies and skits like this one.
Dropping napalm on Huffington Post 24 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's one problem with the "diversity is our strength" can't just say "we hire the most qualified person" if,you wind up with a non-diverse staff. If you push hiring women even when you have to take ones with less experience or qualifications or whatever because of "diversity'" and you criticize all-male groups as non-inclusive, then you look stupid for having an all-female group. Same for race or other identity politics points.
George RR Martin: Game of Thrones characters die because 'it has to be done' 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
In real life, there's a ton of waiting in between things happening, but the books and tv show dispense with that.
Accurate 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
OK, I'll say it...they aren't even very good cookies. Have you ever figured the price per ounce? There are many much better alternatives. I can't even figure out why they're that expensive, since the distribution channel is worked for free by the scouts and their parents.
touché EU, congrats 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Britain wants to get control of its borders, and the person protesting against that he's not historically from Britain. It practically illustrates what the English are trying to put limits on.
touché EU, congrats 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Britain wants to get control of its borders, and the person protesting against that he's not historically from Britain. It practically illustrates what the English are trying to put limits on.
Just a fact 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Here's the a civilized society, we've decided that it's not illegal or a war crime for uniformed soldiers to kill their enemies in a declared war. It *is* illegal to go out to hunt down and kill people for things they've done. You or I can't kill a serial killer even if we track him down and are pretty sure he's guilty.
I miss him 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Am I the only person who's a little bit angry with people like Robin Williams or Heath Ledger for killing themselves and depriving us from the enjoyment they provided? I mean, I'm sympathetic to what someone must go through to reach the point of suicide, but some of these celebrities, and some little-known people (like my own acquaintances) who have done that have left a hole and I hurt a little for myself in addition to hurting a lot for them.
Maybe she's albino 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If think,you guys have missed the's not sexist or racist to point out that the writer says "as a women" and note that she is claiming to be plural when In fact each of us is singular.

Well, until political correctness requires us to recognize others' diversity in *quantity* in addition to race and gender and sexual preference. Psshh...not just recognize but *value* someone's screwedupness.
Get some water for that burn! 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also, part of "making it" involves being able,to take criticism and outright rejection, even more so if you're trying to not just be a professional singer but to be an "idol." All I could think was "what an ass" and wonder how he'd fare in auditions for non-Idol singing jobs.
Deadpool is a cooler guy than he gets credit for 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Me too...I just love DP, either doing it or watching movies about it. meant the other one, didn't you?
That's the Evilest Thing I Can Imagine 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I'm surprised that nobody commented on what a $#++¥ thing this is to,do.
British soldier 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Thank goodness there were wars for him to "enjoy." In peace time that sounds like the making of a serial killer.
I think Tesla would be a perfect fit 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Edison is a better bet for this question. He made most of his successes by trial and error, until the failures ruled out all the stuff that wouldn't work leaving only what would. Plus, a significant portion of his accomplishments happened to be...."appropriated" from others. People act like Bill Gares is a genius, but he was great at assembling a team of top software writers and "getting there first" with an OS that became the de facto standard. He offered Internet Explorer for free with Windows, which really undercut Netscape's market share because they charged some nominal price.
foodzone 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ladies--This is the flip side of "nice guys" who feel like you owe them something because of their "niceness." This girl/woman is in the minority, but the type that really screws up everything for guys being "friends."
69 people shot in Chicago over Memorial Day Weekend 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Interestingly enough, Chicago has some of the strongest firearms laws around. So, how can there be so many gun murders,,since anti-gun laws prevent them?
Every damn time I hear someone say "both candidates r bad", I remember this. 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"...elected by American citizens..."

Well, just in places that check IDs and only let citizens vote. Some places allow anyone to vote, non-citizens, the dead...
Here is your muslim speaking out 37 comments
guest · 6 years ago
When someone commits a crime and says it was "in the name of Christianity," Christians and Christian clergy come out in force to comdemn the act itself and the attribution to the Christian God. They say how some act (abortion, homosexuality) might be a sin, but we're all sinners and any individual doesn't have the right or responsibility to murder or attack in the name of God. There's usuall nothing BUT condemnation from every direction from the Christians.

But when a Muslim murders or attacks in another way, there's no uproar from Muslim clergy. Sure, there's a huge swell of "don't blame all of us for the actions of a few," but very little condemnation of the act itself from Muslims, and none from the Imams.
"Just in time for Fathers' Day"...?! 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Unfortunately, the Americans With Disabilities Act might require handles rather than knobs so they can be operated by elderly and others with weak grips or poor ability to rotate the hand. We've sown the seeds of our own destruction.
The Coherence of Western World 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The difference is: A radical Muslim wants to kill you. A moderate Muslim wants the radical Muslim to kill you.
That semen is a demon 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What's a bummer is that people are constantly demeaning and degrading one of the nicest things a wife can dofor her husband.
Maybe she got it on sale? 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If he wore a $7k suit to give a speech about economic inequality, where the solution was to take from those who work to have "something" and thus pay taxes and give money to those who don't work and won't obtain the skills and work ethic to be employable, you might have a point.
Great observation of the present day 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
But there are movements to,remove statues of famous people who may have owned slaves (revolutionary war period) when it was common to do so, or who fought on the "wrong" side of the civil war.
They say kids know 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Not necessarily. Obama's big appeal,was "you'll give me free,stuff and 'tax the rich' to pay for it." It's only much later you discover that "the rich" who earn, say, $250K aren't numerous enough to support all these goodies, and the real tax burden falls on what would. GLOBALLY be thought of as "rich" which is more like $34K. But 'til then, it sounds pretty good.
Would you dare to question who you really are? (The DNA Journey) 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Did your ancestors immigrate here legally? Then you've got nothing to worry about.

Along with illegal I migrants, maybe we need to do something about those who can't tell the difference between wanting to not give benefits to illegal immigrants and hating all immigrants.
Miss Piggy on beauty 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Cute: Female puppet talks about giving makes a black eye.

Misogyny and evidence of the patriarchy: Situation reversed.
A++ parenting 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
A parent made or bought a cute costume, and that's "A+ Parenting." Geez.
Or dogs 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I worked with a young woman, about 24, who was very smart. Maybe that's a given that we were all"book smart" being all engineers. But she was always having to prove she was smarter than everyone else. I was talking about a series of sci fi books I was reading, and she was compelled to say she'd already read them, and any TRUE sci fi fan would prefer a different series. That pattern repeated in other ways with other people, i noticed.

So maybe, guys aren't as turned off by smart girls (or women) as much as by ones who have to continually one-up everyone else to prove that they're the smartest person in the room.
Just beethoven 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Remember when the Internet was new, and people discovered that they could animate jokes to show cartoons "saying" the speaking parts and acting things out? What a great way to make a 30 second joke into a two minute slogfest that was torture to get through. Same thing with this panel by panel "telling" of an old joke..
Dumbf*cks 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Why does "someone else" always have to change or I,please tell something *you* want? Disney should do xyz, some other company should do abc. If it's important, then do,it,yourself. Write a compelling and riveting story that movie companies would be nuts to NOT make into a movie. But for goodness sake, stop trying to make everyone else conform to your view of fairness.
I work at IGA and my boyfriend works at the reject shop 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
McD's and BK aren't all that different, really. If,you want an "opposite side of the tracks" story, make it between a Chipotle and steakhouse loving carnivore and a Whole Foods shopping vegan. Make the vegan militant about it, too.
Explain this Bullshit! 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Who's starts the most wars and kills the most people? I'd say Europe. Now as the EEC and for a thousand years as individual countries, it's Europe...killing each other and colonizing their "inferiors."
They lacked walls back then 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is actually a good point. It's too bad (for the Native Americans) that they didn't have the ability to resist or repel the invasion of Europeans. Had they been able to do so, they'd have been able to maintain their way of life, regardless of whether we think their way wasn't as good as what was being imposed in them. The parallel to now is that the USA *does* have the ability to resist and repel invasion from those who want to come to the US but make it more like the place theyre leaving as far as laws, culture etc. There's the ability, but not the will to do so. Being called "racist" by those who can't distinguish between legal and illegal immigration is too harsh. Being called "Islamophobic" is too severe a consequence to go against "refugees" who want to implement sharia law and make the US like the countries that they're "fleeing."
omg 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
45%--More violence doesn't solve other violence.
55%--Those @$$#0€$ deserve it.
Seriously tho rapist should be in jail for at least 10-12 years. 6 months is to short 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If a woman had it within her power to kill her rapist(s), why wouldn't she be able to stop the rape in the first place? Or is this trying to say she would kill the rapist(s) at some point after the crime?