
Umbrella wizard 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Unless the person on the top right is practicing their moonwalk, it's not backwards.
Great guy 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And now he knows what she drives. I don't like this scenario one bit.
And then you discover it's corrupted 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lucky, I got two girls, one cup. *shudders*
English is beautiful! 12 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Doubt : b is silent
Salmon : l is silent
Growing up a shy reader and pronouncing words how they're spelled : everyone thinks you have a learning disability
I work from about 09:00 - 09:25 every day and then watch YT / Netflix until 5. Nobody 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
There is so much bloated overhead at these types of companies that this post could be true. I work for a major grocery chain and have FIVE people I directly report to, but none of them answer to the other four. We literally have to change how we are doing something depending on who's going to audit us, because no one has said, "Hey, why don't we have only one fucking chain of command?" As long as only his work gets audited and not his actual job, he's sitting pretty. BUT if a merger or buyout happens, he'll be the bloat that gets cut loose.
Happy 4th of July 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The "black guy" is Carl Weathers. If you're going to get offended for someone, at least learn their fucking name.
Look out for each other 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm this way, but with adults approaching children. Sometimes I've gone over and quietly but obviously stood or sat close by and once a guy got visibly nervous and quickly left, so I will continue to do my watch.
What happened to Andy? 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Was this post originally in Spanish (inverted exclamation point, *JEJE*)?
Shut up karen 34 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Ok @guest_ Time for math! (All numbers are rough estimates, via Google and reference the USA, where Shapiro is based) There are 950,000 doctors to be found. We'll split the difference and say 78% are married, making 741,000 spouses. But wait! Based on context we want a non-medical-professional as the spouse, which would be 60% of marriages or 444,600 outside-the-medical-field husbands and wives. 182,250,000 people are married, but the odds of Ben Shapiro being married to a doctor is less than a quarter of a percent, or one in 410. The overall odds of anyone, including doctors, having a doctor spouse is one in 344 or less than a third of a percent. So your 3 times more likely to belong to the wealthy 1% than actually marrying a doctor.
TL;DR Marrying a doctor is really fucking rare!
Sauceyy 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I strongly disagree @thekaylapup . Your actions are your own, and unless it's under duress, having sex with someone is always voluntary. One person's actions should never be blamed on another person's actions who has zero input in the situation. The cheater is taking full control of what's happening, therefore they must also take full blame. You may not be aware, but your argument is scary similar to arguments made by all abusers (physically, mentally, emotionally) who still want to make the "relationship" work. And what is cheating but a form of emotional and mental abuse? They often want forgiveness for what they did and promise change, but also blame the victim and that is never, ever what really happened. Foisting the blame is never the way to true change. And ask any child that grew up in an abusive home, an objective observer that will tell you cycles are rarely broken, but promises are. There is NO excuse for ANY type of abuse, and the aggressor alone is to blame.
What a good dad! 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Wait @purplepumpkin didn't you also post a few memes down (cat in uniform sitting at a table) that you once interned at makeing game booklets and what a blast it was? Are we supposed to come to the conclusion that only you are allowed to do something that's not really needed? Why are you so angrily throwing rocks from inside your glass house?
Really 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Ambulances (in America) are usually owned by 3rd party companies and not affiliated with hospitals. Just like with anything medical related and not covered by insurance, out-of-pocket costs can differ wildly depending who you use. My grandma (in SoCal) needed an ambulance and it cost almost $3,800 (her insurance paid most, but still) and that was 10 years ago. I'm sure prices have only gone up. She passed 7 years ago and no ambulances have been summoned since, so I could be wrong.
We need another bus boycott 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It wasn't the bus driver, but an angry passenger. I think this story is over-dramatized, but then again, I also think the blind woman should have said, "Whoops! You caught me!", and then sicced her dog on the idiot.