
Just why 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
“Hi, I don’t know if you’re aware but your hair is over the seat. Can you tuck it behind your head?”
Would only work for another girl.
If the response is “uhm, no, I want it like that.” I would say “Oh, well hair is really gross and disgusting and i don’t want it or the products near my face. It’s not sanitary. Please put it on your side.”
She probably won’t say no, but ultimately yeah, you can’t make people.
I am the kind of person who puts my feet on my carry-on so the person in front of me can’t recline, though. So I freely admit - not the best traveler.
Avoidable separation 19 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sure, it’s simple if you do the extreme close up this picture has. Zoom it out to where they’re from and it gets a little bit more complicated.
Arrogant know-nothing.
Also, morally: Are you SURE your stance is brutality (or implied threats of bad action) aren't a problem because it’s grinding down an issue you’d rather not have? Are you *absolutely certain* this is your platform? Are you 100% bought in this is the right way to think?
You just need to be very, very clear that this is a place you want to stand. If an action is not acceptable, defining a group as deserving it doesn’t change that fact. Period. There’s not nearly the room for moral equivocation you wish there was. Playing (or being) a know-nothing doesn’t change anything, least of all culpability for the development of morally coherent self-philosophy.
The only one who benefits from salary secrecy is your boss 30 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Good for you. HR here - it is actually illegal to tell employees they can’t discuss salary. This is because it has become defined as an equal pay issue.
Equal pay is also why employers in many places are not allowed to ask for previous salaries. That avoid people’s lack of past or present negotiation skills or other non-merit/non-directly-job-related reasons affecting current pay.
The reasoning is sound: If the job is worth $X, and the person is qualified, pay them $X. Employee salaries are costed into overhead.
As a side note: I have to say seeing it from my perspective, all this doom-and-gloom just sounds vaguely like an attempt to pour cold water, caution, or fear onto someone acknowledging openly they needed help. This is non-ideal. I said the above hoping that interjecting some establishment bias (law and regulation) in favor of this action will reassure you, and make you less likely to choose non-helpful or problematic reactions.
Uninterested dizzy Dog 33 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That’s certainly a way people choose to look at it.
Niooo 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I say YYYYEEEEEEESSSSS! (Cue Edna) All the social media ALL the gay all the ads ALL the time. Enough hetero narratives, so boring and played!
(Plus since I’m a st8 girl, way too many girl butts for no reason. Let’s have *any other* narrative beyond straight dude perspective. It’s beyond annoying and definitely “shoved in everyone’s faces every chance they get”)
Fake/Useless/Silly Fact of the Day #3 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Go to
win 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
lol - equally valid, not feline X)
win 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
But for women, way more often than men, it is. That’s reality. Sexism is highlighting ONE person as your proof to obscure reality - which involves discounting hundreds of examples of other humans. Humans who are feline, though. Reality is 1:1; each person is equally valid. Sexism is using one example to ward off an uncomfortable truth about your gender and your complacency and complicity.
win 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is false equivalence. It’s highlighting one example versus ignoring 70 million. It feels incredibly dismissive and hateful. Plus! Now I can see you are aware of the violent narrative, just won’t acknowledge it unless it makes you feel good.
That’s disheartening because the assumption was you didn’t know. Now it’s clear you know, you always knew. So my attempts to explain or clarify were worse than wasted. You just pretended ignorance until you could “win” the assault conversation.
There are no winners or victors in assault. Life isn’t supposed to be battlefield covered in blood and fear for anyone.
I still want a cat 28 comments
guest · 5 years ago
In public around other people. Because we get annoyed and are annoying. So we just keep to our own space and try not to be too noisy or too slow or too anything that would be bothersome. A cat is ALSO a living entity. They probably have stuff they find annoying. You put all this effort into behaving in public. You can put some effort into not being annoying to other species as well.
Cats want security and calmness. They want not to be messed with, to be warm, to be well fed and loved. You do too! You want that and can advocate for it! But you don’t insist on it from everyone. In most cases, you just want people to not mess with you. If they do, at minimum you’ll shoot them irritated glances. If biting and scratching instead of shouting and shoving were our weapons, we wont think twice about how cats react.
I think this is why actually dogs barking isn’t seen as a serious problem (even though it has a much longer range than scratching does). No touching.
I still want a cat 28 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Look, if you were tiny compared to everyone else and they messed with you for unknown reasons, you’d be jumpy too.
Dogs bite/nip children sometimes because the child was doing something that was upsetting the dog and the dog couldn’t get away or didn’t know what else to do. We don’t really get too fussed at the dog if it is clear the child should have known better. We just teach the child to “read” the dog and/or don’t do stuff like pull their tail or ears.
There are bad tempered and poorly behaved members of every species. Generally, though, we give dogs who bite one child a second chance if it’s not egregious.
It is more helpful to consider that cats have been “pets” for much less time than dogs, and are usually smaller. If they scratch and bite, are they abusive and out to get you? Or are they little and doing their best? Are you maybe acting more like a thoughtless child in your actions and getting scratched as a result? We have 10 million unspoken rules for how to behave....
If you know what I mean 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Nice that all of Europe and US are all interested NOW in something other than remaining completely free to pursue unlimited growth. Big change from less than a century ago...#imjustsayin
Cat sneak attack 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Me and my brother
Happy fathers day 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oh, I finally got it. Boring
The truth that is 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I might be misunderstanding, but where is Canada?
Ironic 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not ironic - typical. Many forced birth advocates aren’t against abortion when it’s inconvenient for them personally. Understand this is not about babies; the stance is about controlling others in a self-centric and dehumanizing way. (If you think others have to be controlled because they are inherently not capable of making wise choices about their lives - but you are - you don’t see them as the same type of human as you.)
If the woman you are having sex with is pregnant with child you don’t want, it is exactly the same mentality to say she has to ‘get rid of it’. Is it consistent with a stance against abortion? Nope! Is it consistent with seeing females as secondary to whatever you think, feel or want? Yep!
So. In summary, it is the opposite of ironic.
Don't worry they can't read this 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It’s because Kavanuagh. They’re trying to push a Supreme Court vote. It’s a long process but they figure they have the votes.
The whole thing is like watching a mudslide headed for a village. Slow moving and painful and so, so, so stupid.
I have many more paragraphs on the multiple outgrowths, but it’s not helpful for me or anyone else. The whole situation is just lacerating.
ATM 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
finally 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Touching 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If it’s something you must do to live, it will get done. Setting it for a specific time removes the dread and stops depleting the reserves, which you’re low on anyway.
If you won’t die if you don’t do it, how much trouble will it cause for you later? If a lot, then pick a time. Even if it’s five minutes, do it for five minutes and then go get ice cream, or whatever. It’s not easy to crawl instead of walk. It’s a lot harder actually! And slower! But. It’s forward movement.
Touching 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Life tip for still completing stuff when you’re depressed: if you really can’t, then ask yourself if you can but in 24 hours or 4 hours or 1 hour. Then set it down until that time.
If you can’t commit to any time to do it, then suck it up and tell whoever it is that you can’t. Sorry, can’t. I promise they won’t take it as hard as you are.
Amazing 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
He’s bad enough as an feminine male; we don’t need this too. Blocking memory in 3...2....1
Cat art 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
No one 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Well, don’t try to be a troll irl. When has being annoying back ever been a good idea? It’s also sweet but unrealistic to imagine the other person didn’t realize or know what would inevitably happen and decided to roll with it.
I wanna bark at your manager 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I don’t get it
Yard sale 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This one is a new favorite!!!
Me being a good guy 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That, and ‘I didn’t pick up on or agree with the classist structure that further encouraged male predation. As a victim of poverty and terrible child abuse, you were have been inhumanly treated often, so you expect it. But it is not an acceptable way to treat another human and I see you as one of those.’
This was in the first month. Lost roughly another 100M in the second month. From 630M 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yah, reducing the child pornography and other stuff their platform was being misused for is PROBABLY more important....
All music is art 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Death metal induces joy in the brains of death metal fans while listening in a controlled lab setting. Metallica helped with depression and was my introduction to what eventually became a full-on love for death and speed metal. If you’re not wired to love it, that’s okay. I find some music types just so, so unpleasant. BUT. If it IS your thing, then it is definitely and joyfully your thing.
Beach volleyball is the only sport I watch 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Less watched/obsessed about because males want to identify with the athlete(s) and can’t identify with female athletes as athletes. As result, don’t spend money on it. Women not throwing that much cash around, plus not so bought into need for moving a ball from one side to the other as a communal activity to watch. Bonus comment: So bored of women’s butts. Hetero female and I like males! Not attracted to women. Plus have all same equipment, so very very boring.
Kind of makes you feel bad about it 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That’s hilarious
Meme Lords, share all the pitbull meme you have 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Pit bulls are awesome! Kinda stupid. But SUPER sweet. Their reputation is totally unfair.
Charmin Topless Bears at BJ's 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That’s the guy bear. The girl bear wears pearls.
Create a need, fill that need 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Let’s hope if a border wall is funded, the RFP is posted to the normal SAM system. Then that the responses received and decisions are left in the hands of an agency and professionals competent to assess with no interference. We have a robust system for this stuff. It works fine.
Please NOT rammed through with a no-bid/sweetheart deal with no public comment and dismissal of an concerns.

Otherwise, it won’t be “Yeah, American steel!” It will probably be more “line-pockets-insane-cost-overruns”. $5b sounds like a lot, even $1.7b sounds like a lot. But I promise it can be wasted with poor to terrible outcome, no problem.
That’s of course not counting the opportunity cost of spending *any* money on it, since there are other things with higher ROI
Luxuriant bizarre remarkable Wombat 76 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I think this is well known but I hate it, so here goes: Hospitals charge based on having to do a 60-85% write-off because of insurance. The pricing is a complete disaster, because of insurance companies. Most hospitals offer an “upfront discount” of 40% or so for self-pay patients who aren’t getting those write-offs written into their bill. Oh, and charity programs to help with the bill help the hospital’s bottom line, because then there’s less bad debt.
Ich will 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Art I think we should all appreciate 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Just die
Agree.? 9 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It’s all fun and games until the bottom line is actually affected in a meaningful way. Then we’d see an endless persistent drumbeat from all directions against hacking and a perfect alignment against ‘these horrid monsters’ who are ‘destroying the world ecomony’.
guest · 5 years ago
SKELETOR is a MAN! “Her” look. Wakanda noob...