
Plantsona 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
this hurts, rhodies are very easy to grow, I work at a greenhouse / nursery and im studying horticulture and landscaping, dahlias or impatians would be a better analogy damn I hate impatians
Spoiler alert 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
thank you, AP physics final and multiple AP exams coming up, thanks bot
chipper 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
also, yeah cool, but like this is targeted at CHILDREN so maybe don't? like yeah cool be mean towards the adults who get offended but this guy is literally joking about murdering children because they "support" trump, even though they technically cant since ya know theyre CHILDREN
What do? 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
oh sHit
Woooo! 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I wrote them an email basically saying get your shit together or fuck off but ya know, formally and with more ethos, pathos, and logos
There are lines you do not cross, PETA 36 comments
guest · 6 years ago
and while claiming that shearing sheep is harmful to their health
There are lines you do not cross, PETA 36 comments
guest · 6 years ago
oh damn im not signed in
There are lines you do not cross, PETA 36 comments
guest · 6 years ago
peta just signed their own death warrant for me, there were many other reasons I didn't like them and gave them the benefit of the doubt like yeah they aren't right but they think theyre helping but now, going after the man that child me loved so much that my parents had to hide his death from me, fuck them, they're going down
I do not understand why everyone is panicking at -20°C 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
we get down to around - 40 f (not even including wind chill) and were fine, its all about what part of murica youre from
To everyone affected: I hope you're doing okay. 36 comments
guest · 6 years ago
the government WAS originally set up to allow the people to have most of the power, but somewhere along the way it all got screwy
To everyone affected: I hope you're doing okay. 36 comments
guest · 6 years ago
hola, I cant wait to see how many thumbs down this gets and by all means go for it but please read the whole thing before hating on me. I voted for trump. there I said it. but heres the thing: I don't really like him as a person and think he should just shut the fuck up a lot of the time. I do think hes better than Hillary though and I think we are at a better place than we would have been. I'm not hating on Hillary, just stating my opinion and I know yall are all about that. I voted for the lesser evil in my mind. and he has actually done some good for the country if you look past the curtain of shit people have been throwing at him, with mostly good reason, for example he recently made it easier for people with a criminal record for a minor crime to get jobs, which in affect helps the unemployment rate, which has also gotten better. so with no tea no shade no pink lemonade I encourage yall to get the facts before you add onto or start an argument
To everyone affected: I hope you're doing okay. 36 comments
guest · 6 years ago
hi, long term lurker, wanted to nip a topic in the bud before it blooms into something bad, FDA inspection 'shut down' does not mean your food is not inspected. FDA sets regulations on things how different foods are inspected, whats legal etc. your food is still inspected. food companies (including produce) are legally required to hire people to inspect their food whether or not the government is shut down. I'm also getting my IPM (pesticide application) license and theres a surprisingly high tolerance for produce (tolerance = how much pesticide can be left on the produce when it gets shipped out) so still wash ya veggies and fruits peeps :) (also side note I don't mean to be demeaning in the parenthesis I swear I just know it isn't common knowledge for most)