
Dr house! 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The continued harassment in front of and behind the hospital administrator’s back was one of the many reasons I couldn’t watch this emotional infant of a character’s show for more than 20 minutes at a time. Boring and predictable in almost every respect.
Jeeves and Wooster was a fun show, thought, props to Hugh Laurie on that
politics prediction 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
*Regina George voice* Stop trying to make Trump is popular happen. It’s never going to happen.
Feminist love nuts 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yeah, I don’t buy this argument. You don’t need as much space as you’re taking up.
Rock hard 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I mean, I get the joke, but Medusa has the snakes as an apology/defense against a second rape. He needs to back up
Advice Dog for President 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
King of the Hill movie? Yes, please!! 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I think considering Tom Hanks for Hank Hill is a fundamental misunderstanding of Hank. Hank is not *amiable*. He’s just realized about 90% of the population prefers not-reality or is just not that bright. Since that’s most everyone, he doesn’t really get frustrated about it. That’s attitude is not even on the same planet at amiable.
Like - Hank is the kind of guy who can never suspend disbelief. He’s always going to see the glitter paint on the backdrop instead of “giving himself over to the magic”. It’s just not his nature. He understands that seems to be something others enjoy. He’s happy for them (although secretly slightly baffled by it, which he politely keeps to himself). It’s just not him.
King of the Hill movie? Yes, please!! 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Neil Patrick Harris as Dale Gribble? No. It’s not his range; it’s that the casting is so bad off from the person playing it that it would become impossible to focus on anything else.
It’s a meaty role - conspiracy nut; cuckold raising a child wildly different looking as his 100% flesh and blood. functional but clearly tunnel-vision insane.
Neil Patrick Harris as Boomhauer makes more sense, but even then. Matthew McCanaugh makes excellent sense for several reasons.
I don’t buy Tom Hanks in the role of Hank. We need a person like Tommy Lee Jones. That is the right temperament. His whole staring over the newspaper and annoyed for clearly the millionth time by someone’s lack of reality-based living is perfect. The issue with Tommy Lee Jones is he’s too old. But that personality for Hank.
I agree with Bill’s casting. The closest fictional character to Bill is Donald from the Big Lebowski. He could bring that part and all the rest that’s needed.
win 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is there any length males won’t go to focus on issues that ought to make them sad - and focused on fixing their own damn tribe - in a way that makes them feel artificially outraged, not responsible, and self-righteously entitled? I have yet to see an end to their shenanigans. Y’all know you’re all problematic, right?
This lady's before and after limb lengthening 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Does it help tho? My understanding is the organs get smooshed over time, which causes great complications, including pain and death. Longer limbs won’t help that. I could be wrong...
If the surgery was received to deal with mobility issues (legs seem to be bowed), that is helpful.
If it was to be closer to the average height around her, that’s fine too.
I just wondered.
Deep full Pigeon 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I’m not sure if the first person is from a very rich area that they can’t afford as an adult, or if they are from a small town and weren’t happy there (but wish they could have been). The Croatia parallel universal situation is awesome but I’m just very confused about the original post.
F**king Plebs, wanting tributes and shit 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Too many people are bought into the idea that their piece of the pie is a gift from their boss, or that they are part of the ruling class even though they control pretty much nothing. So they wouldn’t do it. Even though it benefits them, they wouldn’t do it. It benefits people they don’t “identify with”.
Exciting verdant delirious Cod 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
WAHOO! 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Mario Yes!
I don't want to live on this planet anymore 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That’s why childhood education is generally free. Educated people ought to be better equipped to act on reality and less easy to manipulate. Unfortunately....
Seemed like a good idea at the time 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Australia? (Steering on wrong side for US)
LGBT privilege & victim culture is disgusting 24 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I read this comment to mean that str8 people don’t get to claim the flag as “theirs” by saying appreciating Pride is somehow not the pinnacle of ‘Americanness’.
I think now maybe his plan was to say gay ppl are less American. Which is stupid, because that’s not how nationality works.
EITHER WAY, the whole ship on flying-flags-thing-as-Americanness kinda sailed when we let corporations have their company flag next to the US flag (on a different pole, slightly lower). That mixed with the right of every flag owner to lower it for a personal observance (local death) means the US flag is ALREADY subject to customization. So stahp whining already.
As a representative of the IRS we accept her as a candidate for tax evasion and will 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So annoying. Just - you realize you look bad when you target females, yeah? For making money? Just - this stuff isn’t done to Justin Bieber. It is not the pinnacle of female life to be accepted. I walk this earth because I belong here. I’m not waiting for any males - ever - to signal some acceptance. If y’all lucky, you can be 0.01% as awesome as me. But not as long as you shoehorn females as needing acceptance. Right now? You’re a total waste of oxygen.
Time in art school well spent 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
They are worth every cent 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This should be a good advice duck, not a confession bear!
Another batch of used inhalers sent for recycling. There is absolutely no need for these 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
What is supposed to be done with inhalers? They’re plastic and metal and not pressurized anymore, I think. So they seem like great candidates for recycling.
I agree 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I THINK this is sarcastic.
However, yeah, is peaceful. Male conversation is seen as not needing approval because it’s done by male. Female conversation - any female activity - is subject to doubt and needing justification for a lot of people. To the point that many females realize it young, although it takes a while to verbalize.
At first, you think it’s because males are having better, more valuable conversations. Then eventually the penny drops and you realize it’s because females get way more questions and requests to self-justify. So to avoid that, some girls spend lots of time with males. That way, they won’t have to account for just breathing. They get the sexism pass by proxy. Not being laughed at or shamed just for hanging out and living life should be the default for all humans, but it’s not.
IMO, this is the root cause for the anti-pink stance most people eventually grow out of.
Subdued old-fashioned smiling Moose 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I think the entire point/reason was his hands weren’t dirty. Everyone’s who were didn’t end up ruling. Sansa reacted when needed, but doesn’t raise her hand to do evil to any who didn’t directly injure her.
Bran is also the culmination of ‘religion’, which lost a lot over the course of the messy, grasping disastrous mess of feuding houses. Things are balanced for the moment,
Too true 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Yep. Maybe don’t refer to your significant other in terms of an object you do things to, just so the world is a little more pleasant for those of us who aren’t you.
This sandwich is a little dry, a man need's some sauce 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So - porn is highly negative in its portrayal of sex, especially for females. While I’m not sure if this a real story, it’s a real problem. The violence and degradation is either unaddressed or the focus. It’s scarring and scary and no, not good for kids (or adults. Just any humans.) This wouldn’t work but I’m for amateur porn if the purpose is to normalize sex in actual relationships and reality.
One of the funniest scenes in the MCU 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
His ability to adapt to Earth stuff is mind boggling. Just...lightning fast. I get what this line is supposed to be for, but it just highlights his custom and linguistic dancing ability. It’s my favorite thing about this character.
Checkmate libtards 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This is uh-MAY-zing! Made me laugh :)
This is a title 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It’s a lie. It’s always been a lie. I’m tired of being polite to inhumane and unchristian evil. And that is entirely leaving aside the lies and other evil ACTS which would fill pages. And also leaves aside the unspoken extreme disrespect their stance has. No, solely the philosophy itself and the wrong name are evil on their own.
This is a title 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
They are not “pro-life”. This is a gross and disingenuous misrepresentation we have put up with for too long. They are forced-birth advocates. 1. They typically do not seek to reduce unwanted pregnancy utilizing safe sex or other proven measures 2. They do not seek to improve education or the life situation of women who give birth in financial hardship. 3. They do not involve themselves in preventing or reducing war as a pro-life stance. They do not seek to eliminate drug violence, gun violence, or a lack of safety in any way as a pro-life stance.
THEREFORE. Since the very nature of their arguments and focus limits their discussion to birth and they do not seek to reduce unwanted conception, they are literally and only forced-birth advocates. Breaking your brain and language itself in service of politeness actively enables denying reality. Call them Forced Birth Advocates because they are not and will not be Pro-life.
Arya of House Gryffindor 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Arya Stark. Jack Sparrow. Is this a meta joke? I’m very confused.
A very red whitehouse christmas 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Chintzy, dramatic, not livable or enjoyable - it’s just a mess. Feels like a metaphor, you know?
A picture my dad’s coworker took of him during a meeting. Time to retire? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Just - be very careful about sending the message that you think the best use of company money is for them to sit quietly listening to you. You think it is more important than for them to do the job you they were theoretically hired to do. I see three disengaged workers in this shot alone; the picture is not great for what it looks like outside the frame.
A picture my dad’s coworker took of him during a meeting. Time to retire? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Nah; if the meeting was work, he’d be engaged. Better take-away: Don’t invite him to meetings. He won’t pretend to be interested. If it bothers you that people have to pretend, stop holding meetings. Send an email or hold a stand up meeting for exactly 15 minutes in the morning. Look, if a meeting is held and critical info is being discussed, employees will inevitably make an error because they failed to obtain important info. (No one would be taking pictures because they’d feel sorry for him.) If that IS NOT the case, rethink the value of interrupting team work flow.
Hesitant fallacious Echidna 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
What kinda...convoluted nonsense....It took me three reads to even follow the thought process. It’s like a scrap of paper from a novel nobody would ever want to read.
Happy Mother’s Day 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So beautiful, BUT right up there with Bambi in sadness. At least Bambi’s Dad showed up when his Mom died :(
And they continue to be here today 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I heard a joke like this!
Christian to atheist: If you don’t get baptized, you won’t go to heaven with the good people.
Atheist to christian: People like you?
Christian to atheist: Yes, of course!
Atheist to christian:...
Christian to atheist: ....
Atheist to christian: I don’t think you understand how threats work.
title 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Maybe salt dough (homemade playdoh)
Yeah you know 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Not correct.
This b*tch be trippin 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I think she’s messing with him. He’ll eventually get there (if he is literally this stupid) or he’ll finally come out and say what he thinks he’s not saying (if he’s entitled-ly this stupid).
She probably tried being indirect and it didn’t work. So now escalate to acting dumb. It works.
As you can tell from the title.....if all else fails, try acting stupid. Guys who think they’re smarter because they’re male will always rise to the challenge of being more stupid than you.
I'm sure I used this meme wrong but this needed to be said 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
2/2 Look, just think of Ivy League school as a good place to network, and if that’s not important to you, don’t bother. They are otherwise overpriced for their value, and everyone I know already thought that.
What this scandal MAY do is encourage people who place a high value on diversity (or solely merit, which automatically and obviously leads to more diversity) to decide the potential benefits are outweighed by the near-certainty that this type of problem, coupled with the above points. Or, for people who are solely status seeking, it may cause them to focus on schools not considered academically tainted. Since those people don’t care about the education, they’ll wait to see what effect this will have on the school’s reputation, and thus their prospects or bragging rights.
I'm sure I used this meme wrong but this needed to be said 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
(1/2) Ivy League already don’t have that type of reputation, at least to mine and my friends’ understanding. They are good for networking, so that is worth a premium (if you do it!). Otherwise it’s a school. Good school, bad school, depends on the program and professors. You don’t actually attend your college/university - you attend a discipline, program or department.
What with Ivy League schools being ESPECIALLY prone to hiring academic rock stars (who are well known but may not be good or engaged) and focusing especially hard on publish-or-perish: you could make the case pretty strongly that an old school with an endowment fund (that’s pretty much a good working definition of them) shouldn’t get an unearned premium in a student’s calculations.
Legacy students already could be imagined to dilute the average. That’s the entire point of legacies; to put kids to the front of a line their merit doesn’t.
You don't have to be a parent to have common sense 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Just ADORE how it’s always women pictured in antivaxx. Literally the loud antivaxxers I know are all men. But hey, woman is shorthand for stupid and trendy, so OF COURSE it’s always going to be a female. Just stop.
Cuz knowledge is power! 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works!
Plot twist motherfather! 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The erasure of born-women by trans-women is unreal. Cancer takes a backseat to gender reassignment because - transwomen truly believe they are more important. They do. NOT. listen to born-women. They do not care to learn about female socialization. They literally would rather we weren’t there than allow us to exist as a gender they can’t control. It’s bizarre.
Important message 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Can't stop 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Underrated made me smile news 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Okay, I looked up the whole breathing situation for bees, in case anyone else is curious: “Insect Respiratory System
Air enters the respiratory systems of insects through a series of external openings called spiracles. These external openings, which act as muscular valves in some insects, lead to the internal respiratory system, a densely networked array of tubes called tracheae.
To simplify the insect respiratory system, it acts like a sponge. The sponge has small holes that let water into the sponge moistening the sponge. Similarly, the spiracle openings allow air into the interior tracheal system bathing the insect's tissues with oxygen. Carbon dioxide, a metabolic waste, exits the body through the spiracles.​”
Books really be like that 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
MADAME BOVARY. That book can die a thousand fiery deaths. I don’t agree with the underlying movement it was supposed to symbolize. It’s a mess of a book on its own thought for 50 million reasons. ONE of those reasons is: it’s a major plot point that she read romance novels in high school, so was disappointed on her wedding night. Which is - a lot to unpack. It gets worse though! Just so much more irritatingly worse! It’s just the MOST annoying. Come to think of it - the ‘othering’ and lack of reasonable motive for the main character may simply be because the male writer has ‘every precious writer syndrome’ and only talks AT or FOR women instead of TO them. This actually makes me feel slightly better. Terrible book, though. Shoot that book straight to hell. I actually burned my paperback copy once I got my exam A.
Vampire 35 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I dunno; I keep seeing this quoted aversion attributed to different bad guys. I think this is a conspiracy from Big Lock trying to make a sale.
Julian Assange arrest 22 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Releasing classified materials isn’t illegal because it’s *embarrassing*.