Epic doctor 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Side effects from medication can cause serious problems very quickly. This is especially true if you happen to have an adverse reaction to the medication. I'm not sure I'd trust a doctor that seems dismissive of the potential lethal side effects of medication.
So true, fake people 9 comments
· 5 years ago
There are 7 billion - and counting - people on this planet. Unless you start pulling carbon from the air and reducing the population significantly, nothing you do or say is going to change anything.
Crashing faster than Zimbabwe 1 comments
· 6 years ago
Some of these machines take, give cash for smaller transactions. That's probably what someone was after, but it either took too long or was too difficult to get the machine open and they gave up.
brutal 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Yeah, but the poverty level was close to 25% and you were lucky if you lived to see 60 years old.
A sad twist 19 comments
· 6 years ago
There are free health clinics, health fairs, Medicaid, Hospitals, and other groups that will help with medical costs. This idea that people that aren't rich or don't have health insurance can't get treated in the U.S. is bullshit. If you need medical treatment in the U.S. you cant get it. You may have to fill out a few extra forms or make a few phone calls, but you can get it.
Happy birthday tesla! 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Edison didn't steal anything from Tesla. At least half of the stuff you idiots claim Tesla invented he had nothing to do with. Tesla spent more time building up the mad scientist image than he did actually working on things. Most of what you hear about him stems more from this image he cultivated than his actual work.
What's your rescue story? :) 7 comments
· 6 years ago
Idiots around me "rescue" a dog so they can tell everyone "it's a rescue" in some ridiculous attempt to make themselves look like good people, not the self absorbed assholes they are. The dog is then left in the yard as a decoration, forgotten about until I get tired of hearing it bark, howl, whine all day, all night, or get tired of being attacked every time I set foot outside my house and sue the owners. The dog is then returned to the animal shelter to wait for the next asshole wanting a new topic for their Facebook posts to pick it up. I wish there was an end to the story, but, unfortunately, this story just continues on like this for the foreseeable future.