Ladies and gentlemen.. We got her 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Ps. Im quite drunk, so please forgive any spelling or phraseing issues
Ladies and gentlemen.. We got her 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Something i found out fairly recently was that men have a higher center of mass and narrower hips and thus they need to splay their legs more. I would agree that no one should shame women for not sitting “ladylike”, afterall i think freedom is the answer to most questions of inequality. But it would go quite a ways towards explaining why men feel the need to do so more than women.
What were they doing with this?! 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Are there any gold/copper/silver plated objects from the same time frame? Because this battery would be perfectly good for that
War is hell 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Its as true as can possibly be determined. If you want more of the story, theres a book called “A Higher Call” that details the entire story
Asking the real questions here 12 comments
Roasting the Antivax losers 35 comments
· 5 years ago
That suit also has its limits, and if have ton of bombs going off all around you it might just go beyond the limits of the suit
Calling in sick to work 20 comments
One dashing Bee 6 comments
· 5 years ago
In reality monroe’s story is tragic, being born into an abusive household that scarred her for the rest of her life. I dislike the way people dismiss her as “just a slut” or “just a drug addict”.
Still shaking my head 11 comments
· 5 years ago
Flat earth is fairly inane in nature. Just idiots telling us stupid shit. Infact theyre fairly amusing to watch trying to justify their claims
Stop spreading misinformation 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Also keep in mind it wont be law enforcement enforcing this shit its corperations like google doing so. Nuance more often than not gets thrown out with them. Also, even if if memes are technically allowed, what article 13 actually does is so much worse than just banning memes.
Envious quarrelsome Stingray 20 comments
· 6 years ago
Consumer dosent really have much of a choice though, unless they are willing to sacrafice time and money that they really dont have.
Still a great concert 2 comments
· 6 years ago
Hey!! Dont insult that homeless man like that! He put a lot of effort into his rantings
Crikey, that's one cranky sheila 11 comments
Lying until proven correct 13 comments
· 6 years ago
Not nessesarily. After all, soneone can be mistaken and accuse the wrong person.
Luxuriant bizarre remarkable Wombat 76 comments
· 6 years ago
I workat a place that insures mostly delivery buisnesses. First, we dont insure anyone in florida. We only had a little bit of buisness from there, but more than half of our losses were coming from there. The drivers would just hit pedestrians. I dont know how buisnesses in florida get insurance now. Second, the entire industry other than a few companies collapsed. This was largely due to people not checking the driving records and rampant undercutting of prices. Alot of brokers that send the clients to insurers dont even know how to pull the driving records to check them.