
Exciting uttermost Trump 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Misrepresented claim, at best; could be as much as outright lying.
Species was reclassified in recent years to be 'possibly endangered', due to upswing in numbers (as were ABLE to be counted).
Large husky holistic Ostrich 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It astonishes me that no commenters here (so far, anyway) cannot recognize this as being at least ONE of satire, parody, irony, caricature maybe, lampooning certainly, as well as mockery, ridicule, and derision for sure. And yes, bigtime trolling. And I guess a shipload of other terms describing contemptuous dismissal of the subjects of this remarkably stupid "community" of so-called anti-vaxxers?
Really, what is *wrong* with some of you? Do you not get *taught* the elements of the english language in school?
Of COURSE it's trolling; the goal, it appears, is to make 'anti-vaxxers' appear to be incredibly stupid, anti-science, morons. Of course, they are that, but this is a case of having a little fun with the dumb f**kers.
300 years old trousers 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
and even "sees" ...
Rain cloud near the beach 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
THIS pix is an illustration of just one of they many reasons WHY so-called "catastrophic anthropogenic global warming" is a complete crock of shit.
(Hint for those bright enough to research it: that tropical thunderhead is removing - upward to the edge of the atmosphere - a *significant* amount of the heat energy that the Sun laid down in that local area earlier in the day)
The chicken came first 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"lain"? no, no, no. "laid".
'lain' is the past participle of the past tense 'lay'.
'laid' is the past tense of the present tense 'lay' (like "lay an egg"; therefore "has laid an egg" by, err ... 'something related to the chicken'
Big Mac-ish 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Shame that Burger King can't spell, or knows how and when to use an apostrophe.
Bully vs Tough Love 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I found this pretty funny 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
boring as batshit
Daily Dose of Prehistory: Back From Extinction 35 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Funny how this artist's conception of homo erectus ergaster looks a lot like today's Australian Aborigines ... just sayin' ...
Luxuriant bizarre remarkable Wombat 76 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Those sort of retail markups are the industry norm. "50% off!!" - and they're still making 300-400%
We live in a society 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Well ... I suspect you may probably be right ...
Three dogs 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Nice illustrating the twisted individuals who buy, promote breeding, and keep dogs of artificial morphism just guaranteeing the poor bloody dog a life of physical problems and medical costs.
Anti-vaccination logic 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What is happening to peoples' brains? 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Sorry guest, but i actually DO know something of what I'm talking about, having worked in the field of electrical power supply and transmission grids for many years. If you know of a good way to collect solar power at night, please let the whole planet know of your invention. Otherwise, try to refrain from opening your mouth and displaying your ignorance and imbecility to said whole planet - it ain't a good look, moron.
What is happening to peoples' brains? 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She's half-right: sure solar-electric panels work a bit better at lower temperatures. Problem is, where's the light, when it's snowy and overcast and - shock, horror! - NIGHT? Where's the quantity of panels needed to provide enough BASELOAD electricity to run a 21st-century city - especially when it's cold? What about the coal, oil, or gas power station that needs to be CONSTANTLY spinning idle (wasting fuel) to be able to very quickly ramp up to take up the load and maintain the power supply when that miserable contribution from solar (and wind, even more so) suddenly collapses due to weather variations?
So fizzy, yes, kinda glad that constant, regular, stable, baseload electricity is provided, and not incremental, unreliable, highly variable, EXPENSIVE, and intermittent "renewable" electricity.
And yes, "Occasional Cortex" IS a nitwit socialist, if she believes renewables will cut it.