Literally 13 comments
· 6 years ago
@sunflowers it would have been disappointing if you hadn’t made the comment
Wholesome Christmas comic 3 comments
· 6 years ago
Bad ones a curse, and good ones gone bad, a cause for suicide. Call this my note
Never read minds 9 comments
· 6 years ago
There was a movie (I can’t remem the name) where Robin Williams was responsible for reviewing people’s life recordings taken out of their brains and make a movie for their family to enjoy at a funeral. And because he’d seen their entire lives, he’d seen all the people they’d banged or cheated on with or jerked off to... interesting concept to recognize those people at a funeral. To secretly shake hands with the widow and mistress one after the other and never reveal the truth. Dis like dat
Somebody get her an award 3 comments
Hm what 9 comments
Hm what 9 comments
· 6 years ago
HAHAHA, we love cuddling too, but there’s a time and a place. When I’m trying to sleep, I don’t want you hair in my eyes and your legs on my back and to be unable to turn or move.
And we can get lucky other ways, don’t need to add uncomfortable sleep cuddling to the list haha
And we can get lucky other ways, don’t need to add uncomfortable sleep cuddling to the list haha