
FBI is Facebook and Illuminati 23 comments
guest · 5 years ago
BENEFITS GIVEN TO NEW MEMBERS WHO JOIN ILLUMINATI. 1. A Cash Reward of USD $100,000,000.00 USD. 2. A New Sleek Dream CAR valued at USD $300,000 USD. 3. A Dream House bought in the country of your own choice. 4. One Month holiday (fully paid) to your dream tourist destination. 5. One year Golf Membership package. 6. A V.I.P treatment in all Airports in the World. 7. A total Lifestyle change. 8. Access to Bohemian Grove. 9. Monthly payment of $5000 USD into your bank account every month as a member 10. One Month booked Appointment with Top 5 world Leaders and Top 5 Celebrities in the World......... Email the Great Grand master on [email protected] OR what's sap Him with this number +12563872052 .
Sarah has been uninvited 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I would have done the same
Preach, basically 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And people that have abortions
Mind blowing coincidences on Lincoln's and Kennedy's murder 27 comments
guest · 5 years ago
What you never fucked a dead body
Art 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
dude. too far
What 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Relevant af rn
Japan 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
or get payed?
Some people are just born fabulous 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
i found this so beautiful. 24 comments
guest · 5 years ago
My girlfriend Lysa Rachel is all this and so much more. She kills me when she's angry the most inocuos comment can cut me the smallest complement she gives makes my spirit burn brighter than the northern lights she is my morning smile my breathless moan when we make love the scratches down my back when we have sex. The most important person in any crowd. I have only ever had feelings to compare to these for my ex wife never be for never after till now it scars the fuck out of me to have these feelings so fast for someone so young. I have to trust in what she says. I even want to believe she loves me this way but I've been hurt before so has she I have faith but then, I am a cup half empty type. LYSA I LOVE U BITCH
Suki the adventure cat in Moab, Utah 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Wait is there a cat near my location that I don’t know about?
Where are you
Must pet
Cats are love cats are life
Ah,The sweet irony 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It’s actually quite sad to hear your own dad talk badly about you . . And ro millions.
Like dads are the heros to kids
This is why no one likes LGBQT 24 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Ok. I was just curious.
Thank you for the answer.
CIA yields results from project MKUltra (circa 1960) 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Granddad, you can't tame the white supremacist power structure with cheese!"
Calm down son 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Also idk if this is an unpopular opinion but I really like Shadman's art, I just hate the subject matter he draws
Calm down son 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
*stares nervously at collection of Shadman art*
Sadness ensues 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I want something to drive professor hulk to be savage hulk maestro
Imagine that when galactus shows up he sees the hulk and wants him as his herald. He gives banner the power cosmic and it corrupts him. Hes so powerful and so smart that Capt marvel cant stop him. He leads galactus to sakaar first trying to lead him away from earth. Then when galactus sees what banner is doing then they fight but galactus puts him on a planet alone with huge bugs. The hulk must fight everyday only to regenerate and be eaten by the bugs.
Eventually he goes insane and banner dies. Only hulk remains.
Looking at you ers 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I self identify with an Apache helicopter
Tony and natasha 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Agent Romanov... did you miss me?
30p fir a fart 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Here I sit broken hearted, paid a dime and only farted.
Who fits in this category? 21 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hodor ;;
Suggestions? 49 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Call him VADER...
Happy Mother’s Day 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
love this
Happy Mother’s Day 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I love this
The office child edition 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
A snapchat filter
Happy Mother’s Day 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
So beautiful, BUT right up there with Bambi in sadness. At least Bambi’s Dad showed up when his Mom died :(
A rational phobia 34 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If all homophobes are gay, lgbt can't say straight people oppress them because zero straight people are homophobic then.
A rational phobia 34 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is this a joke saying that homophobes aren't actually gay just like he's not actually a spider?
Lyrical upbeat brave Quelea 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Was this supposed to be a roast? I don't get it.
One of the first Firetrucks that showed up at the World Trade Center 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Maybe jet fuel can melt steel beams
at least one of them will survive, right? 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Edit: 2 beautiful children***
80 seconds old or 80 years old? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
That’s one ugly baby
And they continue to be here today 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I heard a joke like this!
Christian to atheist: If you don’t get baptized, you won’t go to heaven with the good people.
Atheist to christian: People like you?
Christian to atheist: Yes, of course!
Atheist to christian:...
Christian to atheist: ....
Atheist to christian: I don’t think you understand how threats work.
Wooden house, nice design 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Oh I like it,It's Beautiful!
An old man that never left the emo phase 185 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Beefy alligator: Feraligatr. Lamp: Lampent. Bird superhero: probably Blaziken..
fivehead 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Ooooh, some dude felt personally attacked by this post.
Spawn camping 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sneak attack
Checkmate, kid 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Na Na mute
This is pretty well what we have been saying this whole time 28 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Taking a break from Leftist virtue signaling to Tweet common sense / recognizing reality.
Disney Movie Villains: Intensity Intensifies 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"Find them, YOU FOOLS!"
Engineers will know 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Just remember to enjoy your years of getting a dual major in 19th century folk dance and grievance studies, then bitch about how the engineering grads are getting much more and better job offers than you are.
A rational phobia 34 comments
guest · 5 years ago
If you consider traps not gay, then youre right!
Anon is cheap 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
You don't know how desperate I am
Stan Lee saw something no one else did in Robert Downey Jr. And he was right 16 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hitler would agree.
This majestic creature 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
The Neolithic pack
Yes 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
A perfect pair 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Aww that's actually adorable stop over thinking it and look at how cute that dog is
Money can definitely buy happiness 8 comments
guest · 5 years ago
eww that's manky and wtf who calls them self pubichair what a horny weirdo