
Homely cluttered Ibex 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I was put onto them by ny ex-gf who was more into that kind of indie music than I am - though I do enjoy it a lot. I listened to apocalypse for the first time a couple months ago, and I loved it.. but I listened because I was thinking about her and crying, and our conversation about the band popped into my head. Cant listen to them now, I'm sure they're great, but they just remind me of her and it makes my heart hurt like I've been stabbed.. enjoy I guess
Sometime change is good 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I'm actually jealous of this couple. She adores him, and loves him so completely. How can he help but be sweet, patient and understanding?
If a woman ever showed me this much love and loyalty, I would love and protect her, faithfully for the rest of my life. I would take a cruise-missile to the chest if it meant saving her from a papercut. Love is a two-way street.
60 cents in a dollor 10 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lol, there is when you account for tax. Somehow I make X dollars a year, but I only take home Y dollars a year. Then when I buy shit with what they left me, they take another 12%. Tax, and fees or levies that governments charge citizens that are basically direct theft, probably accounts for 25-50% if your income.
Everyone was happy in the end 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
"My son's bedroom sometimes smells like that"
- GOLD. I laughed so hard.
I think I know why she's a single mother 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Stupid cunt.
Often 15 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I've felt like this my whole life. Literally. I have nobody and noone. It's not fun, but its life.
Install windows 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lol, this is so fucking ironic. Have you seen their new spaceship campus? It's one big glass circle, windows everywhere. When Steve Jobs was literally describing the building to some govt body (cant remember which one) he even said, we want to build the whole spaceship out of glass, its a big glass circle, its not the cheapest way to build, but we like the idea.
There's no square corner, anywhere on the entire building. And yes, the entire building is basically a window.
Smol and precious 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
How can you possibly be mad at her? You apologize and you apologize right now you monster.
Am in trouble 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And you just know she's plotting something worse than basic revenge
I want to go to MéXico 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This cannot be legit.. but it was funny
I relate to this on a deep personal level 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hahaha such a 'man' thing. Honestly, not even a good thing, we should take more responsibility...But our wives and gfs are just so good at picking presents, and they just CARE so much. Plus they enjoy it, so this is probably going to always be a thing.
Friendly neighborhood merc 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Its like "your friendly neighbourhood spiderman" except DP is trying to pull off being the "friendly household mercenary"... ha ha ha
Handsomely ultra Dove 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is this actually true? Are mules closet badasses or was this just sarcastical?
Respect the crows 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I envy this.. I wish I knew what this felt like, even just as a reaction to a meme.
634 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Hahaha, its you again sunflowers and your comment made me smile again. I was going to say the same thing, except reversed, so your comment kind of cleared things up for me. I thought the person in question was a male, so I was trying to understand why 'his' date was ok with him randomly be-friending and holding the hand of the girls behind them.. NOW it all makes sense
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
for everything. If he's lucky, the female will deign to see him again, and maybe even sleep with him. The one shortcut to this process being rape; the other one being if the woman inherently has insecurities or confidence issues or is herself "maladjusted".. but of course, that's the man's fault, how could I forget?
So, perhaps you're not used to meeting or recognizing someone well-adjusted, but I am. I'm in a healthy, loving relationship with a younger girl who's most;y dependent on me, but as a healthy young male, thats never something I remind her of her hold over my head. Know why? Because, just by being the normal healthy person she is, she deserves my love, and shows me why every day. Likewise, I continue to honour her trust and affection.
You're too fucked up to deserve that. Clearly. Go get your head fixed, before you expect anyone here to take you seriously or tolerate your psychosis
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
As for your bullshit, projectional peasant-grade logic, short of rape, which we all know has been a significant theme in human evolution, and something I don't condone "Men having more freedom in choosing a partner" is just another BS excuse you want to put the blame on. Men don't get to any more freedom with women. Women CHOOSE their partners, men only proposition them. Hence the rising theme in our generation about "women should ask first". Another glorious double-standard. In the original meme above, it was the girl with 5400 matches, but fuck logic right? If a man is promiscuous and disrespectful to women, he may well be a filthy liar, but if a woman sleeps with him, that was HER CHOICE - again, excluding rape in this example.
So I guess you're right. Men are awarded the "freedom" to be enterprising, and creative and spend their time and their money to TRY and court a woman and get her to go out with him. If she agrees, he'll think of, organize, drive the date and pay...
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Sorry, as a guest I don't get notified, so I have to manually check to come back and suppress more of your bullshit.
As for going off like a grenade, I'm not apologizing, just explaining that as a sex the majority of us are violently allergic to such a large dosage of bullshit. Hence the violence of my earliest responses, and the oncoming violence of my next responses. You can call it an "insane-level freakout", but since I'm probably right in assuming you've never dated a woman, you're not as adept in dealing with it. Trust me, we get it all the time, and us grown-up mature men have plenty of experience dealing with it. I know you probably can't say the same. Lucky you right? Another one of those darned double-standards! As for the name-calling, feel free to take responsibility yourself. You brought that on, and deserve it.
facesitting 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I hooked up with a young lady this weekend. I told her that the next time we meet, she's sitting on my face.. Life is sweet, her pussy is sweeter
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Nah fuck that, I ain't got problems. I'm the first guest who wrote the 3 essays to the self-entitled bitch. I just can't stand her whiny double-standard fake-feminist bullshit. I'm a normal, well-adjusted human being. She and the other psychos like her have problems.
Who else agrees 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Titan A.E. is another great movie that nobody remembers. Amazing movie.
Who else agrees 20 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Treasure Planet is one of my all time favourites ever. The song from the beginning still makes me cry, and I'm a grown-ass 25 yo man
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
This is some academic grade logic you've got going on here. But how dare any of us forget, women are victims, and men are always at fault.
Your fucked up logic is literally this: If the male isn't perfectly fit, wealthy, supportive, and then spontaneously and organically grateful for the gold-digging bitch who's kind enough to 'settle for him', well how dare the man chain a useless woman to him and support her all his life. And how dare the regular man get bored after 30 years.. god forbid the presence of this great goddess isn't enough itself to make the man happy. And after 30 years of supporting the self-righteous cunt, if the man should dare want some kind of entertainment.. well, men really are all the same selfish bastards aren't they. Thank goodness for women, the blessings that they are!
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
And don't forget. When your useless middle-aged wife who's lived off you all these years, is old, boring, a fucking psychotic nag, who literally has nothing left to offer and brings nothing to the table, it'll be you, the male, who's the bad guy for getting bored of her and seeking thrills elsewhere.
And all of this because this stupid hoe 'settled' for you in her mind, when she had so very little to offer in the first place, but had the balls to believe she was "a catch". You, who genuinely loved her for who she was is now shocked that she thinks YOU'RE the lunatic, because of course women as an entire fucking gender have this long-standing reputation for being oh-so sane and logical. And to top it all of, not only is she 50, unattractive and ungrateful, she did you the glorious favour of 'settling' for you years ago, "sprouted regrets" after 'settling' for you, and somehow magically, all of this is your fault.
Dating is hard for women 17 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Because men have it so much easier right? You never know which out of the 5481 girls who swiped left on you did it because they were money-grubbing, gold-digging whores, and which ones just did it because they're whores who want men who will treat them badly, so that when they finally end up with you, the decent guy who treats them well, they don't know how to respond and instead disrespect and cheat on you. All the while, you're unwilling to change your decent, well-adjusted behaviour because of one stupid crazy bitch, but stuck wondering why you're such a decent, good dude when you could just be an emotionally-unavailable dick and sleep with a bunch of fucked up young hoes with no self-esteem and emotional insecurities
She helps for NNN 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Exaggerated. Women are fucking horrible. Men are no walk in the park, but not nearly as bad. But yeah, white-knight, beta-pussy nice guys suck too.
Winter tinder is dangerous 3 comments
guest · 5 years ago
HAHAHAHA @POKETHEBEAR I can heaaaar the pain in your voice. Laughed so hard. Thank you my friend
Welcome to the real world kid 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
In US and Canada, the policy is the same. There is a minimum taxable threshold, but you don't get that until the end of the year. They will tax everything you make, and then at the end of the year when you're due your tax refund, they will look at the document that shows your total annual income. In Canada we call it T4, I can't remember what they call it in the US. If the number is below the threshhold, they will give everything back. But yes, until you get it back as a tax refund, they will tax your income under the lowest tax margin.
My bro hasbro so savage 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Can slightly confirm. I was born in 93, just bought my first place. Can barely afford it, but can afford it. But holyyyyyyy what a grind it was to get here.
Describes me perfectly 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Like a proper member of the internet community, I have quietly and subtly creeped your profile and your comment history...
My findings are as follow: I don't know who you are, where you live, what you look like, or anything else about you for that matter.
I just know that your comments seem consistently quite cute, and the sound like the words of a gentle, kind soul :)
Thanks for making me smile Sunflowers
Victory Doesn't Look So Good 14 comments
guest · 5 years ago
It would appear you feel strongly about this... dont you know that nobody cares about war as long as the rich old white guy and his direct descendants profit?
Happy 6 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Is this false creek?
Seems to just babylon and on 11 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Thats how they get ya! 7 years going strong here and I'm not signing up anytime this millenium
Where was this toy when I was a kid? 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
which country? Can't be this uncivilized hell I grew up in known as North America
The dream 13 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Lol. As if.
Toby 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
sweet little puppo, having a good time with his hooman, smiling for the camera while doing a float out on the water
Accurate graphs 1 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Super accurate
Protection 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
A rat protecting a rat :)
75% chance it's the guy 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Nothing wrong with being confident. There are girls I would drink with and say I have a 0% chance of getting laid, because I know that’s the truth.
There are other girls where if I drink with them, I would say it would be unusual if I didn’t score. You may not have confidence to pull this off, but let OP live his best life.
I'm Really Confused These Days 7 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Literally both. Jobs that were "half-decent" back in the day, no longer really are. Their outdated salaries don't really line up with skyrocketing prices of... everything these days. So, the answer really is: Yes.
It's funny cos it's true 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Can you please re-create this meme on a computer so it doesn't look like a digital potato? Thank you
Kick your nicotine addiction with Nic-o-d*ck 2 comments
guest · 5 years ago
I can't even see the video because its NSFW and I'm at work, but who missed the opportunity to call it Dick-o-tine?
I'm coming lil munchkin 4 comments
guest · 5 years ago
To everyone reading this and laughing... I'm genuinely glad for you to be in a position to laugh at a post like this. I mean this. I am, unhappy, and bitter, and jaded. Life has me beaten down to the dirt, and this coming from someone formerly incredibly proud, strong, resilient, confident and generally, someone who felt much more powerful than he does now.
Life has taken me down a couple notches over the last few years - and while I take full responsibility for my hardship, it remains a fact. To whoever made this post; thank you. Thank you so much. I just lost the girl of my dreams, and the harsh reality is I don't think I'll ever really find someone. I've been alone my whole life, and I expect to die this way. Call it hopeless thinking, but I call it logic and realism. I wish for better- but no I'm not hopeful.
Regardless, thank you for this, and I wish all of you, all the very best.
Anon has a female friend 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Holy jeebus. Trust me you dodged a bullet. She is next-leave psycho