Did you know? 8 comments
· 6 years ago
I would get sunburned from above and below. sigh.
These clouds look like giant waves 4 comments
· 6 years ago
The most amazing thing is that these people are not all blurry in the picture because they are running for their lives......
Press F to pay respect 12 comments
· 6 years ago
Good thing there are about sixty bajillion more that look just like him.......
I used to be scared of dark so I did this for my room so tht it's easier to sleep 10 comments
· 6 years ago
I love it! Take care of yourself sweetness, it really is not so very hard to do. You got this.
It is possible 10 comments
Good luck 2 comments
· 6 years ago
My Grandmother kept everything we ever gave her too. This is the best thing ever.
Trump supporters are like 8 comments
If only 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I work in a call center, this would be epic. The building would probably burn down...
Oof. Pro-facts 48 comments
· 6 years ago
So, babies are unintentionally conceived by all ages of women in all circumstances of life. Many are conceived even when using contraceptives. Every female should have the right to terminate a pregnancy. Period. It is no one else's business or problem.
*Vsauce music plays* 22 comments
· 6 years ago
Apparently she forgot to get good strawberries or cut open the crappy ones she has. They smell like strawberries. smh
Well said 12 comments
· 6 years ago
I honestly do not understand how anyone thinks they have the right to complain about the practices of a FREE social media outlet. Keep using it or don't.
Everyone needs to learn this move 11 comments
Green diamond ring 5 comments
Addressing Americans real problem 24 comments
· 6 years ago
Eventually the entire country will be EMV enabled as it is the most secure way to process credit cards. Each transaction creates a unique pin code strictly for that transaction that cannot be reused for subsequent transactions using the same credit card. Even if the pin code is illegally retrieved along with the credit card number, it is worthless.
Grandma has a problem with needles 2 comments
Sign posted on the door of a Catholic high school for boys 17 comments
· 6 years ago
This is most excellent. Our biggest job as parents is to teach our children skills that will benefit them in adulthood. Taking care of themselves should be a priority. Little Timmy will live without lunch and come home extra hungry if he can't score some food on his own. Little Timmy will not die if he gets an F for failing to bring in his completed homework. People are raising pansies these days.
Poor British citizens 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I don't blame anyone for mocking our President, he brought all of that on himself. I do however see the poignancy of this post.
Justice shall be served 9 comments
· 6 years ago
This is satisfying every single time. It is also fun to have someone riding the bumper when going over the speed limit and slowly easing off the gas. I just act like I don't even know they are there.
Can I SPEAK, to your manager? Maybe someone my age who gets it? 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I work in phone customer service. The worst people to deal with are females 40 and younger that are entitled as hell. They have no understanding of the world in general not catering to their specific whims. I'll take a guy cussing me out every day.