
Stuff That'll Be On The Test 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So it's unfair to fine people for parking or traffic violations, but it is ok to "fine" people (via higher taxes) for committing the crime of earning more money? Someone who earns money must be providing value to the person paying. How can we afford all the wonderful benefits we want the government to supply if we don't let the government legitimately take money that it needs?
Say cheese! 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Looks more like a "fneeze."
This is kinda relatable to all of us 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I know this is a joke, but it's kind of a bummer how being lazy and without ambition has become a point of pride. It's almost a fetish or religion to be joyless, directionless, and live a life of doing nothing, without your sights set any higher than that. We all feel a little bit that way, but everywhere there's a constant drumbeat of "look how lazy I am that I've already given up on everything at the age of 17."

The next part after that is often "I can't afford all the stuff I want and all the stuff my parents have." Well, they didn't have that on Day 1 of adulthood either, but worked their way into having, doing and affording things/experiences/etc.

OK, not that funny of a comment , but the substance of this post triggered an annoyance that's been building for a while.
When you gamble on something and it goes way better than you could have expected !! 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
We are all unique, just like everybody else.