
Unethical system 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Free healthcare for all isn't a solution either. When the bottom 48% of our citizens don't pay any taxes, and are, in fact, net tax recipients through tax credits, then you have barely half of the working tax payers in the country who would support this massive money sink.
Then you factor in the shortage of doctors and nurses that we already have and you end up with a crisis of unimaginable proportions and an economic impact that will be massive.
Elon being Elon 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So, in all seriousness, why?
What would the purpose for a lunar base be, and who would fund it? If it's supposed to be funded by a government, that's a LOT of tax dollars being spent, and what benefit is that base providing? Is there a security element at play here?
If it's being funded by private enterprise, by all means, get right on that Elon, except you don't actually like spending your own money on things, you like getting government funding, or other people to spend their money on things, and no one has been willing to fund this particular pie in the sky for you yet have they Elon?
Going from the U.S. To Asia in half an hour for under $1000 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
But he doesn't spend his money, he gets the government to spend it's money, so really, he's spending your money.
It's been 25 frickin' years...! 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Or that I can't remember my locker combination.
It's not nice making fun of a retard 53 comments
guest · 7 years ago
guest you do realize that for Obama's first 2 years he had a fully Democrat congress with a supermajority in the Senate? After that he had a majority in the senate for almost the rest of his term, it wasn't until the 2014 elections that they lost the majority, and that senate wasn't seated until the 2015 sessions. So to blame an "obstructionist congress is pretty disingenuous.
"It's super effective" 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Why did they use a picture of a South American 3 banded armadillo rather than a North American 5 banded armadillo? Texas armadillos have 5 bands in the middle of their bodies, South American armadillos have 3 and are much smaller.
Humanity 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Evil isn't relative. Stalin was evil, Mao was evil, Pol Pot was evil, Saddam was evil, Lenin was evil. There are no degrees of evil.
Why are we not funding this? 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Feel free to fund whatever the heck you want. Why do people keep asking "Why are we not funding this?" like there some magical "we" that has a pot of money to throw and things? The government doesn't fund the development of video games by an astrophysicist who works in television. He's more than capable of finding funding for a project if it has any value.
You are never to good to ignore the basics 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
No, a bullet won't come back down with the same velocity it left the barrel with. Simple physics proves this wrong. Terminal velocity is 122 mph while a gun leaves the barrel at around 1,700 mph. Now a bullet falling at terminal velocity can still injure or kill someone, but it's not the same speed as when it's shot.
Worst... Adaptation... Ever! 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So, Nicola Peltz, the first picture is an Ashkenazi Jew, usually from the area around Uzbeckistan, not caucasian, the second picture is Jackson Rathborn, yes, he's caucasian, the third picture is Dev Patel, an Englishman of Indian descent, again, not caucasian. Your SJW glassess need adjusting.
Never forget: SJWs got plebcomics fired 29 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Islamists are using a radical form of Islam as the basis for their desire to form a Caliphate across the world. It is a combination of a religion and a form of government. It is the very definition of a political movement. They are organized, well funded, and have already taken over several countries in the Middle East. This is the opposite of no vision.
SJWs have used social media to have people fired, they have taken over University campuses to stifle free speech, they have dictated what products can be sold on line and in stores, they have caused riots, injuries, and even deaths. They have caused legislation to be presented at state and federal levels, politicians have been dancing to their tunes for years now, again, while there may be no one person you can point to as a mouthpiece, this is the opposite of no vision. It is most definitely a political movement and there is an end goal.
This is something I would do if I wasn't so shy. 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I tend to sit in the aisle seat because the window seat doesn't have room under it for my backpack, so I put it under the seat. But I do let people through to the window.
Steampunk water gun looks awesome 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Go to to see the tutorial on how she made it.
Those darn liberals 26 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Why would you assume that it's only liberals who aren't racist? Isn't that, well, a bit racist?
How does one fight discrimination? 64 comments
guest · 7 years ago
But who defines who is "alt-right"? If you mean the 200 people who shows up at the neo-nazi convention, then yes, if you mean the millions that voted for Trump, then no. Who decides what is hate speech? Is it just speech that disagrees with someone's beliefs? Or speech that may point out something that is true, but uncomfortable for someone to hear? When you get to determining who watches the watchers, that's where the whole idea of policing speech breaks down, and that's where Carlin was always going with his thoughts. There is never a good reason to censor speech, no matter what the speech is.
There is a big difference between instigating speech, like "Burn this m-fer down" and "I don't believe in gay marriage". One is actually calling for violence, the other is a statement of opinion and shouldn't ever be censored.
If only.... 36 comments
guest · 7 years ago
No, no we don't, not even a little bit.
And we failed 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
A hunter/gatherer life isn't free, nature extracts her price for everything, either in a reduced lifespan, increased risk/less security, it's always a zero sum game, it's just the currency that changes.
Up is down, right is left, it's all backasswards 35 comments
guest · 7 years ago
None, the jobs that Mike Rowe is referring to are skilled labor jobs, mostly blue collar, that people aren't doing because everyone is told that college is the only path to success in the US.