This is what feminism should fight for 29 comments
· 7 years ago
Violence creates more violence. They way to get rid of inequality is by education.
This is what feminism should fight for 29 comments
· 7 years ago
I suppose it depends upon whether the people you explain things to feel like you're being condescending or not. There's nothing wrong with explaining stuff but some people can be really condescending in that respect. Or maybe you're just empathic and caring enough to want people to understand you as well as possible. I don't know you thus I can't judge.
This is what feminism should fight for 29 comments
· 7 years ago
I guess feminists would say that it's sexist if you do it to women but not to men. Personally I don't think it's a thing, and even if it was, there are much more serious problems we should tackle like for example the situation of women in the Middle East and Africa, or why are there so few domestic abuse shelters for men, or why does divorce fuck men up so much. They say it's about equality but never ever talk about men's problems, and only use serious women's problems such as what's happening in Saudi as a buzzword to make men feel guilty about being male. That's why I switched from "feminist" to "egalitarian" a few years ago.
I didn't know that crosswalk lights had genders 75 comments
· 7 years ago
But isn't they kinda sexist? They're assuming that the traffic stick character was a man and that a female stick character must wear a skirt. That's like gender roles 101. Shit, I haven't worn a skirt since forever, and I'm a woman.
This is what feminism should fight for 29 comments
· 7 years ago
It's quite sad that this exists yet 3rd wave feminists rather bitch about non-existent problems like manspreading and mansplaining.
Crazy boyfriend 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, "crazy boyfriend stories" are usually of the "I got beaten bloody and I don't want to talk about it" kind. Not that I've ever had one but a good friend of mine has, poor girl.
Tiny polar bears 3 comments
I dare someone to make an FS account called "bearbearbear" 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Well the scientific name for a fox is Vulpes vulpes. It means, you guessed it, Fox fox. *genius*
Who the f*ck prioritizes a boyfriend over their own child?? 30 comments
· 8 years ago
The saddest thing is that it's not uncommon for the mother to take the side of her new husband/boyfriend instead of her own child.
Charlie Sheen 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, apparently his grandfather Francisco Malabe Estévez moved to the US from Spain some time before 1940. I do wonder if *some people* (ehm ehm racists) would call him a Mexican immigrant if he didn't change his name.
Charlie Sheen 38 comments
· 8 years ago
He has a Spanish name? Oooh, I didn't know, I thought Charlie Sheen was his real name.
"Are the babies here yet???" 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Let's hope he doesn't just want to eat them. Tomcats do that sometimes because then the cat is ready to mate sooner. But then again that only happens if they are some other tomcat's kittens, if you're 100% sure they're his he's gonna love them and protect them c:
Where can I find a sibling like this?! 13 comments
· 8 years ago
I do the same with oranges. Then I chop them in half and pour a bit of honey over them. So delicious.
Rip hero 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Shit like this is why I'm for re-testing people on their driving skills every few years once they hit a certain age. Their reactions get slow, their eyesight bad, their judgment cloudy, and they may end up hitting a kid. No offence to old people, my grandma is actually a really good driver, but there really should be some other tests besides a medical check up in order for old people to keep a licence. Yes tests are a pain in the ass but ya know, retired people tend to be a lot less busy than the working and studying people.
Holy shit 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Well it would make a perfect sense since she's already got rid of all the unwanted objects in there.
Never trust anthing printed on your shirt 19 comments
Unite 24 comments
· 8 years ago
It looks gross but whaddya know, maybe it's good. You won't improve if you don't try new stuff.
Snaggletoots 4 comments
· 8 years ago
Your tooth is in the middle of your face and it's making me slightly uncomfortable. But kudos to you!
Daniel Negreanu (Famous Poker Player) conducted an "enlightening" poll 27 comments
· 8 years ago
Loool u dumb ass, the Bible has violent shit in it too, just like the Qu'ran. Guess why? Because the books were written centuries ago and the mentality of the people was much different from today's. Yes some countries still enforce Sharia law to the letter which is of course very wrong, but guess what, there are people of other religions who follow their beliefs to the letter in western countries too, they're called fundamentalists. I don't want to make assumptions but you very much sound like a fundamentalist yourself.
"Our overlords aren't home ;)" 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Well yeah, it's explained right on the Wiki page, I'm just wondering why they chose the data they chose
Tumblr would lose their minds 12 comments
· 8 years ago
No I absolutely agree, being a partisan hack is indeed keeping a lot of people from seeing the situation clearly, because instead of critical thinking they employ the "I'm playing for a team" mentality. You can see it on this website just like everywhere else.
Relatable 10 comments
Tumblr would lose their minds 12 comments
· 8 years ago
Bitchy SJWs ≠ "the left". Well maybe in the US it does but I doubt that, also we could employ the same "logic" to say that all right-wingers are redneck Nazi fundamentalists.
I'm pretty sure Earth is not Flat 23 comments
I'm pretty sure Earth is not Flat 23 comments
· 8 years ago
Yup, also that world governments have soldiers posted on Antarctica so that nobody can learn "the truth". Crazy people, really.
Why you ladies make it so hard on us 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Me: *comes home after a very long and stressful day, is tired, hungry and therefore irritable*
Boyfriend: "Are u on ur period or something"
Me: [picture above]
And then he gives me the "I don't know what I did wrong" look. Fuck.
Boyfriend: "Are u on ur period or something"
Me: [picture above]
And then he gives me the "I don't know what I did wrong" look. Fuck.
Good guy Ben 11 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm sorry, this is beautiful but the only thing I can think about is that he looks like Wil Wheaton
Wonder why 14 comments
· 8 years ago
^Exactly, diamonds are probably the biggest con that the industry pulled off at our expense. Still not a gender thing though.
Wtf is up with that hair 7 comments
Wonder why 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Why make this a gender thing? This post has literally 0% to do with gender. Are you trying to start a shitstorm or do you really see a "gender war" in absolutely everything?
Dear Female Staff 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Ehh, it's best to put the lid down before flushing, otherwise germs and tiny particles of pee and poo splatter all over the room, on your clothes and so on. But if you're a big enough pig to have shit splatter all over yourself, your choice, the majority of cases require the seat to be down anyway, like @mialinay mentioned.
My life right now 6 comments
· 8 years ago
True! One does not simply lose sleep over a healthy relationship. Only if there are toxic people in one's life, or if one is a toxic person himself/herself.
all they need is a good topic 8 comments
· 8 years ago
So true. Some people always talk but don't really have anything valuable to say. Others never get the chance to talk yet their idea are much more interesting.
Not the vegan again 18 comments