
Dedicated 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"You'd better pay for that hot tub, or we'll repossess it..."
Two Class Acts and a Shit Internet 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I *am* religious, and when someone says "I'll have a good thought for you" or wishes me happy holidays at Christmas, I'm thankful that someone is hoping good things for me and also feels comfortable letting me know.
Left or right? 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The problem is, the same ones posting hot, revealing, sexualized photos then complain that they're not being respected as much as they feel they should be, either as a serious actor or whatever, or respected as much as someone who doesn't post photos that make it easy to not feel respect for someone. Dislike the thought as much as you like, but if you post photos of you acting like a ho, people will think of you as a ho, and it's easier to treat someone poorly then.

This doesn't give someone the right to act on any of that, but don't complain that you're not given respect or taken seriously when all your speech and actions push everyone to do the opposite. "Society over sexualized women" posted adjacent to "look at my revealing swimsuit bottoms...don't have on a top, tho!"
Game of thrones 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
A lot of people *think* they know everything there is to know about it, and have been given some very wrong information either by the Internet or by their equally ignorant friends. It's scary the number of people who actually believe things like "you can't get pregnant your first time."
Russian boys are born to be spies 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"The parents have not lodged a complaint," probably because some societies value independence, creativity, and ability to create and follow a plan. We give participation trophies.
Well I am a foreveralone 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Dang it! Forgot to notice that this story has a gay guy named Dong.
Well I am a foreveralone 22 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Bad luck, ladies and straight guys. Only men are this considerate. Like,,once in a thousand times will one do something like this, but just men.
What do you mean I have a cold? 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Criminals aren't upstanding, jackass.
Party crasher 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What's funny is that HE adopted THEM.
Evil genius 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That IS genius! And luckily, no boyfriend or brother that hears you will kick you @$$ because of your cleverness.

From dating a cheerleader, I can tell you that they DO wear regular underwear beneath their "spankies" that are part of the uniform. Regular is not always plain either...once I was treated to a thong...omg, what a day.
True love 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
"sacccccccccc" and not "saaaaaaaaaac?" It sounds weird in my head with a string of consonants,.,not how someone would really draw out the word in emphasis.
Awkward 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I can't imagine working with someone long enough that she would "finally" have the guts to express feeling towards me, and never had said something like "my wife told me that..." Or "I got this from my wife."
I would watch it 20 comments
guest · 6 years ago
One downside (maybe) is the lack of....well, "diversity." Without a big swath of people whose whole family lives on welfare for generations, you can afford to give away more stuff. Another non-obvious thing is the high tax rate up north. It may not seem like much to a student who is unemployed or works part time, but once you earn the kind f money that ought to allow you to buy a house and have kids with maybe one parent staying home, you'll really miss that money.
Great service 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah, like if the counselor on the hotline made you feel better, and you started fapping and just before the moment of truth, BAM, four cops come busting in.
Has it changed much? 49 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I exist and function in 2018, so no need for the insult and condescension because you don't like what I have to say. All my kids have gotten part time jobs in high school and college, from summer help installing sprinkler systems and moving furniture, to working retail, tutoring, and interning at an engineering company (after two years of engineering school) for a couple summers. There are opportunities, but they're not handed to you...same as in the '80s.
Today, your market for products or service extends beyond your hometown, as in my day, to wherever the Internet reaches. Recently I bought a little unique classic model auto the same type as one I saw at a museum...from someone across the country that I wouldn't have known existed before Internet search engines. My neighbor's kid does antivirus and other computer help.

But, even if things are so different, Raising the minimum wage to a level that's more than what the job is worth sure won't increase the number of those jobs.
Has it changed much? 49 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I worked for minimum wage back when it was $3.15 per hour. I couldn't afford a house or support a family, because unskilled part time work doesn't justify that kind of pay. I earned money to help put myself through college and later earned enough to support a family on just my pay. The point is this: Not every job has the value to justify pay that's enough to afford a car or house or whatever. If an average high school student can do it, it's probably not worth more than the law of supply and demand equals out to. If you jack up the minimum wage to make yourself feel better about unskilled people, a lot of jobs will go away. That will not only harm unskilled full time workers, but also people trying to get a first job so they can get a foot on the first rung of the ladder.
McDonald's women's day 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's ironic that you want both:
-McDonalds to have a career path in the face of increasing automation, AND
-To require McDonalds to pay more than a job is worth, thus making it economically advantageous to automate those jobs out of existence.
Millennials at it again 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If it took me five and a half years to graduate with a C minus GPA in Gender Studies, I wouldn't be able to afford a house as nice as my parents', either.
That must be it, yes 36 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Ways parents are "screwing up the economy:"
-Pay for cell phones and phone plans for their children, even those who graduated from college.
-Pay Food, light, heat, hot water, etc., for their kids who move home because the job they got doesn't pay enough for them to go out as much as they want AND cover rent on an apartment.
-Subsidize a bunch of their kids' lifestyles because they can't live the way they're used to when they were living at home (even though it's a much better standard of living than those *parents* had when they were just starting out).
-The parents who chose fields of study and jobs based on a trade-off between job satisfaction and what skills were in demand and were well compensated are not spending enough to support the kids who didn't choose business, medicine, engineering or technology, but are now in art history, women's studies, and personal training and the jobs that those majors lead to.
Oh yeah 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Here's another way of looking at it: she's giving the reasons that hooking up,with him are inconvenient or outside of what "normal." She doesn't ever say, "I'm just not interested." It's like when you tell a salesman that you don't have the money to buy what he's selling...he'll explain that you can finance the thing, how it'll save you money in the long run or whatever...he's SELLING the thing.

Better to say "No thanks" than to hide behind "I have a boyfriend" because plenty of women have sex with other people behind the BF's back, and you may not think much of those who do that, but that's just the kind of hookup he's looking for. Your "sales resistance" method is inviting him to apply salesman tactics.

Sure, some guys keep pushing after you say "no" but you may as well weed out the other ones first by being straightforward rather than hiding behind ineffective excuses.
Dating is hard 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's still future dad material once you find a girl who wants to bear your children.
There's nothing less sexy. 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Doggone it! Us guys are supposed to get verbal consent , if not written consent (that is notarized) every step of the way. That's the rules put in place by you, ladies. Otherwise we have to fear accusations of sexual harrasssment. Crud, even if everything seems to have gone OK, sometimes the girl changes her mind the next day, and we get to fight the "always believe the accuser" movement. I see there are accusations of harrassing encounters years later after the "victim" realizes that she thought she was fine with it at the time, but now realizes that she wasn't, and so retroactively "unconsents."

The accusations by themselves are enough to torpedo a career, and when broadcast on social media, prevent you from getting interviews and job offers. You don't get to have it both ways...either accept a "take charge" ethos with the mistakes that go with it, or accept the beta male behavior you're pushing.
Everybody should listen to this everyday 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yeah, but all those people don't have problems like tuition isn't free, we don't get free wifi everywhere, can't buy all the stuff we want with the amount we can earn from the job that our degree qualifies us for. Oh, also sometimes politicians we don't like get elected, and people say stuff we don't want to hear and there isn't a safe space nearby.
The snow settled only in the cracks in between the bricks 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Probably the dark bricks were marginally warmer from sunlight, and the snow melted there, but the white mortar which is also less dense didn't hold the warmth.
Yay buzz! 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also maybe he couldn't sit still for as long as the tattoo artist needed, so the artist would need to spend a lot more time and have more patience.
What does son of a b*@#h mean? 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I hear girls refer to,other girls as bitch more than guys do. I also wonder how many guys feel enabled to call a girl,or woman a bitch because other women do.
I vote humidor 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Humidor? OK, William Jefferson Clinton.
B*tches dig fame 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So then, why are they suddenly trying to contact HIM now that he's rich/famous/popular?
We learnin' English a'ight? 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Alumnus = man
Alumna = woman
Alumnae = women
Alumni = men or men & women
I think I stay too long in the shower 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Plus, if you change "correct" terms every couple decades (now, People of Color is correct) you get to belittle anyone who slips up and uses the old preferred term because it's now offensive. Added bonus: you get to criticize anyone you want to if he/she uses the new term because there will still be people who identify with the old term. I recall a man saying, "Don't call me African American! I'm black!" in about 1992.
Anime about Jesus and Buddha, in this scene Jesus is mistaken for a member of the Yakuza 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Man, we bend over backwards to not even draw a picture of Mohammed and he's not even the Muslims' God but the messenger of God. And here we incorporate Jesus, what is the actual god of Christians, into essentially a comic strip. Also invent some stuff for him to say.
I bet he thinks we can hold periods in too... ugh.. (- _-') 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The mainstream media presented some things he said out of context, so the quotes appeared more ignorant than they really were. But we all like the 20 second explanation of everything, and that it's sort of like a meme makes it even better.
*uses blood bending powers* GET BACK UP THERE! 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Note to self: Never imply that anything you go through as a man is as terrible as menstruation, or incur the wrath of the Internet arbiters.
Citrus Golem 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Imagine if some foreigner took a cheap shot at the previous president's appearance, particularly his color. Bat. Shit. Crazy. That's how everyone would react, but since the insult is directed at a Caucasian heterosexual male, all insults are ok.
He really grew taller 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
We need to know his age as well. If a 32 year old grew a couple inches, that'd be impressive. If a 14 year old grew the same amount...yawn.
But Google already knows your address 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Confusing inches with centimeters...
Russian girl won the championship in combat sambo 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Agreed. A slim girl beat a skinny anorexic weak looking male. In some things, better is just better. If you had an MMA match between a man and woman at, say, the 165 pound weight class, you'd see the benefit of the strength advantage. Also, do we know if the two combatants in the photo are at the same level? If she's an expert and he's intermediate, it's no,surprise he lost.

Nothing wrong in posting this...I think we're trying to read something into it that's not there..."It's just some stuff that happened."
Savage 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
How hilarious! He plays on people's fears and legitimate concerns to show how racist they are, belittles them for those concerns, and makes it so everyone's afraid to bring forward things that they actually see that could be terrorism. It's every bit as clever as that boy who "created" a clock by taking the case off an existing clock and putting it in a pencil case to,purposely scare everyone in the school.
Seems more appropriate every day 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Many people:
The government is so untrustworthy and evil! Like, OMG!

Those same people:
We need to have more government control of everything like government provided health insurance and also regulating industries so there's no global warming and no economic wonnrs and losers.
Whistles don't work anymore 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Then I bought tin whistle, now I tin whistle.
You're suppose to play the game, not the heart 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Tataglia? Tataglia is a pimp! But I never realized until today it was Barzini all along.

Also, apparently a girl who plays your favorite game *isn't* so wonderful or your ideal match after all...
REKT 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
1. Why is the United States (or any country) obligated to accept everyone who wants to immigrate there?

2. If the country some people are fleeing is so terrible, why do those people then want to make their new country as much like it as possible--language, laws, social,customs, etc.?
Asking strangers to tie your tie - I almost cried 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Isn't it interesting how our society acts when they have racial homogeneity?
Ken M on men swimming 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So THAT'S why swimmers shouldn't....errrrr...pleasure themselves the evening before a race.
Just a fun fact 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
They probably have the attitude towards learning that "When am I ever going to use this in real life? I don't want to spend any effort on something that may pay off later but because I can't foresee those circumstances I don't know what they might be."
Tagging 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
My boss offered to pay for my sister's medical bills...then everyone there applauded.
Dating the wrong lady 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
How DARE you question the social construct that requires men to always pay for the date! What are you...some sort of woman hater?

Also, don't forget to treat her an an equal and be sure to never imply that a man might be better at something than a woman, you misogynist patriarchical oppressor.
Obviously 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you believe that she was justified in hitting him because he had an offensive sign, then you have to be willing to accept people being assaulted for other things they might say that you disagree with or perhaps agree with. There's a clear line between justifiably fighting a physical threat and someone saying something you dislike. But there's a very difficult-to-define line between some kinds of speech that (you imagine) justify violence and some kinds that don't. I find your support of violence offensive, and since you condone violence in response to offensive speech....*CRACK*!

But, what kind of Preacher holds up a sign like that?
Cherishing the memory 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ok, I'll be the one to,say it. This is weird and creepy. Do,it once in her memory? Fine, I get it. But after several times this is just screwy.
Retard level over 9000 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
No. Only Americans are stupid, ignorant and rude. Not the noble people,of other countries.