
Source of Cetina river in Croatia 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
@elincredibleme HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That really made my day! Thanks for sharing! Cause I’m imagining someone jumping in with a fit of rage while having a cardboard sword on their side.
Gay 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That is one UGLY MOFO!!
The adventures of florida man have come to an end 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! No freakin way!! I can see not stopping it with hands but testicles? But I’m not doubting ya cause somebody some where prob has done it an thus sues the company for not warning them about stopping a moving blade with testicles. If there’s a sticker there’s a reason!!
Meeeee (first post!) 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Awwwww thank you for being honest!! This makes me feel like you will be a true friend!! So welcome aboard buddy!!
The adventures of florida man have come to an end 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Great!!! Now there is gonna be a sticker sayin do not put microwave in microwave. There are warnings for a reason. An dumbshitsike this are the reasons!
Ever been this starved for interaction 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is awesome!! Glad to know you got to experience something others don’t even take the time or even want to, realize there are others out there that share the same interest as you. All ya need to do is look around an talk to people. Yes you are gonna get the “freaks”, ones who creep ya out or say something that is off the wall, or ya gonna get the ones who don’t wanna be bothered with. So ya can move them aside an find the ones that you might become forever friends with. Kinda like this site. I’ve seen people here become best of buds an some unfortunately become worst enemy’s. I am an introvert but I do like to make friends especially when it’s by accident. Kinda like you did on the bus. You made buds with total strangers just by them starting a conversation with ya about something you were doing. I hope you find more buds like this. To me it makes me happy that people are willin to talk to each other. Hope everybody readin this has a great rest of the week and an awesome weekend!!
If she runs and jumps will she fly? 21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Mother Moth aka Social Repose needs to meet up with this girl. He has similar pair of wings. His is black an purple with neon lights. Really cool set up. If I remember right he paid round $3500-$4K for them.
F**k big data 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yuuuuuup!! They are gettin sneaker an sneaker, just to get all they can about you.
Everything is better with cake 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She looks like Sasha Grey to me. So I too would prob get a divorce if my ollady look like or was a porn star. Nothing against porn starts. I just couldn’t be married to one.
Facts of Life 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If y’all consider yourself an adult then you should be smart enough to LOOK before ya plop. Unless you are in your own house and have been living by yourself or with other lady’s an ya just started havin yo man start stayin over. Then I can see ya being use to the seat being down. Cause even when I lived by myself I always looked to make sure the seat was down. Y’all can have the power to put the seat down too. I use to leave the seat up so I didn’t leave dribble on it when I peed. My ollady still looks to make sure it’s down an we have been together for almost 18yrs. @mayflower10196 LMFAO!!!!
A fever of stingrays 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I’d love to do a cannonball all up in the middle of them! They be swimming *FLOPFLOPFLOP* until they hear that whistle sound cartoons stuff make when somethin is dropping out the sky, they hear it up until it hits the water. It then made a hard deep BOOM noise. It wiped out a half colony. When the leaders came to their senses they foundout what did this. A very little skinny shit with a bigol taliban lookin beard, shit colored eyes & a big pinch of tobacckey in his lower lip!! The little shit swims up to the surface of the water, sucks in a big lung full of air & yells, “OH HELL FREAKIN YEAH!!!!” This infuriates the leftover leaders. They swim up to the little shit an go all Steve Irwin on his ass. The little shit dies. The END!
You never say no to this man 25 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Has to be apart of the HOA now he has to pay the dues every year an now we can’t fish or hunt. He got fined $250 for not taking his trash cans from the curb after so many hours after it was picked up. His lawyer said if he don’t pay the fines he can lose his house. That’s some jacked up shit if ya ask me. I hope I never move to a place where there’s a HOA. I’d be put in jail for either killing one or in jail for beating the ever living shit out of one member. The one he had to talk to was a total dipshit. He always smirked when he was talking to my bro or sis in-law
You never say no to this man 25 comments
guest · 6 years ago
My bro moved into a subdivision bout 6-8yrs ago. He an about 10-13 other houses were the only ones there in a 40-50 house division. Well he got settled in an started to enjoy this awesome life. Hell I was enjoying it with him. His house was huge an it was across the street from the bay & next to a huge forest. So we were able to hunt squirrels an fish for red fish or just about anyother kind of anamal. Well as soon as other houses started to get built he got a letter from someone saying he needs to pay his dues, approx $500-$600 a yr, on his HOA . He told them to get f-ed. They took him to court an he lost. Even though he never signed anything saying he was to aparcher
A link between two worlds 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Dang, Freak a Link!
Grandma was a little too enthusiastic when adding alcohol to the recipe 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Bet he is glad he has glasses on. He almost lost his eyebrows
Can't handle the swag 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
They are gonna stick right into the ground, after they jump off a cliff, even a very small one,! Their feet are like little pegs. Wow. I bet ya could just push them right over cause they don’t have the ability to counter balance themselves with their toes!
What has been seen cannot be unseen 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This pick or another one? Cause I don’t see at teeth just lips
Hammer smashed face 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yup. Ofcourse they gonna lock him up to protect the pedos! To us he is deff doin a great thing. Hell I'd help out on his bail/lawyer money. But the so called justice system, dont like we the people to take matters into our own hands, so they lock up people like him or people who take out someone who molested/ rape an elderly/ handycap person. Because the justice system suppose to say who is guilty or not. Not people with common sence to just get rid of the shitheads who cause grave bodily/ mental harm to someone who can't defend themselves. Cause I'd sooo do the same thing as him but I'd be sentence to life, where the pedos will just get a slap on the wrist even if it's their 1 or 5 time doin harm to defenseless people. Cause $1-5 bullet or hammer is way cheaper than lettin the shitheads sit in solitary confinement or us pay the $500 an Hr for them to "get help" with their "problem" from a councilor. So I'll be the "bad guy" an get rid of them the cheapest/ fastest way possible.