
Extravagant wedding cake 24 comments
guest · 5 years ago
Bit of a shitty situation 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
When you let your heart win
Think about it for a sec, let it sink in 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The laws which keep the people blind from seeing that slavery never truly ended it was just switched to a different form in which nobody understands the limitations of their freedoms. Only the really wealthy and Rich are free, really truly free!! Without money your extremely limited to what you can buy where you can go, where you can live and what you can do, how far you can travel so the invisible cage we live in is very very limited. And people often wonder why it never changes? It's cause "they" detain our consciousness so we don't even question or really even understand why most the population the working class struggles in living while the vast rich and crooked politicians stay in power.. if we were really truly free we would be able to travel anywhere, live anywhere, buy almost anything like the really rich and wealthy do.. our limitations are very very short and it's sad that more than half the population is either ignorant to that fact or just don't care at all,