Prison in Norway 16 comments
· 6 years ago
Because they realize even criminals are still just people
I just realized 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Jay-z coined the phrase “go h.a.m” in a song in which he says it means “hard as a mother******”. Please put some effort into research before you try and put people down to make it seems as though you’re more intelligent than you apparently are.
Careful outside 16 comments
This is why I love China 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Gold is used in many different applications. Roughly half is used for jewelry, 40% in investments, and roughly 10% in industry. Gold is used in all high end electronics and is considered an excellent conductor. It is also non-corrosive, ductile, malleable, reflects infrared waves, reflects electromagnetic radiation, heat shielding. You can bet the device you are using right now has gold in it.