
Why are there starving people when I got food 33 comments
guest · 6 years ago
@mozzarella I really feel your pain. I was assaulted I don't know how many times as a teenager, twice by a family friend. First time when I was 10; he was drunk at the time so I wrote it off as a drunken mistake. Second time I was about 14, and he definitely wasn't drunk. I still remember how badly I was shaking after I got away. I wanted to tell my family but then I thought how long he'd been friends with my dad, and I didn't want to ruin things. It ruined my trust, though. For the next few years I was scared all the time, got depressed, and still couldn't tell anyone because I worried they might blame me. I'm nearly 30 now, and even though I've gotten over most of it, I think I'm permanently scarred. But you have nothing to feel dirty about. I've understood for a while that it wasn't my fault. I'm just happy that he's no longer my dad's friend; they had a falling out over something else. So just keep going on; their actions don't define who we are.
Anti-vaxxing: A privilege of the fortunate 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
But that was the point. Variolation was already in existence before Jenner. It involved infecting people with smallpox and usually there was recovery but not always, so understandably people were scared. With Jenner's method, however, people were infected with cowpox, which caused little to no symptoms in humans. In the days of smallpox, nearly every survivor had the disfiguring pockmarks; but milkmaids were known then to have flawless skin. That was the observation that led to Jenner's discovery. The reason for resistance to Jenner's vaccination was mainly due to propaganda, not different from what we see today.
That'll show him 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You have no idea!
So what's everyone doing for their summer break? 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I loved it! My favourite ride was Blue Fire.