Chopsticks and rice 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Your moms been fuckin up the rice your entire life
Explains a lot 14 comments
Bruno Mars on his Prom Date 35 comments
· 11 years ago
Taking a fat girl to a prom is something a gay guy who feels pressure to not show up alone would do.
As a short guy, this is painfully true 32 comments
· 11 years ago
Yeaaa go shove your hair brush up your cunt and tell me what the weathers like up there bitch
They wanna adopt her so bad 11 comments
· 11 years ago
Shame on your mother for not aborting you with a shotgun blast right to the cunt.
My Time Is Now!! 6 comments
· 11 years ago
If its for a world record, technically he would just have to hold a beat. He could just play the same loop over and over.
We gonna burn 14 comments
· 11 years ago
Its one of the reasons Im Atheist. Aligning yourself with a certain religion is just illogical since theres already been so many others. Every one claims to be the one true religion and all that does is make it obvious that everyone is full of shit since theres no way it could be true. Just life your life the best way you know how.
What else can you do with a pregnancy test kit 11 comments
Idk I can't stop laughing at this 4 comments
Hairball gummy bears 10 comments
What an optimal relationship should be like 7 comments
· 11 years ago
Later on that kid slathered peanut butter on his nuts and let the dog lick it off
Lizzie Velasquez is a role model 21 comments
Really!? 4 comments
· 11 years ago
Can you pussies all stop talking about "I shouldnt laugh but OHH TEE HEE" Just laugh nobody gives a shit, its just a joke.
Tyler the creator, everyone 9 comments
Ashes to ashes 13 comments
If you ever feel ignored.. 19 comments
Keep driving or I will pull the trigger 7 comments
A way to celebrate the new year 11 comments
Good grandma 38 comments
What makes dogs and cats so different 16 comments
The worst gift ever 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I hope someone talks you through the meaning of a fucking joke and the purpose of this site. Retard
50 Scent 5 comments