Cool fridge shelves 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Get ou.... ok.. .wait you have a point.
Very good news! 5 comments
· 6 years ago
Non-stop Laughter at -------- thank you for making laugh at her bloody nails
Everything is better with cake 13 comments
Man uses Polaroid picture prank on girlfriend showing her missing 4 comments
· 6 years ago
So he wore his wife's Christmas pajama, took a photo and send it to his 'girlfriend' ........ wait wut?! (comment is based on the Caption)
Rabbit wakes up owners with morning zoomies 22 comments
Man saves drowning woman trapped inside car 3 comments
be DifEReNt AnD YoU'lL alWaYs STaND oUt 7 comments
Coca cola under hydraulic press 8 comments
I feel..... 14 comments
· 6 years ago
I can sandwich those little pizza with 2 slices of pineapples and sandwich 2 slices of pizza with pineapple in the middle.
Who has a good Lyft/Uber story to tell? 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Very common to 'new arrivals' in United States. They tend to attack other race or their own race it self. Hahahaha! Unbelievablebut they exist. I'm half Filipino and some of them act like sh!ts when they talk about their fellow Filipino in their native land.