Cat gun 6 comments
· 10 years ago
bee and puppycat
How to understand women 9 comments
· 10 years ago
How about instead of saying that women are to hard to understand we say that everything is hard to understand because men can be just as confusing as women. Birds can be confusing, nature and science are confusing, so please don't say this and have respect for women as you would respect any other man.
- Friendly Neighborhood Tortoise.
- Friendly Neighborhood Tortoise.
Trolling your friend's iPhone 10 comments
oh tumblr 3 comments
I don't know why people do not do it 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Every day at my school there is a big crap in one of the toilets! Its like who really wqnts to see your shit!
Epic selfie 13 comments
Catbug bringing the house down 5 comments
The more you see, the funnier it gets 26 comments
Heavy snow in the eyes of the beholder 26 comments
Heavy snow in the eyes of the beholder 26 comments
Using canada to measure population 7 comments
In Canada, hockey is more important than classes 22 comments
In Canada, hockey is more important than classes 22 comments
Am I right or am I right ladies? 22 comments
Fear of tampons 13 comments
· 11 years ago
There was a tampon in the hallway at my school, and the reaction was hilarious.
Disney Princesses-Once Upon A Time Version 47 comments
Raging Canadian 20 comments
· 11 years ago
I am a Canadian and I approve of this message. (That happens to me all the time.)
Anybody have uncommon names out there? 206 comments
What I would give to meet this man *-* 11 comments