
Another argument 62 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Make-up is worn for other people’s reactions even if it is worn for the benefit of the wearer.
Another argument 62 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It may not be to attract men but it is still about looking good to others. That is where the confidence boost comes from. The argument “I wear it for me” falls apart the moment the reasons rely on how other people react to you. If a girl wore make-up “for herself to give herself a confidence boost” and the first reaction she got was a friend going “ that the look you are going with..?” That confidence boost would instantly be gone because the make-up did not get a positive reaction and the girl would likely wash her face off.
Another argument 62 comments
guest · 7 years ago
But the girls who would figuratively die if they went out without make-up feel that way because they don’t want people to see them without make-up. Girls can say “I wear make-up for me” but the end result is that the reason make-up gives them confidence, and ego boost, makes them feel put together, is because they think it makes them look good, and thinking it makes you look good means that you also believe others will think it looks good. It may not necessarily be to attract a partner, but it is always so that other people will think they look good. The only reason to care if you look good is because you don’t to look bad to others. Any girl/woman who says otherwise is lying to themselves.