"My safe word is Pineapple Juice" 5 comments
· 7 years ago
You think I'm in karates?
Merry christmas! 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I would be super pissed if my husband did this, particularly because he always overpays for stuff. He would be like wtf if I did it because I hate spending a lot of money. I have always thought these commercials were silly.
Target snapped 28 comments
· 7 years ago
Target didn't really post that response though. There is a guy that makes FB pages under the company name + "customer service" and answers obnoxious complaints.
Something ain't right 5 comments
Santa is evil 9 comments
Great service 18 comments
· 7 years ago
I texted the crisis line once and they sent 4 cops to my house. I specifically said I just wanted to chat with someone and that I wasn't going to kill myself (but was feeling down). THAT was embarrassing and made me feel worse. Scared the crap out of me too.
You win the game 11 comments
Who would have guessed 28 comments
· 7 years ago
This is in Japan and the person who reported from the location where Angel is kept reported a strong smell of chlorine in the air around the tank. There are other issues as well. Do you work as a dolphin trainer at this location in Japan? If not, then you don't actually know.
It's Not Even A State 8 comments
· 7 years ago
My 45 year old sister thought Canada was south of the U.S. (we live in Illinois)
I was going out that night 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Most likely they are not really guests, they just don't want to attach the post to their login and be haunted by everyone's dumb comments.
What a great boyfriend 13 comments
· 7 years ago
Is this guy smoking a joint? What does the pic have to do with the story? Take yourself on a shopping spree, don't rely on the baby daddy of child #3
Just be happy 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Do not rush to buy a house, or even buy one ever (it is not for everyone). My sister bought her first house a few months ago (and husband etc.) at the age of 48. They travelled a lot and lived in many places beforehand.
So true! 17 comments
Ironic 12 comments
· 7 years ago
And while you are "all for medical marijuana," it is not that easy to get in every state.
Ironic 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Huh? My spouse has primary progressive multiple sclerosis and, besides slowly becoming more paralyzed everyday at the age of 37 (started 10 years ago), he suffers extreme nerve pain. Weed helps. A LOT. Sounds fun, eh?
Fly for life 4 comments
Same here 8 comments
Many confuse this 6 comments
I'd like to see my real self 15 comments
Smile, You're A Dad Now 5 comments
Well now 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Why don't you include a picture of his real dad - Pierre Trudeau - whom he looks EXACTLY like...oh look, they both have eyes and a mouth. Wow.
Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Can we lose the "not all heroes wear capes" line please. Like really never say it again. NO HEROES WEAR CAPES. Only fake "super heroes," plus it has been said over 10 million times and is not witty anymore.
SJW Logic 31 comments
· 7 years ago
If he says it again, make a bigger frown face and don't say anything back. Although I don't think it is "sexual harassment" per say, it is someone trying to passive-aggressively control you because you are in a position where you cannot tell him to F off. It is a form of harassment that you wouldn't tolerate in your private life.
Because we are scared 17 comments
· 7 years ago
Looks like just examples...taken too literally. Don't go around kissing people you think that you are in love with. I also think it means, kiss people you love - on the cheek, head, forehead, hand whatever. Don't assault strangers with your tongue or anything.
Better buy a new bathroom too 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Sugar free is the issue. Certain sugar free sweeteners act as laxatives. It is awesome.
Judging by the candies 7 comments
· 7 years ago
We hand out full size Whatchamacallits - best candy bar ever. We are trying to make it happen again.
Bleach still taste better 6 comments
Is flat boob or tiny d*ck worse? 20 comments
My hand is not big enough to cuddle with 14 comments
My man 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Wait, how can someone tell if you have been using incognito mode? Just lack of history?
Touché target 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Someone with infertility issues could give this to their SO, thinking it would be funny, but then realize that it isn't funny to either of them at all, so they would both start crying and that would make for a f-ed up Halloween day. Who gives someone a Halloween card anyway?