
Pick up the pace 5 comments
guest · 5 years ago
They're equating minimum wage labor, which is the lowest rung on the ladder, non-skilled and all manual, with skilled labor. They're wrong in that most jobs want to get the most efficient work out of people, but, not all jobs are manual labor. If you don't want to do manual labor the rest of your life, learn a skill, expand your abilities and market yourself to employers based on that. Otherwise, expect to be in a low paid, low skill position.
Yuuuuuup 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Roads aren't a one and done project, they require maintenance and upkeep, which requires construction. If you don't want to rattle your eyeballs out when you're driving, be happy that roads are under construction!
I still love Ray 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Do you mean Candice Bergen? Because she's who played Murphy Brown.
Grab a history book 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The only thing that white people ever did with slavery was admit that it was wrong on an institutional level and apologize for it. All other cultures who practice slavery still do to this day.
U ok hun? 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Everyone always points to the CEO bonuses as a great place to cut costs, but, they never actually look at what that means.
Right now, competition for top notch CEOs is at an all time high, and the hiring of a big name CEO can drive stock prices higher, creating more value for the shareholders. Having a crappy CEO means that your company goes under at worst, and the share price goes down at best, meaning less value for the company.
CEOs actually work for their pay, they don't just sit on their laurels raking in cash and laughing at the little people. If a CEO is willing to give up some of their bonus to the employees, fine, but don't go demanding it, they're worth all they can get, just like employees are.
P-p-p-privilege 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The USSR doesn't exist, but the people who lived under it's regime sure do, and the post is about the people who lived under those regimes, not the regimes themselves.
Man walks down the street and sees a homeless dog trying to sleep. 2 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Wouldn't it have been better to maybe take the dog and give it a home?
Biggest scam ever 18 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Because when you leave, they may very well need to have carpets replaced and walls repainted before a new tenant can move in due to allergies. People may be socially allergic to children, but it rarely actually causes illness.
Mr. Bean's the best 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Try Burt Reynolds and Steve McQueen, they were the originals, everyone else is just afterthoughts, except Mr. Bean.
Ketchup hogging 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yes, it's the Whispering Canyon Cafe, and when you ask a waiter for ketchup, they shout out "KETCHUP, WE NEED KETCHUP!" and all of the kids from other tables run and bring their ketchup to the table where the waiter asked for it. It gets bigger and bigger as the night goes on until you end up with this.
If you ask for "just a little" of a drink, they bring it to you in a tiny glass, if you ask for a lot, they bring it to you in a giant glass. The kids did a stick horse ride through, it's all part of the show.
Wages 27 comments
guest · 6 years ago
You can't compare a country with a homogeneous population of 5.7M people to a country with a diverse population of 300M people and expect to get any worthwhile data.
Sure, Denmark may have socialized medicine, but how big is the bureaucracy that is used to manage it? Now extrapolate that to accomodate a country of 300M. It would be so large that it would be unmanageable. Also add in that the bottom 48% of earners in the US don't actually pay any taxes, and the costs for this program would bankrupt everyone.
A single point of comparison (a fast food worker) doesn't make a very good comparison unless you just want to make a meme to try and bash the US.
Maori rock carvings at Mine Bay, New Zealand 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That is obviously a door to some treasure.
Breaking sad 15 comments
guest · 6 years ago
We do, it's called short term disability insurance. You can get it individually (think Aflec) or your employer may provide it. This is dumb.
How healthcare should be 38 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So here's the issue with that. You're trying to make it about those greedy 25%ers who don't want to pay a teeny bit more to allow fellow citizens to have peace of mind, the reality is that just under 50% of working US citizens PAY NO TAXES, and in actuality, receive money back from the government. So, what you're really asking is for those greedy 25%ers, who make $100,000 or more a year, to pay a LOT more to support those who pay nothing.
If the US is willing to tax everyone at 20%, no matter how much they make, then we can talk, until then, it's just people wanting to stick their hands in my pockets because they don't want to stick them in their own.
How healthcare should be 38 comments
guest · 6 years ago
And this meme, the experience of one guy, also anecdotal evidence.
kill 2 birds with one stone 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So what's stopping you from starting this now? Find a mall, figure out a budget, create a Go-Fund-Me, and go for it. Sitting around waiting on the government to force people to do it means it never gets done, working with like minded people to accomplish something means it will be supported by passion.
Does it make sense to you? 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Someone watched Kingsmen too many times.
This is sad 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
When we rode the mules at the Grand Canyon, they had a weight limit, and when you checked in, they had a scale to enforce it.
Typical 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I'd take Henry Cavill any day of the week!
Really oprah? 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
On top of that, the $80K in debt was undertaken by choice, having other options out there and you still choose the $80K in the hole? I don't feel sorry for you, at all.
If you want a job, then get skills that people need, forget the idea that you must work in your passion, get a hobby if you have a passion, work where you can do the work and are pretty good at it, you don't have to love it.
Get a roommate, get 2 if you need to, learn that you don't actually get to have your own space until you can afford it.
Don't worry about insurance, your job should take care of that as long as you're not a "freelance" whatever. If it doesn't, then look into programs by doctor's offices that allow you to pay lower rates and skip it. It's a risk mitigation, but you can decide the level of risk you're willing to carry.
Roma today 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The top picture is from Pompei, which hasn't had anything but very light foot traffic on it for thousands of years, and that only for the last 40 years or so. The other supports vehicle traffic every day. This is a bad comparison.
Anon is brave 38 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She absolutely justified bullying him, and did admit to bullying him herself. She's a complete fraud.
Murica 17 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The American army, was the people. There wasn't a standing army at that time.
We don't deserve Senegal 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That's because they're all afraid Russia will kill them if they don't!
Seizure warning in Incredibles 2! 19 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Serious question, would watching this with the lights up reduce the possibility of migraines and seizures? Our theater has showings for those who can't attend the movie under standard movie environment circumstances that has the volume turned down and lights turned up. Yours may too if that helps!
Confusement 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Because one is obviously bacon!
Glow-in-the-dark ink 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's not glow in the dark, it's fluorescing under black light. There is a bit of a difference.
Wtf laura 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's just as sad that you think this is real...
Daryl, would you like to kick things off? 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It's diverse as long as you have the Apache attack helicopter, everything else is just icing on the cake!
True that! 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Except that there is no such thing as the "popular" vote. There are 50 separate votes and the vote totals they report aren't complete or validated. Many municipalities stop counting when the number of votes left to count is less than the gap between the 2 candidates, and absentee ballots are usually the last ones left and don't get counted.
For any 1 municipality it's not a big deal, but, cumulatively around the whole country, it could mean a very big swing.
Makes sense I guess 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I always thought that having double sided duct tape with one side of salt would work better than the Hula Hoop. Especially if you're taping the window and the door sills, it can't be blown away because it's stuck.
He has a point.  21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Many American companies have paid sick leave as part of their compensation packages, but it's not paid out on leaving the company. The number of days is limited, usually to discourage abuse of the policy, but if there is truly an issue with illness that requires a longer time to be away from work, there is short term disability insurance that people can buy, or again many employers provide as part of their compensation packages.
Where it becomes an issue is with part-time hourly employees who are only getting paid for the hours they work. If your work schedule isn't a standard schedule and varies every week and you call in sick for 10 of those hours, the company doesn't have a baseline work schedule to pay you for.
He has a point.  21 comments
guest · 6 years ago
She didn't die of the flu waiting until she could afford the copay for Tamiflu, she didn't take the Tamiflu because she was frugal and felt it was too expensive. They bought it the next day, however, she was outside the maximum effective date range to take Tamiflu (within 2 days of showing symptoms) and then died later. They could afford the medicine, they just chose not to buy it. The meme being circulated about this is wrong.
Idk what to put here 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
NASA put men on the moon, more than once. That's the epitome of doing stuff. Elon Musk talks about doing a lot of stuff, what he actually does is a much smaller subset of that. He's very good at getting people to invest their money in things. He's very bad at making money on those things for other people. Tesla is still not showing a profit, even after charging $70K a car and eliminating dealers. Sure he's a smart guy, but he's made a lot of money off of other people's investments, while a lot of other people haven't made anything.
Who survives? 26 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Actually, he does get to control and direct the department of justice, they report to him, that's why he get's to hire and fire the Director of the FBI, that Attorney General, the Director of the CIA. They all report to the Executive Branch of the government, of which he is the head.
It's pretty much high school level civics, did you pass that class? He has repeated over and over that he has no intention of interfering in the Mueller investigation, why would he? They're doing a great job at exposing the corruption in that department and how horribly badly they've botched everything so far, so why would he have any intention of getting in their way now?
Then an*l is illegal immigration 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Technically yes, she's wrong. Sperm is not the same as an aborted baby.
Glitch in the matrix, or just Rush Week for Chads everywhere? 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
How about when all girls where their boots and vests to look like Han Solo? Or Uggs? With Starbucks cups? It all flows both ways ladies.
That's not how it works. 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It would be movies at the turn of the century, and people of all colors saw movies at the turn of the century and didn't stop talking, so the point is moot, bad analogy.
Need more men like this 73 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Then you get to go through periomenopause where all of the clots that didn't haunt you back then come back to haunt you now. Days of heavy flows where golf ball clots are fond memories and standing up is to be avoided at all costs unless you're right next to a toilet. Fun times! Oh, and itchy skin, yeah, that's not a commonly discussed symptom, but it's there!
Check yes Juliet 35 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Scones are hard, a true biscuit is light, fluffy and buttery, it's like heaven on a plate!
He is one of the coolest prime minister 32 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The travel ban wasn't put in place just because of the countries being muslim majority countries, it was put in place because the countries that were on the list had compromised immigration systems that made it impossible to be able to verify or trust the documents on people coming from those countries. Meaning that while some of the people coming from those countries may be legitimate refugees, it's also likely that terrorist organizations would use the compromised systems to get fake travel documents for their people as well, and we couldn't check the validity of the documents.
It had nothing to do with either religion or nationality, only with the reliability of their systems. Activist judges have seized on Trump's words from campaigns rather than the actual wording of the order to delay the rule, but it is constitutional and isn't racist.
Men helping men 16 comments
guest · 6 years ago
They showed up to volunteer to help set up, not to have the free breakfast.
Long legs 5 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Because he's a boy who's growing. Don't be a jerk.
Let's hope not. (NSFW because politics 'n stuff) 24 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Yet right after that, the Norks started up talks with South Korea again, when they had been broken off for years. Hmm, perhaps coddling the crazy isn't the best way to deal with them, but reminding them that there's a bigger badder dog on the block who isn't willing to put up with their temper tantrums does some good?
Stereotype breaker 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Pretty sure the whole Net Neutrality thing only went into effect because Netflix, Facebook, and Google wanted to get the Government involved so they could keep all their profits to themselves and force ISPs to ship their content for free, even though the bandwidth required to ship their content to residential consumers requires greater infrastructure investments and costs ISPs money in improvements that the consumers are either forced to pay for or the ISPs are forced to eat the invement in as losses.
But hey, if the government can step in and save their big buddies from losing some cash, all the better!
Did he do the right thing? 40 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Good God, even potential vegans are obnoxious!
I'm just kidding 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
If you're interacting with someone and having to say I'm joking after every sentence to keep them from crying, you're not funny, you're just a jerk. It's not dark humour, or sarcasm, it's just you being an ass.
Bob Ross in military without an afro in 1960 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That is not a military hair cut. While the sides and back are short, the top is way too long to be a military hair cut. So it may be Bob Ross, but it's not a picture of him in the military.
Is the cake made of steel? 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I don't think clout means what you think it means.
But for trickle down economics, who do you think got the $70,000 that they paid to make that cake? The bakery did, which used it to pay it's workers, who used their paychecks to buy their day to day supplies. The very definition of trickle down economics. The sword had to be made as well, unless it's a family heirloom, so a craftsman somewhere was paid to create it, more trickle down. Very few big businesses deal in swordcraft these days.
The worst part of this would be the diamonds themselves, as that industry is rife with issues.
And then we will have double the anime 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Actually, Trump was just following the Japanese Prime Minister, who was the first one to dump his box of feed into the pond. The media played it up as Trump being an idiot for all they were worth, but the truth is Trump was actually just doing what the Prime Minister did first.