Dog trained to protect his sister 7 comments
· 7 years ago
What kind of life do you lead where you need to have a multi-thousand-dollar trained dog to,protect your child like this?
Doing God's work 30 comments
· 7 years ago
When I was in Africa on an aid mission, the female genital mutilations and arranged marriages with extremely young girls *were* in the Muslim areas. Never saw a sex camp, though.
This shit has permanently f*cked me up 43 comments
· 7 years ago
I was the big kid who didn't fight back, and certainly didn't initiate a physical fight in response to verbal abuse. Also, bullies love to do their bullying when there's a group of them but you're alone. I didn't want to get in trouble by getting suspended or expelled, and the way I was brought up, you didn't settle insults with fists. Plus, I really really didn't want to hurt someone in, say, 6th grade over stupid insults. So, I got to eat a lot of $#+ over the years. You can't ever let on how much it hurts to be picked on and on top of that nobody seems to care too much about it. It seems like it's you vs the world, and the people who aren't against you are neutral. Even if you ever did fight back, it'd be framed as you picking on someone and not the truth of you defending yourself against a group that had tormented you for years.
Star Wars lettuce - Return of The Ranch 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Guy who eats regular salad: Mmmmm..that hit the spot.
Guy who eats Storm Trooper lettuce: Hey...that didn't hit anything!
Guy who eats Storm Trooper lettuce: Hey...that didn't hit anything!
Men helping men 16 comments
· 7 years ago
That you know of, or just assume? There's always a group that protests an all-male anything...often the same ones who rationalize the need for all-female something else.
This robber is more woke than us 2 comments
· 7 years ago
So what's this? Some Antifa excuse for why they hide their faces when they do vandalism or violence, like get 20 people to beat up someone with views they think they might dislike?
Fact check all you want ;) Its actually true 48 comments
· 7 years ago
Sooo....reparations should be paid to the descendants of slave owners in the US, because their property was made illegal?
Interesting thoughts comp 19 comments
Who wants to go for a ride ? 49 comments
· 7 years ago
What about people who are mentally impaired? Can they even make that choice? I look at how some people get convinced that they need to buy a car at list price...a combination of salesmanship, urgency, emotion, some,people could be eager and willing to commit suicide but regret it after a bit, but if it's everyone's right unquestioningly, they won't have a chance to,regret it.
Buy him a house 36 comments
· 7 years ago
When she sucks my nipples it feels great. Like the 6th or 7th best feeling in the world.
Musk is gonna snap and go full super villain 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Solar ENERGY is cells that make it usable are expensive and inefficient. Then, you need batteries unless you only use electricity during the daylight.
Sounds like child abuse 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Parent: I'll love you no matter what,! Gay, trans, any kind of non-cisnormative non traditional gender identification.
Child: I'm going to be straight cis-normal, but your continuous pushing of abnormal behavior has led me to be intolerant of aberrant lifestyle choices.
Parent: Get the fuck out of my house!
Child: I'm going to be straight cis-normal, but your continuous pushing of abnormal behavior has led me to be intolerant of aberrant lifestyle choices.
Parent: Get the fuck out of my house!
Now he wants to live in the fridge 9 comments
· 7 years ago
This makes me so uncomfortable. I would be so easy for that door to close and maybe there's a couple minutes of air in there? I know it's not likely but I still hate to see photos like this. Just bugs me to think of the possibility of things going wrong and even if there's only a small chance of something going wrong the consequences can be huge Plus there's not really anything to be gained by putting the dog in there… Why not just fill up the kiddie pool with water for him?
Santa is an alien 4 comments
Wholesome Secret Society 6 comments
· 7 years ago
It raises an interesting question: Do we accept more control over our actions if the intention is good or the results are likely to be good? What if it's not 100%, but say 80% beneficial? What if we agree with the intent of the people doing the controlling, but in a decade someone else is in charge?
Spooky. 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Imagine people who grew up with sword fights and wars where a handful of people died in the actual battle, who the. Lived to see dynamite, then machine guns. Then the next bunch got to,see tanks and poison gas. After that came military air power, where they bombed civilians, killing children instead of soldiers, and destroying countless homes (e.g., the London blitz of WWII). We've been making war more horrific for a long time, before the modern era armies would destroy crops and salt the earth so nothing could grow. I imagine watching my family starve over a couple months would be pretty horrible...
Nasa be like 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Millennials: We hate litter, and are against it. We are *for* other people cleaning it up. We want to be against bad stuff, but not actually do anything about it. Well, maybe "like" posts and tweets where people show themselves doing something positive.
'tis the season 7 comments
· 7 years ago
No problem with reminding people to be nice in a crowded and stressful situation. But "they're spending time away from their loved ones?" That's called having a job. My job also causes me to spend time away from my loved of whom is a puppy. That's one of the reasons they pay us to go to a job.
Also, Dean, it's "you're."
Also, Dean, it's "you're."
Anime religious girls 46 comments
· 7 years ago
Plus, being fully covered deters Muslim rape gangs and groups that sexually assault women in the west. Surely you've read the news about these very common groups in Europe and recently the US. So really, the hijab is quite practical. So please don't judge the Muslim girls and women for wearing rape-deterring clothing.
Worth it 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Everybody: Yeah, screw that stupid government! Don't let them take your money!
Also everybody: We need to,punish people who don't pay enough in taxes, and find ways to keep the money they earned but rightfully belongs to the government.
Also everybody: We need to,punish people who don't pay enough in taxes, and find ways to keep the money they earned but rightfully belongs to the government.
Burn 12 comments
· 7 years ago
"It's because she's black?" Remember what happened to Michael Phelps? He got excoriated for smoking weed, and lost a ton of money in endorsements as well. But keep believing that it's all racism...that way people don't have to take responsibility for their own actions.
Footballs most heroic save 3 comments
· 7 years ago
1. Why was that better than using his hands, which a goal keeper can do?
2. He is a Hun.
2. He is a Hun.
Stuff That'll Be On The Test 15 comments
· 7 years ago
The robot lawyer did NOT "save" users $3 million. It stole the government's money, since all earnings belong to the government and they allow us to,retain a portion of it.
Seriously guys hurry up 25 comments
· 7 years ago
Notice that Boeing and SpaceX are companies, not governments. So, you can "opt out" to,some extent if you don't agree with or like what they're doing---don't own the stock, don't buy or patronize the products and services, don't work there, etc. You really can't opt out of the things your government is doing with the tax dollars you and others send them. I'm not surprised at the many anti-exploration and anti-US sentiments here. All of you don't even think to look for the difference when you're so used to your government just taking care of everything and not having any choice in any of it.
More useless facts 20 comments
· 7 years ago
Who did the Koreans have to,defend their stores against during that riot? Chinese or Japanese who are the traditional enemies of Korea? Irish or German immigrants? Nazis? Islamophobes? The Politically Incorrect? Hippos?
Also, that's funny the Democrat President Johnson was so pro-war. Well. Not funny but strange.
Also, that's funny the Democrat President Johnson was so pro-war. Well. Not funny but strange.
But im still poor 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Maybe one of the things wrong is bitching about everything that isn't handed to you, but that's not generational.
This says a lot 16 comments
· 7 years ago
The law of supply & demand should cause the pay to,rise to a level that supports the amount needed based on the price of the crops and what the owners need to cover their costs. It just doesn't happen right away. Also, the prices and pay aren't static. We don't pay the same price for computers, food, clothes or cell service each year.
Neglected is all the tax money that now ISN'T spent on the benefits to all the illegal immigrants and their families.
The food suppliers won't let crops rot in the fields forever, and taxpayers won't be on the hook to pay for welfare, Medicaid and school costs for people who entered the country illegally.
Neglected is all the tax money that now ISN'T spent on the benefits to all the illegal immigrants and their families.
The food suppliers won't let crops rot in the fields forever, and taxpayers won't be on the hook to pay for welfare, Medicaid and school costs for people who entered the country illegally.
The iron lady 8 comments
· 7 years ago
In capitalism, you earn money by creating value that others are willing to exchange money for. A farmer sells feed for more than his cost of producing it, the hog farmer buys feed and raises hogs on it, then sells his grown hogs to a butcher at a profit. The butcher sells bacon and sausage to people who don't want to raise grain and hogs, but are willing to exchange the money they earn from being a mechanic or writing software for the food they eat. The government doesn't set the prices they must charge or pay, but things self-regulate so we get more of what people are willing to pay more for, which draws more people into that field so,prices come down. We have odd situations where sports stars get millions of dollars, but team owners and advertisers believe they're worth that much or they wouldn't pay that kind of money. People choose the kinds of jobs they do based on a combination of ability, monetary compensation, satisfaction and phychic rewards.
When 24-Hz sound waves collide with water 9 comments
· 7 years ago
It looks like the resonance of the tune is that certain frequency, so you get the same result as if you swung a hose in a tight circle manually.
Good guy waiter 2 comments
· 7 years ago
I dunno about the good guy status. It seems rude to be the one who always corrects others or does it for them in advance knowing that they MUST be inferior to him as far as knowing how to pronounce things.
I bet it's a lie 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I thought my wife was searching my browser history, so after clearing it, I made sure to do searches on stuff like "how to be a better husband" and shit like that. Having a fake note for Mrs. Anderson in case you're caught is the same idea.
Does that total include tip 5 comments
· 7 years ago
All that food, at three meals a day, would run out after about six weeks. The iPhone won't be obsolete for at least four months.
Good news 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Spending that extra time Playing video games, looking at memes, and complaining that college costs money don't count as "other skills."
A little louder 64 comments
· 7 years ago
Apparently it's racist to say that phrase, but NOT racist to hear a poorly spoken disjointed ungrammatical phrase and assume it must have been uttered by a black person.
The cost of living gets higher 8 comments
· 7 years ago
-->Work hard at
---->Something of high value that requires unique/precise skill(s), to
------>Save money and invest
-------->Take calculated risks with your investment
---------->Get to the point where what you own (bonds, businesses, companies, etc.) pay *you*.
I know people who won't save any of their income (even to get 401k matching money) and can't understand why they don't have anything. I know people with modest income who saved *just a little* for 30-40 years, and with compounding, they are financially independent.
Also, "working hard" doesn't have to be PHYSICAL labor, right? I worked pretty hard during engineering school and getting various certifications and training while employed, and I get paid to reflect that others didn't have the commitment or persistence to do that.
---->Something of high value that requires unique/precise skill(s), to
------>Save money and invest
-------->Take calculated risks with your investment
---------->Get to the point where what you own (bonds, businesses, companies, etc.) pay *you*.
I know people who won't save any of their income (even to get 401k matching money) and can't understand why they don't have anything. I know people with modest income who saved *just a little* for 30-40 years, and with compounding, they are financially independent.
Also, "working hard" doesn't have to be PHYSICAL labor, right? I worked pretty hard during engineering school and getting various certifications and training while employed, and I get paid to reflect that others didn't have the commitment or persistence to do that.
Cleanse yourself 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't know about the churches you're been to, but the ones I've attended ask for money to:
-pay for ongoing expenses like the building, taxes, salaries of staff
-support missions, local and non-local charities (local Rescue Mission that provides food and shelter for homeless, etc.)
If you don't go to church, fine. But if you attend regularly or just want to get married and/or have your kids baptized, you know buildings and utilities aren't free, right? If you or maybe a parent/spouse needs a hospital visit, should only unpaid volunteers be available to visit 24/7?
Also, if you think *they're* greedy for asking for money, what does that say about *you* when you hoard what you have and won't give anything to support the services you're using or think should be at hand in case you need them?
Last year, I and others put in some wheelchair ramps for handicapped and elderly people at no cost to them. We worked for free, but the materials came from our, donations.
-pay for ongoing expenses like the building, taxes, salaries of staff
-support missions, local and non-local charities (local Rescue Mission that provides food and shelter for homeless, etc.)
If you don't go to church, fine. But if you attend regularly or just want to get married and/or have your kids baptized, you know buildings and utilities aren't free, right? If you or maybe a parent/spouse needs a hospital visit, should only unpaid volunteers be available to visit 24/7?
Also, if you think *they're* greedy for asking for money, what does that say about *you* when you hoard what you have and won't give anything to support the services you're using or think should be at hand in case you need them?
Last year, I and others put in some wheelchair ramps for handicapped and elderly people at no cost to them. We worked for free, but the materials came from our, donations.
Don't mansplain things to me 10 comments
· 7 years ago
If you understand his explanation, it means that you may have been using a phone connected to a 9V battery, but essentially your phone's battery was losing power to it, and it wasn't adding to your phone's charge level.
I love Ellen so much 7 comments
· 7 years ago
OMG!!! That's harrassment! Fire her, scorch the land she owns! Oh wait, it's a woman...and a lesbian, so she's immune.
Guess being a virgin is healthy 1 comments
· 7 years ago
The joke about "smoking after sex" is that even though the stereotype is that a cigarette after coitus is satisfying to smokers, people who don't smoke cigarettes can still "smoke after sex" due to the...errrrr....vigorousness of the activity.
Diabetes bag improvement 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, cuz white kids are allowed to bring grenades to school. Check your privilege, you white bastards!
Because, you know.... Science ftw! 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Thanks to that one vaccine-autism study, we're going to hear a lot more incomprehensible screeching soon.
Not for more kids having autism, of course, but from the people who believe that one study and disbelieve the retraction or all the other studies showing there's no connection.
Not for more kids having autism, of course, but from the people who believe that one study and disbelieve the retraction or all the other studies showing there's no connection.
Major Differences Between US and UK Homes 17 comments
· 7 years ago
On the first one with the outlets, when are you MORE likely to,drop your electric device...when the cord is slack or when it's stretched to the maximum it can reach?
That can last 3 days! 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Luckily, no managers or hiring personnel are on social media to see that you steal from your (former) employer.
A hero amongst us 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Man, the Muslims want to kill you if you're gay, the Christians say being gay is who gets more crap in the comments? The ones who say it's bad or the ones who intend to kill you?
The "in the Roman days" comment us especially asinine. The ROMANS were in charge, and the Christians were slaves or worse...killed for their beliefs. But even if you're so stupid as to believe that Christians stoned gays at some point in history, let's focus on 2017. Which group is more likely to do you harm TODAY?
The "in the Roman days" comment us especially asinine. The ROMANS were in charge, and the Christians were slaves or worse...killed for their beliefs. But even if you're so stupid as to believe that Christians stoned gays at some point in history, let's focus on 2017. Which group is more likely to do you harm TODAY?
At 15 the weather was nice the last week of school, so we got to go outside at lunch. There wasn't enough teacher supervision for such a large group over a large area. There was this special needs kid that was getting kicked around by one of my tormentors and his friends, even as he kept trying to just walk away. Whatever kept me from fighting broke that day, and I shoved the main bully away from the kid. They looked eager for a 3on 1 fight, but apparently the look in my eye said "I don't care how bad I get hurt, I'm going to give as good as I get"