
evil things d&d players have done - even i am not that bad 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I loved playin D&D in college. Every once in a while, someone would join our group and tell us about a previous group who played like the stories in this meme. It's just so stupid and juvenile. If that's how you and your friends wanted to,play, so be it, but shooting a dick down a throat with a crossbow? Losing your genitals due to kissing a saving throw? No wonder D&D players had the stigma we did. I didn't understand it then, but now I see why.
The women fighters who helped defeat ISIS in Raqqa 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Let's bring some of these women to the western countries, not continue to bring angry single males between the ages of 17 and 25 who want to make their new home look just like the craphole they claim to have fled and impose their society and laws on their new benefactors.
Teddy Roosevelt 1 comments
guest · 6 years ago
What, without any federal funding?
What I really mean 4 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Alternatively, why do I have to flatten myself against a wall so you and your three friends don't have to,stop walking side by side?
This really bugs me about many many "charities" 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The local homeless shelter is staffed by volunteers. That's where my donations go, not to United Way (many officers of which earn more than I do).
Faith in Humanity. 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Whew. Luckily, no,women in divorce or custody battles would ever lie or have their child lie about abuse, bringing down the undeserved ire of a biker gang on someone.
Here's a good idea 31 comments
guest · 6 years ago
They find fossils of ocean animals in the US plains states. There were wooly mammoths in areas that are now temperate. There has been climate change going on for millennia, BIT IT WASNT MAN MADE.

But, it's always appropriate to try to embarrass people who disagree with you, so,go ahead and name the Hurricanes after people you need to denigrate for their different views.
He is a bit of a moron 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Can one of you guys who uses Tinder please just answer question for me? The way that photo is cropped, does that mean she's a blimp, or is it just a dramatic affect?
This is why we can't have nice things 11 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Unfortunately, that is the case.
Deism 37 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Do you believe that the Bible is God's word? If not, then why even conjecture that a person named Jesus Christ existed? Is it's not God's word, it's easily believable that it's all made up. But if you do believe that the Bible is God 's word then you must come to the conclusion that Jesus Christ existed and he represented one of three things:
He was who he said he was that his God's Son and the world's Savior
That he was crazy and went around saying those things wrongly,
That he was dishonest and trying to trick people.
If it's either of the latter two, why would you want to follow something like that?

These are some difficult questions that you must address if you're actually going to form a belief system rather than just take the non-confrontational view that there are many paths to the afterlife and everybody gets to believe whatever he wants to. You can also believe that gravity doesn't exist, but that doesn't make it true no matter how earnestly you believe it.
Economics 3 comments
guest · 6 years ago
184 congressmen/women cosponsored a bill raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour. 174 of them have unpaid interns. Note that "unpaid" isn't even equal to the current minimum wage.
Good news 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
So this guy is an expert at starting a business and becoming fantastically wealthy. That doesn't mean he's an expert at being a dad. Why is his opinion on parenting better than that of someone who isn't fantastically wealthy but has a bunch of great kids?
Schroedinger's Millennials 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
It must be terrible could be the first generation in history to not have jobs handed to you, to not be able to earn what you feel you are worth, and to have problems from previous generations or even from the beginning of mankind set in your lap.
A little louder 64 comments
guest · 6 years ago
This is so true, but in addition to the way you think:
When you call the can a racist, take its money to give to groups that continue to call it racist, excuse every offense against the can and in fact blame the can for crimes done against it, and THEN the can explodes, do,you blame the can?
This looks like so much fun 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Suffocating from sinking into and being trapped in plastic, and nobody can get to you.
Retired couple that cosplay together 7 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Can't help but imagine how, if a white person were cosplaying Asian or Black characters, the SJWs would be going bat$#+ crazy over the Cultural Appropriation.

Don't like the continuous degeneration of everything into racial matters? Me neither.
It's difficult being both 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I have a low tolerance for whining about how hard it is to be something. But this thing actually makes a lot of sense.
Even in 1912 they were aware of climate change! 8 comments
guest · 6 years ago
There was a book called "The Coming Ice Age" that I recall seeing on bookstore shelves in the late 70s. So, certainly more than one article in one magazine as erroneously claimed by funkm aster. If you're wrong about that, what else are you mistaken about?
The pulsing of Earth's winters 13 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Nobody denies the annual cycles of like 60 degrees because it's easy to observe. But, suggest that 2 or 3 degrees of movement occurs naturally over 200 and 4000 year cycles (in synch with solar cycles) and watch people go nuts.
Girls in gyms be like 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
All right, let me make a comment thatll get everybody mad at me. Sometimes women wear something that practically begs people to look at her. So, people look at her. But if you women & social justice warrior men would refrain from criticizing people for noticing something that has been worn with the express intent of making people notice it, you will get a lot more traction and assistance criticizing those people making inappropriate comments, drooling and leering. .
The horrors of being left-handed 14 comments
guest · 6 years ago
At work doing CAD work that uses boththe mouse and a track ball, I have trained myself to be fairly dexterous with my left hand. I wanted to see if I could apply that to more personal situations...and, errrrr....and I can attest that you can use your off-hand plenty well enough.
Need to eat something 9 comments
guest · 6 years ago
I WISH my wife would be that bold and bawdy.
Physical > Emotional pain 12 comments
guest · 6 years ago
That was my 2nd thought. My 1st thought was, "If you hate revealing stuff about yourself so much when it's to like 30 people, why are you revealing THIS about yourself to millions, unasked?"
Theft proof Purse 23 comments
guest · 6 years ago
Also, women only rarely let a man have a go at that zipper. Too tired, kids are awake, too busy playing Angry Birds, undefined bitchiness.
Why become a nurse 6 comments
guest · 6 years ago
1. It takes a lot longer to become a doctor than a nurse.
2. If that sponge bath thing is the big attraction, a doctor can be a gynecologist, you know.
3. There are morbidly obese patients, ancient disgusting patients, and plenty of vomit and diarrhea to deal with.
"millennials aren't buying enough.. Millennials aren't whatever 10 comments
guest · 6 years ago
The house is so much more valuable now because the location has become more valuable. If you want to buy a house, you may need to live in an area that hasn't become much more valuable than it was 50 years ago, maybe because all,sorts of things have been built around it.

Also, the guy's job was firefighter...something valuable. If you major in something fluff, or get a job as a "social media content editor" (post stuff to Twitter and Facebook), or take a job in whatever fields a gender studies major leads to, don't expect to earn the same pay as people who majored in something difficult which firms will actually pay for.
The tweet of the day 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Luckily we have plenty of open minded people now to call any business that does something like that And give them some death threats. We have some right-inking people who could cause everyone else to be forced to behave as if they're open minded as well. It's abhorrent for any business to withhold doing business with other people just because they don't like them; so what we need to do is withhold our business from anyone who does things we don't like to drive them out of business.
If god could speak to us 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So these people comtribute to build a mega church because that's where they figure they'll get the most programs and whatever. They also contribute to homeless shelters and food banks, but don't make a big deal out of it, so some naysayers don't know WHAT those churchgoers support monetarily. But someone who doesn't support anything thinks he's clever by attempting to call them out.
Syria.... A place to visit 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
No. Not Denmark. Only Americans are stupid.
What 26 comments
guest · 7 years ago
My guess: The whites guy is pretty pleased with his enlightened social,activism and is angry with the black guy for not having the views he deems appropriate for blacks to have.

Did you ever see hoe politically correct people treat a woman or black who has conservative views? That often triggers the behavior that they condemn in others, but it's ok because the person has "incorrect views."
I know her very well 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
When you combine the freaky talk with one that really comes through with it....omg.
They didn't think that trough 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Hey...hey....don't be so,closed minded. Maybe they didn't go out to buy those coats, but already owned them.

Worse that buying/owning the coats is that they ruined them. By taking a bunch of coats out of circulation, they necessitated other animals being killed to make new coats to replace them (if the demand stays the same). The real purpose of stuff like this is not to raise awareness or anything like that, but to throw a tantrum that others aren't doing what they want them to. Also, people like to feel like they're socially aware, and this is an idiotic way to feel that way. Plus, some men get to "virtue signal" to women who are Impressed by that kind of behavior.
Life's "easy" button was right there the whole time! 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
We laugh at the absurdity of the over-the-top response, but there are many on campuses and elsewhere that do believe this. They will then make life miserable for the guy who obtained consent, but didn't realize it could be annulled retroactively.

Another good one is that a woman can be too drunk to,consent, but the guy can't be too drunk to have noticed the girl was too drunk.
Just terrible 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I heard that evil mum makes her pick up her room before her mum vacuums her room, and also,forces her to empty the dishwasher sometimes.
wow 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
He said that she had to shoot one of them, not *kill* one of them...
Australian WWII POWs in Japanese captivity - Singapore, 1945 (colourised) 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Japanese soldiers were taking Chinese babies, throwing them in the air, and catching them on their bayonets. They were also plenty of other atrocities.

The US is the only nation I can think of that defeated other countries in a war, then spent it's own money to,rebuild them, and then turned back over government control rather than use them as a puppet state
Australian WWII POWs in Japanese captivity - Singapore, 1945 (colourised) 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The use of the Atom bomb usually gets put out there is proof of how evil terrible the US was. But don't forget to Japan to US before even declaring war. Also the The planters calculated out the number of deaths and hundreds of thousands of US soldiers and millions of Japanese earlier dying in a plane and creation of the mainland. Thousands that died tragic but compared to the alternative it was a better way to end the war which Japan started. The planters calculated out the number of deaths and hundreds of thousands of US soldiers and millions of Japanese earlier this dying in a plane and creation of the mainland. The thousands that died tragic but compared to the alternative it was a better way to end the war which Japan started.
Do a search for the "Rape of Nanking."
Patrick stewart everyone 30 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It amazes me how we focus on perceived lack of rights in the west, like women's salaries even though the numbers compare different jobs with different amount of time in the jobs. We completely ignore subjugation and oppression that's in the holy book of Islam, which they gladly enact. Such excitement that women can now drive in Saudi Arabia! We don't recall that women can't go out in public without a male escort, and that raped women are routinely killed for becoming "ruined."

But in the west, let some guy refer to women as girls, or float the idea that there might be a biological difference between the sexes and watch out!
Gentlemens promoting good humanity on campus 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
When I lived in the dorms and someone's girlfriend or sister visited, or just some girl from another dorm came over to do homework, we ALWAYS walked her home. Always. I didn't realize that such a thing was noteworthy.
Pineapple on people 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It doesn't take effect in a couple need to do it for days, and also avoid red mean and coffee.

However, the right girl can make that worthwhile.
Authentic Mexican food 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The food is here *legally*, so it doesn't need to be restricted.
Why not 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I went way out of my way to try to get something at a local lock store. I showed up half an hour before the posted closing time just in time to see the last employee leaving early. So I had to wait till the next day to buy what I needed at a big box store. Another time I wanted to buy meat from the local family owned butcher type shop but their business was slow so the meat wasn't as fresh as the grocery store. The local hardware store used to provide expert advice with their hardware, but the knowledgeable people are gone, leaving people who don't know anything and don't want to quit talking to each other to help a customer. Why should I pay more for worse product or worse service? Want people to buy from your local store? Provide something that the chain stores can't.
Perhaps we should focus on the right thing 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The problem is that one religion promotes violent spreading of their beliefs through jihad. Read up on it.

Just becaue it makes you uncomfortable to accept it doesn't make it not true.
I wish trees approach me 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ladies, here's a secret. Those of you who are "average" are still pretty good looking.
Feels 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
IN the 1970s, when a teen's pants got too short because they grew taller but not wider, moms would add material to the bottom or take out a cuff to increase the length. We had meatless meals once a week or maybe twice to economize, not because of vegan or health reasons. Once, a group of us raked an old lady's yard, and our "payment" was a bottle of Pepsi each...we didn't have to share!

This is the context within which I view today's folks whining about having a functioning phone but it's not the latest model, or paying extra money to get jeans with strategic rips located "just so."
Thing 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
What's the ratio of tv show memes to,sports memes? Like 50:1?

Also, I've never seen football fan fiction, but once accidentally stumbled onto Supernatural fan fiction. Yeah, the guys are cute, I guess, but why does someone find it hot to imagine gay incest?
Never give up 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You know, those old guys didn't REALLY fight off 20 bad guys each and sprint 400 meters in 50 seconds. It's called "acting."
Yeah, "usa." 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
White privilege.
MHA HAHAHA f*ckERSSSS 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you are an uncoordinated dork, it prolly doesn't matter how u run. So maybe, dorks running like Naruto *can* go faster.
True af!!! 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Plot twist: the "lifestyle" made them look like that & need wheelchairs at age 45.