
I'll ease your burden 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Thank you, I'm now adding 'make $6000/month' to my life goals. One day... But that's lower on the list than being able to afford a dog.
Wear jeans next time 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Who took this photo??
Where are they getting so much food?! 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
A friend told me that a homeless person in our city refused an offer of food, saying people don't know how easy getting food is. Stuff like housing, mental health care, and addictions counselling, however...
You suck at flirting 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Two people can have a crush on each other without being close enough to always get each other's sense of humour.
Seriously tho 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
One of my friends was seriously studying the question of whether the earth is flat. That's about as close as I've gotten to meeting a flat earther. It was still kind of concerning.
Sorry I've been gone I got a new phone and forgot my pass! 111 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Drive safe, pupper!
You suck at flirting 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yyyup. That, and how close of a relationship you have before he asks you out
Something interesting is happening 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Couldn't someone just then start another company? It wouldn't be obsolete anymore if they could provide the same/a similar service for less expense. ?
Hey the more you know 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Salary comes from salt because... Salinity? Idk.
The Canadian government fired its first shots ever 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This is quite possibly my favourite ad campaign. 1) Anti-littering, pro-environment 2) WORDPLAY :D
The Canadian government fired its first shots ever 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Do you have any specifically in mind? (I'm a Canadian... who never watches tv... and mostly sees USA advertisements)
Americans step aside please 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Thank you!
When a three year old tries to tell me a story 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Does your nephew play pokemon
Leaf floating on water, casting a unique shadow 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Water distorts light. If you put your hand underwater and look at it at an angle close to the surface, you'll see that the part of your arm that is underwater does not line up with the part that is above the surface. That's all I got, though.
Better science please explain?
Sorry Americans 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So we should all get along and agree to continue the systemic oppression of indigenous people and poc? Cool. (I'm not trying to hate on Canada... much... it's my country and I take pride in it, I just can't stand the sorry state that we're in.) I, as with other guest, wish the stereotypes about Canadian politeness and peace were true.
Feels 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I think most parents will buy some things their children want, but not EVERYTHING the child wants. It's gotta vary widely from family to family though.
Gov vs Teacher funded classroom 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Teachers are people who spend thousands of dollars to get an education which will result in them spending 40+ hours per week providing a learning experience for a roomful of kids. If they're that dedicated to young lives then it's not a stretch to imagine that they make this much of a difference in the classroom - even if it costs them.
Top kek 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Full sarcasm. No doubts here. (Well, okay, I got 1% doubt after reading your comment but I squashed it.)
AKA a bachelor's degree in getting mad 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It is, thank you. Do you happen to remember where the 95% v. 55% info came from? If not, I'm content skimming through what you've posted here in hopes of finding it so I can read the related content. There's quite a lot of information in the first link!
Breaking out of my shell. 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
As an introvert, this is not accurate to all my experiences... but DANG the ones it does capture are captured perfectly.
AKA a bachelor's degree in getting mad 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
peachypersimmon where did you get your statistical fact please?
Those poor people 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
being associated with. If they did, there would probably be a lot more understanding all around. It's so important to know the context in which your words are being heard. If I referred to a fellow Christian as a sinner, they'd just say "Yep, I am. And God loves me anyway." But if I said the same of a non-Christian, they'd likely think I was implying my own moral superiority, which wouldn't be the case at all. So things need to be said differently in different contexts. Everyone has to have consideration for each other.
Yes. I've always riled at statements like that. Just because something is "normal" doesn't mean that it is good, or that it should stay the way it is and be excused. I remember a few years ago watching a music video that struck me as being incredibly sexist, objectifying women sexually, and I said something about not liking that. The response I got implied that I was overreacting to a very minor thing... and it was minor, but also part of a bigger cultural offence.
Those poor people 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah, I see a lot more of it on the internet than in real life too - although irl it does happen. I'm not from the US either, though, and though my province has rednecks (we probably have the most in Canada), we don't have the kind of historical division the US does. It's more of a cultural contrast, which makes some people with less progressive/leftist values feel ignored and unvalued as a group. And usually no one takes time to see the other side of things, because every person is so sure that he or she is on the moral side of the argument, it's almost like they think trying to see the opposite side would be immoral, would make their souls dirty or something.
And yeah, many groups get misrepresented by a vocal minority. I'm a Christian, and one thing that stuns me is that some other Christians are completely unaware of the Westboro Baptist Church. So these Christian friends feel like they're getting picked on for their religion, but they don't realize what kind of scum they're(1/2)
Friends 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah, not everyone can move out right away. Well, I guess technically anyone 'can'... it just might have undesirable consequences that could be avoided by living with your parents long enough to accumulate some savings.
True gentleman 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This is beautiful.
Those poor people 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I agree about the importance of seeing both the good and bad in your own group, too. I'll add that I see tremendous value in helping other groups to do that - maybe in the case of rednecks, that would mean making effort to not mock or belittle them; the dominant culture does that, so I imagine they probably start off on the defensive, and it would be best for us... non-rednecks... to help them lower their guards so we could have productive conversation. (2/2)
Those poor people 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Hi, thanks for replying! I don't have fun conversations like this nearly often enough in the summer. I agree that white people shouldn't take on a backbreaking burden of guilt for something that we had no control over. And the fact is, most people aren't asking us to. What's being asked of us is that we rectify the situation. (But a lot of white people I know, particularly the men in my family, don't get that, and will get super offended during conversations about race because they think you're telling them to feel guilty.) I view it as being kind of similar to if I had a child, and that child broke my neighbour's fine china, or whatever. I'll feel guilty, but not extremely so, because with small children unfortunate accidents happen. And the kid can't do anything about the china - but it's not fair to leave the neighbour with paying the cost for that, so it is my responsibility to rectify the situation. And if it had priceless monetary or emotional value, then I still do what I can1/2
Package in disguise 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I see what you mean... I'm going to attribute the carpet-like look to the quality of the photo though. But then, my grandpa has this kind of rough turf-like fabric on his back deck, so. And actually he did at some point have a couch-swing on his deck, and some ornamentation.
Those poor people 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
took pride in being a redneck. To her it meant something different. I wish I could define it. And though rachee was consistently rude, I think the point about rednecks having practical, valuable skills is probably pretty valid. I can't remember where I was going with this. Probably nowhere; just the cook is someone I respect. And that moment with her reminded me of the dangers of painting a whole group with the same brush - even when it's easy and socially acceptable. Plus I read a post about how Trump won the election - in part, it said, by appealing to the "only group of people it is still acceptable [in cultural opinion] to make fun of" - that is, the back country, rural people. It creates a kind of "us vs. them" culture between city people and country people. Okay. End rant. Especially because ewqua already said it's not a black and white, us vs them kind of thing. I realize I'm preaching to the choir in a way. So. Thanks for listening. G'night! (2/2)
Those poor people 33 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Hi. I'm going to jump on this wild ride of a post because for some reason the statement "Redneck are known for being racist and homophobic" is getting to me a little. I'm not even denying it. I don't see how I reasonably could. But a couple of years ago I was working in the kitchen of a ranch that runs camps for kids from difficult backgrounds every summer, and one of the counsellors walked in, threw some ice in a plastic baggie, and quipped about it being a 'redneck ice pack' on his way out. My friend on the kitchen staff is Chinese, and 'redneck' was a new word to her. She asked me to explain it. I fumbled around before first explaining the literal meaning - people who work in the fields get sunburns on their necks a lot. Then I said something about them generally being considered uneducated, and something else that I can't remember but probably wasn't flattering. The cook disagreed with my description - I remember the feelings more than the words, and I got the idea that she (1/2)
Package in disguise 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Pretty sure that's an outdoor patio couch. Sofa. Chesterfield. Whatever.
Its quite rude 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
"Depression nap" is now forever part of my vocabulary and I wish it had been sooner.
Eminem lawsuit 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ooh, thanks for this, I never knew he wrote a song expressing regret for the one he wrote about her. We talked about that song in my Child Abuse & Neglect class, in the context of discussing Munchausen syndrome by proxy. Sadly many kids have experienced this - the (usually) mothers try to hurt them, poison them (that was the spaghetti thing right? Sorry I don't really know Eminem songs well), or otherwise to something to their children to make themselves the centre of attention, sympathy, and what have you. :(
Edanatl seyticidr fecanomp 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
X-Men. On the left is a lady from the movie Wolverine. (spoilers ahead!) On the right is Logan, aka Wolverine, from the movie Logan. The red-haired lady can see one moment of the future - the moment of someone's death. The left panels show her prediction of Logan's death. The right panels show Logan... holding the hand of the daughter he never knew.
Diving a quad over a cliff in the Faroe Islands 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I... I still thought it was a land vehicle until I saw your comment. Thank you.
"you make me feel stupied" no. You realised you're stupid 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's obviously roundabout
Devolution 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm forgetting stuff but wheRE THE f*ck WAS JIM 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I think guest decided to use his/her phone's autofill to write that entire post..
Do not pet 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Wow! Those dogs are more adventurous than I am!
I'm forgetting stuff but wheRE THE f*ck WAS JIM 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That sounds about right. No way he wouldn't show up to see Pam's art and support her!
Shoo kitty 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Which piece of furniture are you prepared to risk?
Ohh yes! 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Like weeping angels? No choice because the instinct is too powerful? (If you don't watch Doctor Who then I am sorry for wasting your time. But also, you should watch it! :) )
I'm good at making apps. Not good at what to do with women 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I had to read this a second time on a different day to get it.. "Public forum" ie. "This post is on a public forum so I'll say anything I want to."
Milky  11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I can understand wanting to do both of those things. If you've grown up (well, grown to adolescence) with a low sense of self-worth, anything that makes you feel less-than or 'othered' is likely to evoke a response of fear or anger, and underneath that, shame and a fear of being unlovable / unworthy of love. Human beings are social creatures. Loss of connection is felt as a powerful threat. Plus, adolescents are biologically wired to seek approval from peers - it's part of the natural process of growing away from one's parents and towards one's own future family.
I'm good at making apps. Not good at what to do with women 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This is how I comfort people and I am a woman... the moral of the story being that none of us know what to do.
Does anyone get this? 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You'd think, but my friend's younger sister (as a teenager) had to ask how to open the windows in my friend's car.. She had no idea.
Sass level: Hawkeye when drunk 12 comments
guest · 7 years ago
adorkable, any normal gf surely would. This one clearly ain't fit for a healthy relationship... and if the sister is being more truthful, it's questionable whether she's a gf or just a clingy hopeful
I have a dog named kenzie because she was born blind 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
And you as well! :)
Little gifts can be nice 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That could definitely be a very helpful and productive redirect. But I find that when you get to the point that op is at, you've hit a low where all you want is satisfaction for the least amount of energy... and purchasing and getting stuff is, for whatever reason, a cause for an increase in dopamine in our brains. And clicking a button is so little effort... I suppose I shouldn't assume op has a mental illness, but I do know how it is to feel connected to life and the possibility of joy by the thinnest of margins.
I have a dog named kenzie because she was born blind 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I like larger breeds myself, but all dogs are wonderful companions :)