
And it gets better the more you look at it 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yup, that there is a clear cut case of pent-up-pet-jealousy. When two of the three computer screens has only one pet displayed, you're gonna have a bad time.
Dog meat will be banned at annual chinese festival 26 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Who are we to tell them what they should and shouldn't eat based on our ideals of what animal should be friend or food? If an organization from china came over to US farms and put a ban on the killing and eating of cows and chickens, we would lose our minds. It is not our business what animal another culture calls livestock. I do believe, however, all animals, livestock included, should be treated in life and death with respect. So ALL farmers should be held to a higher standard, America included. I lived and worked on a family farm, to say that we raise them to die and did not form the same bonds as your normal household pet is laughable. I named our pigs, hens, roosters, and milking cows. I loved and respected them, and I prayed over each one, thanking them for their sacrifice. But that is not the norm, farms are ran like factories with no regard for the lives of their animals. We need to take a look at ourselves before we start wagging our fingers at someone else.
Cavemen Can't Understand It 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Predators helped a bit, the weak and sick died off leaving only the strong to survive, as it should be. Now life-hindering recessive genes that would have been bred out are thriving, we live longer great, but we're overpopulated. And what's the point of living longer when you spend your 'golden years' waiting for your family to visit you on the holidays or just siting around afraid of falling? Working in the medical feild and being the one who actually gets her hands dirty and cares for the geriatric really brings up the question; is living longer really worth all this suffering?