
I'd have to sell my kidney for that 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If it breaks while being tried on, you got no business selling it.
Trump Disapproves 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That pisses off a lot of people--there are many things that sound good but are too simplistic to work. Also, actions have unintended consequences.
Maybe she's a genius 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Her next post: Waaah! Waaaahhhhhhh! High school,didn't prepare me for the real world. I' may not have paid attention in class, have even BEEN in class often, or taken more than the minimum classes, but it was someone else's JOB to prepare me!e
How civilized are we?? 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's half a hot dog.
Age is just a number and jail is just a room 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
A lot of judgment from the people who get pissed off when you judge things they're ok with, like homosexual marriage.
You Are Beautiful and Great 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Whites are the only group that is told they need to you see any of that pushed on Africa or Asia?
What difference does it make? 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Hillary got paid huge sums for giving speeches to Wall Stret banks, but they won't release the transcripts of those speeches. I'd like to know if she said things like, "but be sure to take care of the common people while you're making your millions" or "if you donate to the Clinton Foundation, we'll make sure to pass laws that APPEAR to benefit the working class but actually lets you line your pockets."
Fascinating facts 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
In hate the WBC as much as the next guy, maybe more than most since I once protested against *them* protesting the funeral procession of a soldier killed in Afghanistan. But it's weird that two countries won't let them in, in the name of "tolerance." Those countries are saying that their population is too fragile to hear something they won't like. Extend that a little further, and a lot of comedians won't be able to tell jokes. Then some unpopular political ideas will be forbidden from being discussed. I say lets get that stuff out in the open and see if sunlight kills it without censorship.
How the guys are impressed 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Nice snatch!
I wonder how long he can keep this going 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Don't judge! If it's wrong to judge gays and lesbians and all the other popular "alternative relationships" then it's wrong to judge the ones that are contrary to what we personally find OK.
Not everyone have it easy, but you can be proud of your hard work 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This is really good. But I still see a lot of whining for free college to major in something society doesn't need. I'd be interested in more help,for engineering and business, but colleges will have to admit many fewer students when it's "free."
"where does it say she committed rape" 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Dude! Someone discovered he/she was wrong, admitted it, and began to move one? I don't know WHAT to think now.
Accurate 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Problem #1: Nobody with daughters or nieces will invite former President Clinton over.

Problem #2: The UN had Jimmy Carter observe the elections inCuba, and he said that everything was fair and above board. Shockingly, the dictator was reelected. Anybody that doddering isn't likely to be an good addition to a gathering.
DDOL #84- "Just let it go, Just let it be, why don't you be you, and I'll be me" 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The obvious reason is because someone won't date you while you're dating someone else usually. The less obvious reason is that when you're with the wrong person and the right person sees that is the kind of person you prefer to be with, which also defines you. For example, if a woman stays with a guy who verbally abuses her, and she continually tolerates that despite not liking it, that sends a message to potential other boyfriends, who would never do that sort of thing and wouldn't imagine themselves with a woman who puts up with it.
Sign the damn Accord 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Climate change isn't necessarily man made. Besides the annual cycle which is easy to see, there's a 14 year sunspot cycle, a 400 year sun intensity cycle, and a 2000 or 20000 year sun cycle as well.

And if man made effects are doing anything, how can the 99% clean west compensate for the third world countries burning coal without smoke stack scrubbers? If we wreck our economies to get 0.2% better, would that be Ok?
Nat Geo's newest recruit 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Downside: 75% of the pics are of swollen red baboon ass.
confessions  6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Better to find out now...
New Favorite Comedian 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I don't get the hilarity in dressing a little kid as a giant penis. Him having/surviving cancer maybe makes it evoke sympathy, but it's just not funny.

I guess everything done by someone with cancer has to be wonderful?
Thematicly relevant to a novel and screenplay I'm working on. 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Think about THIS meme when you're reading one about how stupid guys are for not giving up or not taking no for an answer. Some guys are going to see "my life isn't complete until the guy I said no to a dozen times makes a final desperate romantic gesture to chase me down at an airport to keep me from getting on a plane to see what I had thought was my true love....until that moment." You're sowing the seeds of your own problem.
Elon being Elon 67 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Read up,on this agreement...many countries that have signed the agreement are increasing their carbon emissions (most of Europe) while the US has been reducing as a matter of course as our energy goes to the cleaner sources. But, apparently it's more important to say you promise to do something (even if you don't follow through) than to actually do it.

And how will the US harming its economy help when the dirty factories and electricity generation of the emerging economies swamp all the solar and wind anyway?
NSFW Police department 19 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yes, 4 of 5 are women. Nobody's trying to "win" with a higher number, just pointing out its not,one sided completely. A man subjected to domestic violence gets no comfort because "his side" is ahead in violence.
Police Officer Goes Undercover as a Man in a Wheelchair 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Remember that video where someone would "accidentally" miss their pocket with their wallet? Then, the video was showing how some people chased after them with the wallet and other people just grabbed the wallet and kept it. The latter group even would lie about having it when the person came back and said that they thought they dropped their wallet right there.

But then, a bunch of people called out the racism that only showed one race preponderantly kept the wallet. But, the video was a cross section of time, and they didn't select the worst of one group and the best of the rest... It was just that those people really were dishonest more of the time.

Well, I didn't notice any other races I this god guy video. Maybe it's the Canadians, maybe it's that city, or maybe it's something else. Maybe a lot of social and economic stuff that seems to work elsewhere CANT work in the US because of the racial stuff going on there.
This guy means it 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Tax REFUND? Your RETURN is the form you fill out.
My worst nightmare 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
There was a tv show in the 1970s called UFO, where this was a thing. It allowed interstellar travel because...oh, something like breathing air didn't allow one to survive the incredible acceleration needed to reach the speed necessary for such distant travel. Even the transition from breathing the liquid back to air was traumatic. What did those guys know back in ~1975?
Let's Make A Toast For The Architect 6 comments
guest · 7 years ago
In ten or fifteen years when that glass cylinder doesn't seal well any more see how you like this.
Wonder Woman the mentor 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Unleash hell on some young boys that don't know any better. How wonderful. Is that supposed to teach them to,respect girls, or just that might makes right?
Interviewer: So where do you see yourself in 5 years? Me: 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
You can stop that thing with a "sticky bomb." If you don't believe me, look it up in the GI field manual.
A cry for help 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
question for the wife: is it OK if he has sex with other women? After all, " it really isn't that important."
When parents learn how to use the computer 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Dating is hard 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Boys take the rejection, then happen to see a bunch of movies that girls like where the guy never gives up and eventually wins over his love interest.

I get what this meme is saying, but ladies, you're "training" boys to do the opposite. They don't realize that only the rich gorgeous guy you rejected is supposed to be persistent.
This is bad 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If the lawyer shoots his mouth off, that's betraying lawyer-client confidentiality, and he'll be disbarred.
how does anyone support these losers? 38 comments
guest · 7 years ago
That PETA guy needs to shear his face. That beard style is gonna be the mullet of our era.
What do you wanna beet he's wearing a leather belt?
White people are crazy 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If lock my doors when I see a bunch of young males of ANY race who:
Have hoods over their heads to hide their faces.
Seem like they're looking, not at the cars, but closely at who's in them to assess their vulnerability.
Are sitting around aimlessly.
Have facial,expressions that represent people who appear to be looking for someone to engineer a confrontation with by deliberately misinterpreting a gesture or phrase.

Sorry if this ruins the ire you wanted to have.
Wise penny 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm an Average looking guy with an average to marginally above average build, and this woman was hitting on me at the bar with my wife there. The only conclusion I came up with was she was attracted to my husbandly qualities, one of which is being faithful. Incredibly ironic that one of the things that she was attracted to was the very thing that would be destroyed if I acted on her advances.

We were at a table with a large group, talking. So, it was more whatever I said than how I look that piqued her interest.
White people 22 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Diversity is critical, when it's something you want to hear. We'll protest and march to increase Diversity. But if the source is someone I've decided to dislike, I'll make sure I ignore the message before it's even uttered.
True queen 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Do they also teach the importance of diversity? Do they have quotas for minority white people in African countries and African universities because as we all know diversity is critically important to EVERYTHING. Or is it just white societies that need to have diversity?

If they don't teach much about US history, do they teach about African tribes enslaving other tribes, and selling slaves to the white Devils? Or is slavery just a big deal for Americans?
Being helpful to others 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The helping attitude matters most? I would say that if he's not strong enough to actually be of any help there's no difference in the situation of someone who doesn't want to help.
Lmao 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Buying food with food stamps, cigarettes with cash, and just got the bandage off that multi-color full sleeve tattoo. See, you can't just food stamps for cigs or tats.
Absolute motivation 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
A guy worked his way from nothing (maybe worse than nothing, since he had to care for siblings and not just worry about himself starting from zero) and graduated from a very prestigious college. So, how is his country shit? Oh, he didn't get a government-paid degree in gender equity studies or something like that the thing that's bothering you?
Who wants a hug I have a need to express affection 1 comments
guest · 7 years ago
This is what some people are trying to do with those who are depressed or too shy to have interactions with other people. I know that some people just want to push their way of living life on others who are different, but some of us are trying to break through the crust of some of you who (we think) need it; we may not be doing a great job all the time from not understanding all you've got going on, but we're trying, imperfectly, to help in some way.
Any FSers in/near Manchester stay safe just incase 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I didn't see a single item on either of those topics, but thank goodness someone got out there to tell others what not to talk about.
#westandtogether 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Standing with Manchester is a hollow sentiment when you complain about a country trying to get control of its borders through Brexit, or you complain about any country trying to restrict immigration from the places that have a overabundance of terrorists Who want to pretend to be refugees.
She's not wrong 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you actually read what she wrote, you'd see that the students often don't have necessary school supplies and use "no money" as an excuse.
Abstinence makes heart grow fonder xD 16 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The Netherlands is also very racially homogeneous, and that race happens to be an industrious responsible one. If you throw in 11% of the population as people who choose to rest in a welfare hammock and spawn children that also like to game the system (more kids = more welfare money) you'll get a lot closer to what we have in the US.

Oh, and anticipating the first response, in the words of Rhett Butler, I'm sorry if the truth offends you.
Dog meat will be banned at annual chinese festival 26 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The big differenc is, cows and chickens are stupid animals bred to be raised for food. Dogs are bred to be our companions and friends. I sometimes wonder if mankind's greatest achievement was domesticating the dog. Seeing these puppies being carted around and their expression showing that they're wondering what's going to happen to them breaks my heart.
Do they come from factories? 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I don't know about the 9...there are some large cities where 100% of the year's rapes are committed by Muslim "refugees." (And before you reply about how you dislike that information, look it up to see that it's true.)
sad 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Banned gasses, like Saddam Hussein used on the Kurds? Oh wait, that doesn't fit the narrative that he wasn't proved to have WMDs, and that "Bush Lied" about something.
My hero 11 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Sorry. Can't admire a guy with too-short cut offs and cowboy boots.
A patriotic lunatic!!! 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
"Fact" from a comic book.
Deal with it 7 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So, someone is doing something you don't find interesting or entertaining, but instead of just passing by you have to ruin what they're doing. Oh, but you're old so it's cute.