
Some stuff for you 3 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Then every album is an infinite loop if you start it over again after it's finished.
Carrie Fisher was a "unique" mother 2 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I can't understand some guys' willingness to confess to jacking off, such that this is how u picture them.
As a waitress, truth 24 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Well of course the millennial can be chill about the delay...he/she expects the boomer to pay. Plus the boomer has to get back to his/her job, but the millennial's video game will still be paused in the same spot, waiting at home (well, parents' home to be accurate).
Can't open the internet without a half naked girl popping up 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I understand why it might be frustrating to women when they see ads the target some product to sell too many sold by scantly clad women. But at the target women also usually feature scantily clad women. You have the power to boycott that stuff if it really offends you. Also I see
Second star to the right and straight on till morning 21 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So We're supposed to be entrance by Wendy's giving Peter a sexual awakening? When somebody pushes their affections on someone who doesn't even know what does affections are wether kisses or something else that's pedophilia. Imagine if this were a man pushing his attentions on a girl… But if it's a woman pushing her attention a boy, that's OK.
18 useful food replacement hacks 37 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Ever tried air popped popcorn? It tastes like Styrofoam. Also on the salt, table salt has iodine added because our diets are deficient, but sea salt and all these other fancy salts don't have iodine added so you could easily be deficient in the iodine.
Good boys make good protectors 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I do too, with a number on the end in case anyone ever figures out that I'm doing it. It's not so much that they're protecting me, but I think it would please them to be in my getting some attention even now.
Good answer 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I give my plants manure, dirt, industrial fertilizer with nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. This is a pretty terrible test of whether it's suited for a child
Definitely more than me 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Wait til I had some of my "special syrup."
Beauty & The Beast: part 2 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Women's moods:
1. I have a book, so don't talk to me you idiot.
2. I'm carrying an interesting looking book around as a conversation starter.

How to tell which one it is: Does she find you attractive or not?
12 news from around the world that will restore your faith in humanity 8 comments
guest · 7 years ago
The thing with the stray dogs is rather hard to believe. Who wants to sit on cloth cushions that smell like they've been slept on every night by homeless dogs? Also I have a hard enough time getting my own dogs not to chew stuff in my house. If I left a bunch of untrained Street dogs in my house something would get chewed up!
For when people try to make white guilt a thing 46 comments
guest · 7 years ago
If you dislike the content of someone's post, dispute it with facts and reason, not with censorship.
please come back 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
It's kind of funny because any overstepping of the normal presidential bounds that Trump does will have been pioneered by Obama. Remember when he was going to force through things at the Congress didn't put into a bill because he had "a pen and a phone"? All you morons who cheered that because unfettered immigration and govt subsidized health insurance expansion was what you wanted now get to live with that precedent for a chief executive you dislike.
I cried when I had no gf but then I saw a man without his right hand 10 comments
guest · 7 years ago
He may be ithe first person you ever heard of that said the quote, but I remember seeing it on a sign in the 1970s. So Zinedane was definitely not the first person to say that.
I laugh every time I see this 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Yeah...good thing the Dems ran her instead of someone less corrupt, spiteful, hateful, dishonest and destructive to the careers and reputations of women who came forward after Bill Clinton's sexual assaults. We could have a Truman-like or Kennedy-Esque president. But, no, the Clinton foundation and George Soros had to have their candidate.
Faith in humanity restored 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Lemming, if You respect it, does that mean you follow/practice it? Or is "service to others" something best left for others to do?
Whoops 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm wondering what wonderful place that is, that's so welcoming and full of opportunity that's also so much better than the USA. Not that the USA is perfect...far from it...but I can't think of a place with more opportunities for immigrants (who want to take those opportunities and not just rest in a welfare hammock) or a place that's more welcoming to those who come *legally*. I've lived in other countries, many of which have a lot of criticism of the US, but they don't welcome outsiders either government-wise (legal system) or socially (regular people / neighbors, etc.).
Car vs hooman 26 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Then get out of the damn road dumbass. If you want your point of view seen/heard, wave a sign BESIDE the road.
Even if you don't agree with Donald Trump, Whoopi is still amazing 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
"Offers to" doesn't mean "did." Seems like another substance-less offer to sound good.
New fashion 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How long until there are Janties, and maybe even Jee-strings?
Don't f*ck with welders and mechanics 36 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That moment when you discover something about your old fart mild-mannered neighbor: June 7, 1944 he and his group of 11 men took out a tank using whatever they had at hand at a crossroad they had parachuted into Normandy to capture and hold.
she has that strong hand 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I think they would be different. A man hitting a woman?'s clearly terrible to even think about defending ones self by hitting a woman *back*.
They be cray cray 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
White people kill Blacks? I guess it happens, but it's like 85% black on black, 10% black on white, and a smidge of white on black. Thinking about police shootings? Look at the last several ones that were big about half, the officer was black! That didn't stop blacks in Milwaukee from rioting and looting stores in "the community." And you wonder why stores underserve premininantly black areas.

Learn the facts so you can stop embararassing yourself.
That's terrifying 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why was his camera at the ready, and why, in a moment of horror, did he think of taking a picture?
Why doesn't this happen to me 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Most of you here are too young to remember Penthouse magazine and its Forum section where people wrote in with personal stories. Before there were memes, it was well understood that 99% of the stories were exaggerations or just plain lies, so when someone wanted to signal that he was about to tell a really goofy (false) story, he'd begin with "Dear Penthouse, I never believed your stories until this happened to me..."
It was a weapon of mass lactation 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So, for all you people that think it's justified, you'd be ok if I spit on you because I disliked something you said?
Tirana, albania 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Why did an Albanian write his graffiti in English?
Everybody has the right to dream 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But if she flunks all her classes, how will she be able to get Admitted to college? Aren't all strippers putting themselves through college?
American voting rights activist, civil rights leader, and philanthropist Fannie Lou Hamer 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But I CAN'T do that! No one will pay off my college loans for me. No one will hire me for as much as I want to earn. The previous generation left the world imperfect for me.
Ohh Wait, I forgot about twilight 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I wish you guys would stop equating something that's terrible with one of the nicest things someone can do for you.
Revenge is sweet 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I was always afraid to try it after my wife's pregnancies, but after the last one I did give it a try and it was really really good. Apparently, there's also some kind of emotional bonding mechanism and my wife enjoyed that very much too.
Tell me who he is 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Snakes don't really have parts, but if I had to take a guess I'd say this is the knee.
Eruption of mt. Saint helens 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That's terrible how mankind caused that to happen, with our SUVs and aerosols and such.
As heard from my friend 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My wife *acts like* she wants to,do it and really likes it. OMG, I appreciate it.
Remember, Valentine's Day is to defining your relationships, not just celebrating 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
After we were married a year or two and I had to live with all the innuendos and implications I finally told my wife this: I'm going to assume that you aren't lying to me...when you tell me it's OK for me to go out with my friends, I'm going to assume that you mean it's all right. I'm not going to assume that it's not really all right that you just want me to somehow decode your sarcasm. So from then on I said if you don't want me to do something let me know and I'll always consider your wishes, but if somebody's going to a strip club for a bachelor party and you say that it's OK for me to go, then I'm going to go with a clear conscience and you can be as mad as you like after the fact but I'm not going to accept any of the blame.

Still married, btw. I just take her at her word, and she decided she'd rather be clear than to do the "guess what I really mean" female thing. You still have to give presents and cards...I mean, you can't be a DOLT!
Reading his own teaching reviews 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What a bunch of entitled self-absorbed @$$#0le students.

I can understand uncomplimentary reviews, but that's such of bunch of crap.
Best resignation ever 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Good luck getting your next job, since you feel the need to $#!+ all over your previous employer for employing you. Oh, your employer OWES you interesting tasks at high pay? Maybe the plum assignments went to, you know, writers who are able to express their thoughts without profanity and without denigrating the place that paid them.
New iPhone app 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I've noticed that a lot of times when someone will say something like "let's just shoot all the criminals on sight," someone will chime in and say how racist that is. But the person was just talking about criminals, and that was the so-called open-minded or socially aware person who presumes that criminal was associated with Black or Mexican. So who is it that's being "racist"?
Why is everything getting more expensive 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Someone from a generation or two prior to this guy could describe the wonderful living they made as a typewriter repair person or a horse harness maker from before everybody drove a car. Certain kinds of things move on and you aren't sure of being able to earn a living at any activity that you should happen to decide you want to do. When I started my job as an engineer, I also couldn't afford to buy a brand-new $40,000 truck or whatever it would have cost at that time. Lots of people can't afford to buy such an incredible luxury, and it was lucky that this guy was able to do so.
What are they looking for!? 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Maybe they're searching for pictures of scantily clad women? Those guys are pretty strict about that. They wouldn't want him to be carrying such a thing on his way to a suicide bombing, an honor killing of his sister, daughter or mother for going out in public without a male escort, or just the beheading of an infidel journalist.
I feel like a midget now 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If you find the three tallest people in any country it'll make an impressive picture. Are we supposed to believe that these three guys are typical of all men in Iceland?