
Trust me adaptation won't change who you are 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
oops sorry didn't realise this was a year later nvmind
Trust me adaptation won't change who you are 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
As someone from Québec, this is all absolutely true. I'd also like to add that the reason this is causing so much trouble, is that we actually have something called "L’accommodement raisonnable" which in summary is something that if there is something you'd like to change that is hindering your culture (or goes against it etc.) you can ask to get it change/make a compromise, if it is deemed reasonable (raisonnable). The catch? what is considered "reasonable" is never specified, so we don't really know the limits of this.
Spot the difference 38 comments
guest · 8 years ago
easy to say from behind a computer and what i can only assume in a safe, comfortable living condition. Of course we all have morals and think we would all act so bravely, but i doubt, even faced with a dangerous situations, many of us would be up to go face death.