Regular people 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Angelica Houston was a great Morticia.
Kids seeing a TV for 1st time in 1948 2 comments
Ahah 5 comments
"Deadpool was so revolutionary..." 8 comments
What happened when a women got pulled over for speeding 19 comments
· 8 years ago
Some balls are held for charity, some for fancy dress. The balls held for pleasure are the ones I like best.
They said i could become anything.... 2 comments
Dogs: 0 porcupine: 1 10 comments
· 8 years ago
You'd think they would learn not to mess with a porcupine after this, but no. I can't tell you how many times I've pulled quills out of my dog's muzzle.
This is very unsettling 8 comments
Down vote if you must. I am ready 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Well, let's see; Bush handed him an economy that was tanking, gas prices approaching $5/gallon, a real estate market that crashed and burned, people losing everything they owned, a full blown war in the middle east.
A horse is a horse, of course, of course 9 comments
A horse is a horse, of course, of course 9 comments
I can confirm goose are doucebags 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Hi rosalinas. I've been a guest on FS for quite some time (not one of those nasty ones). You may have just given me a reason to register. Let me find my pics and I will post them.
I can confirm goose are doucebags 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Has anyone seen a wood duck? A couple were looking to maybe nest on my deck last spring. I took some pictures. They have teeth in their beak and claws on their feet. They don't quack, they make a sound like a quiet "wheee" whistle. Whenever the female disappeared for too long the male would sit on my deck railing and "wheeeeeee" until she returned. It was an amazing experience.
f*ckin move! 2 comments
· 9 years ago
I dismantled a toy firetruck and attached the electronics to a board that I can adjust to fit on a cart. It's quite effective.
Japanese hamster bread 25 comments
white girl problems 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Me: I'll have a large coffee.
Starbucks: A......wha?
Me: A large coffee.
Starbucks: ...............we don't make that.
Me: Get your largest cup, fill it up with black coffee and point me towards the cream.
Starbucks: A......wha?
Me: A large coffee.
Starbucks: ...............we don't make that.
Me: Get your largest cup, fill it up with black coffee and point me towards the cream.
I'm a herse 5 comments
Presidential aging 16 comments
· 9 years ago
My thoughts exactly, and who'll be the VP? Do we know and do we want that person as president?
Humanity is the greatest religion 8 comments
How a history teacher shows up his first week 11 comments
You always have to check 3 comments
· 9 years ago
Ha. I have two cans I purchased myself to give to me for Christmas. One is almost finished, the other is hidden somewhere where I'll find it in a couple months. It's still sealed so it damn well better be cookies.
Stay in the room 54 comments
· 9 years ago
It's not just dogs. My wife and I found a feral kitten that some kids were throwing rocks at. Took her to the vets and found out she was maybe 2 months old. 18 years and 2 cross country moves later we had to put her down due to kidney failure. Hardest thing I've ever done in my life.
Can't Be Really Sure Until I Do It A Few Times 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, I had a Chevy X-11 that, if it was in gear and you didn't push in the clutch and tried to start it, it would 'drive'. I learned the stick wobble fairly quick but neglected to mention it to anyone else. My stepfather accidentally drove it through the back of the garage when he went to move it.
Inspirational quotes are deep and smelly 1 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, I buy things I want, with money that I have, that I couldn't have growing up in poverty, to impress no one, because it makes me happy. I work hard, don't stupidly vandalize public toilets, and try to enjoy my life.
Stuffed animals are adorable 16 comments
But where will superheroes change clothes then? 14 comments