
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Think about it this way. Would you rather end someone's suffering before it could begin or let them suffer for a long time because their mother couldn't support them nor take care of them. If you're so against abortion go volunteer at orphanges and help take care of the kids that had to live and try to live because their parents either weren't able to keep them, didn't want them, or whatever other reason.
I'm so sick seeing this bs 67 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Other animals have sex for pleasure too. And when abortion is still an option the "baby" isn't a baby yet. It's either a ball of cells or a zygote.
The 8 types of people: 22 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I remember hearing that if you're AB- you need to live somewhere near another AB- just incase cause they're rare. Always did wonder why they couldn't accept O bloodtypes though.