
Makes me sick 21 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I get that they're just jokes and everything but honestly I really hate when people make jokes of this... tbh it's not a situation to be taken lightly and it's really offensive :/
Wait 'til the vegans find this... 67 comments
guest · 11 years ago
You guys can hate on me all you like but i will stand up for what i believe in and i believe that animals should not be eaten, yes its a way of life yeah, hundreds of years ago! This is a new age and time we appreciate the animals for more then just food!
Wait 'til the vegans find this... 67 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Oh no dont get me wrong, i agree with you i think the other guest behaved incorrectly.
Wait 'til the vegans find this... 67 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I agree completely, I get it when people want to defend what they believe in but they don't have to do it like that. Meat is yummy but its not for some people.
Wait 'til the vegans find this... 67 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Bitch? You think I'm the bitch these people are the ones murdering animals, being vegan is a lifestyle, if you dont like it fine but why have to constantly pick on the people who do. And waiting around for someone who is vegan, seems pathetic!
That kid's in a world of pain 13 comments
guest · 11 years ago
I almost scrolled past this without reading the title, I now vow to always check titles!
Healthcare should be free 39 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Apon seeing this post I was actually very surprised at how many negative comments have been made. I am from Canada myself and must say I thouroughly enjoy our free healthcare, however I don't think that means I should shove it down everyones throats that my country is better for this, because it's not. There are pros and cons to either situation, for Canadians higher taxes, and for Americans expensive healthcare. If per say you where to live a healthy life only having minor health issues, the Canadians will have payed in their taxes for other peoples healthcare where the Americans will have never had to worry much about it. Now flip that situation around, say you have become very ill and need medical attention the Canadian will not have to worry too much whereas the American could possibly (depending on their financial situation) find themselves in a lot of debt. It is the person who's in charge decision for whats best for their country. Just my opinion, sorry if you disagree:)