It hurts, doesn't it 6 comments
· 7 years ago
And when you apply more pressure and it cracks but your hand becomes disabled for the rest of the day :c
The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways 2 comments
· 7 years ago
He studied under Joseph who was a carpenter, so he knows how its done. He only uses the sheperd as a reference, since the bible always mentions sheep.
A church in Copenhagen 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Other guest here; I made an account but I forgot about it. Plus it's hilarious to comment after another guest and make it look like he’s bipolar
Meanwhile in a Parallel Universe 12 comments
Roses are red, bananas get peeled 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Personal opinion here, I’m not to testify for anyone else.
I legit don't care what you fap to, as long as it isn't danger if others aka child porn and such. But I absolutely hate furries because most of them are either immature, obnoxious or both. There has only one furry I saw that wasn't a big douche about it, but every other furry is just a cunt. Now every time I see a furry I just immediately assume they're egotistic.
I legit don't care what you fap to, as long as it isn't danger if others aka child porn and such. But I absolutely hate furries because most of them are either immature, obnoxious or both. There has only one furry I saw that wasn't a big douche about it, but every other furry is just a cunt. Now every time I see a furry I just immediately assume they're egotistic.
A new lease on life thanks to technology 4 comments
· 7 years ago
I know everyone jokes about them but...
how would a handjob from a robotic hand feel like?
how would a handjob from a robotic hand feel like?
Stereotype breaker 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Pretty sure the whole net neutrality thing only went into effect because of some ISP throttling connections like no tomorrow, but I've only heard that from the grapevine.
You don't say 4 comments
· 7 years ago
if you search up "mythbusters porn parody" it is the first thing that appears, no joke.
She has done the impossible 2 comments
Short guys problems 8 comments
That's so accurate 3 comments
· 7 years ago
You need to look like literal shit to do that. He just looks like a black underwear model for men.
We may or may not be on the verge of a new war 3 comments
· 7 years ago
We all know the Snek army is gonna win because they're gonna enter at the last few years of the war
Don't "Man Up" 42 comments
· 7 years ago
Generally speaking, I support the sentiment that life is a right, and that you can do with it as you wish. However, to bluntly insinuate that some people /deserve/ to die? Or that they are not made for life, and therefore are better in death?
This world has /far/ more to offer than a small town. Or a city block. Or even a nation. The issue is that some people fall so hard they cannot see a possibility, when in fact others can help them find what they need. Every life deserves help. Every person deserves their own mercy. But you should never say that people who can't deal with life /at the current moment/ should die because they can't handle it.
This world has /far/ more to offer than a small town. Or a city block. Or even a nation. The issue is that some people fall so hard they cannot see a possibility, when in fact others can help them find what they need. Every life deserves help. Every person deserves their own mercy. But you should never say that people who can't deal with life /at the current moment/ should die because they can't handle it.
Works everytime 5 comments
· 7 years ago
Normies: *looks both ways before crossing*
Me, an intellectual: *looks both ways after crossing*
Me, an intellectual: *looks both ways after crossing*
Nintendo 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I love my gameboy advance. Most of my games don't work though, but I still have Pokémon emerald and Mario to play!
When I was your age 1 comments
He has learnt his lesson 27 comments
Even chef Ramsay have awkward moments 1 comments
· 7 years ago
Can't remember where specifically (or maybe I'm hallucinating) but I remember in one of his cooking tutorials he stops halfway and says "fuck it's raw" and puts the food back in the oven
Saddest post today 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Legit happened to me a couple of years ago too. I understand the sentimental value but I feel like this isn't coincidence at this point.
Sadness 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I had a childhood friend too, but I moved out... now I can't even remember her face...
You can't make this shit up 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Listen, I'm no fan of plants vs zombies simply because it never appealed to me, but this is ridiculous. The gaming industry is gonna become an "1984" of its own if we encourage p2w to exist.
Hardcore veganism 8 comments
*blaring sirens* 22 comments
WTF? 11 comments
· 7 years ago
As an American, I firmly believe the only guns that should be allowed to the average citizen is air soft or paintball. It still hurts, making it good enough for shooing away robbers and you can't shoot up a school with it.
Give others a chance 6 comments
Oh no I’m so sorry 3 comments
I will end your misery 1 comments
· 7 years ago
*intense screaming from random character in the back*
*dramatic death sequence*
*10 minutes of mourning in that specific spot, no questions asked*
*sad music*
*dramatic death sequence*
*10 minutes of mourning in that specific spot, no questions asked*
*sad music*
Threatening a gold fish 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Let's all just stop for a moment
and just take this in:
Someone out there made this a stock photo.
and just take this in:
Someone out there made this a stock photo.
Always happens 1 comments
· 7 years ago
More like *has nothing good to talk about* amirite
Maybe not for everyone else, but that's the issue with me talking. All I say is shit that no one cares about or even I don't care about but still need something to say.
Maybe not for everyone else, but that's the issue with me talking. All I say is shit that no one cares about or even I don't care about but still need something to say.
The deer looks shook 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Fun Guest fact of the Day:
As a professional guest, I can safely confirm deers are experts at basketball. I got 7-1ed by a fawn :(
As a professional guest, I can safely confirm deers are experts at basketball. I got 7-1ed by a fawn :(
Damn Furries... 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Pretty sure sex without consent is considered rape, and the wolf can't consent if he/she's asleep. This is so messed up, why isn't this censored yet
The face says everything 7 comments