I have a dog named kenzie because she was born blind 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I appreciate you. You have a beautiful doggie! What breed is that?
Shame on a chameleon 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Maybe chameleons are just the evolutionary step-cousins of the real camouflaged species.
Excuse me 17 comments
Learn to take a joke 27 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm really not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I get it, it can be funny - I laughed at rosebud's black people/subpar pay joke in spite of myself. On the other hand, a lot of jokes that people intend to be harmless enough can actually be a symptom of the wider cultural prejudice, and if everyone's making jokes like that they then reinforce the prejudice..
Lawnmower guy covering some ground 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Yes this lawnmower guy had an abrupt rise to fame because he was mowing his lawn with a tornado nearby. No joke. He's from Three Hills Alberta if you care to look it up :)
Excuse me 17 comments
· 7 years ago
The glare on that bill is too shiny... I can't tell if it's $20 American or $100 Canadian! XD Why is our hundred dollar bill the plainest colour??
The Millennial Agenda 12 comments
· 7 years ago
"Participation is its own trophy." I guess something good did come of those many awards...
The Millennial Agenda 12 comments
· 7 years ago
Don't worry, we've got the secret syrup grove well prepared. You think I shouldn't be talking about it online, but the grove is hidden up in the true north strong and free, where none but the Maple Children can find it.
Physiology textbook quote 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Textbook writers just really want to be hip with the times, guys, why be so salty throwin' the shade at them?
Sent their teacher straight to the shadow realm 3 comments
· 7 years ago
I am confused about the other picture. Is it just me or does her spine look uncomfortably twisted?
Kids can say creepy things 6 comments
Good boy 22 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm so sorry for your loss. We did that with my family's dog about 18 months ago, and it is hard.
Good people left in this world 4 comments
· 7 years ago
Thank you. I love reading stories like this. I want to be a source of change in the world (just like most people my age seem to lol ) but I get too caught up in the idea that change happens through something big and flashy. What's amazing about Dobri's story is his amazing, quiet perseverance. He chooses to be selfless, and he never stops. He chooses it everyday. All that effort. All that time. Pure selflessness. I really do hope I can be like him.
Good idea? 11 comments
· 7 years ago
Two years is pretty close to what a rapist would get. (Trigger warning: child sexual assault) I looked up some jail time info for rapists in my province for a school project, and it seems like the only way to get more than 2 years - definitely to get more than 5 years, anyway - is if you continually rape children in your care over the course of 4-10 years.
EeeeeeEEEEEEE 10 comments
· 7 years ago
You almost exactly described how Christianity was explained to me when I was a teenager... we all have a God-shaped hole in our heart, and we need to reconcile with Him to fill it.
And since you said you wanted to cry... Here, have a cookie. :)
And since you said you wanted to cry... Here, have a cookie. :)
Is she though? 17 comments
Remember this? 9 comments
· 7 years ago
chip we all have internet. We forget tons of things because new crap is already happening
the pride march had flaws which should never be repeated ever ahain 64 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't think most of us religious types are putting our faith in organized religion, but in God, who is not a system of rules but a loving Person. Just to put my two cents in. (I am not the other guest. Please do not think I'm the other guest.)
Why do people do fake stuff like this? 5 comments
· 7 years ago
It does make sense. Also, the people who do that are totally working against themselves. They should be making room for peoples' REAL stories, when what they're actually doing is making every listener/reader more skeptical by spewing this fake drama...
Why mom 3 comments
NOOOOOO 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Do you work at walmart? My friend who has a guide dog gets really upset about this too, because it makes legitimate service animals look bad to people who don't know the difference. She says employees at places like walmart are legally allowed to ask some questions related to the dog - I think something along the lines of "Does your dog do something to help you with a disability?" and "What function does your dog perform?" Probably there is more precise wording though - a way to ask about the dog to make sure it's legit, without violating the privacy of people with service dogs everywhere they go.
NOOOOOO 8 comments
What a baby! 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, what a baby! Bury them in an unmarked grave like the rest of us why don't you
Finally, a place where I can get a job 2 comments
who let this happen #112(?) - we have come full circle 54 comments
· 7 years ago
and increasing public understanding of pedophilia, but I think adding it to the lgbt grouping is a terrible way to go about it, for so many reasons...
who let this happen #112(?) - we have come full circle 54 comments
· 7 years ago
I'm just here to reply to the original comment - some of the people who support adding 'p' for 'pedophile' to the LGBT acronym are not endorsing the adult pursuit of sexual relations with children. What they're trying to do is decrease the stigma of pedophilia so that those affected by it (and legit pedophilia, being sexually attracted to children rather than using rape as a dominance/power thing, is shown by some research to be caused by how the brain is wired) can get therapy and such to reduce their urges. As the situation is now, at least in Canada and I would assume the US, pedophiles only get pushed into treatment AFTER they've offended. Some people think that adding 'p' to the lgbt acronym would decrease the stigma so that more pedophiles would be less fearful and seek help before they do anything bad. This is all according to something my university prof told us last year - I could dig out the articles, probably, if anyone wants. I see their point about decreasing the stigma an
DDOL #62- Unknown is my favorite author, their work is great 25 comments
· 7 years ago
When you're already in love with a leaf, it doesn't feel like it takes a lot to do so... It just takes patience towards all those who somehow can't see how beautiful your leaf is!
Lucky family 8 comments
· 7 years ago
I'd feel awkward saying it to anyone I knew. Like... "hey so we, um, we found these paintings, and, um, well I'm kinda rich now. Uh. Yeah." Or maybe 'stunned' is a better word.
Is it true? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Do most people you know see it that way? I'm just genuinely curious. Also does an adult child moving away from their parents, for example, count as being 'cut off' because they have to completely support themselves, or are they still rich because their parents would bail them out of an emergency?
Unless you shoot the wrong place, then it's a volume-up button 3 comments
· 7 years ago
That is so cool! (And I like that it has a more beneficial effect for people with speech impediments :) )
Head hurts. Need doc 10 comments
· 7 years ago
It's so, so different from situation to situation, depending on who you are and who you're talking to. If I may give some advice, though - most introverts will enjoy conversations more if it's about a topic that can be explored more deeply through dialogue. Talking about who did what on the weekend and other fairly mundane stuff will bore most introverts quickly. I'm very grateful for my extraverted friends - I need their help to get out of my head sometimes! - and I can't imagine that many introverts have or want NO extraverted friends.
Simple prank 2 comments
· 7 years ago
The nails taped to the door popped the balloon when someone opened the door from the other side
Even a rock feels relatable 10 comments
Shit is dope 10 comments
· 7 years ago
... So as not. To hurt. The lumber industry. I mean, I'll admit that it probably seemed like a good idea at the time... but... ... sigh.
Cri for me 4 comments
Working at a retail job is not easy 3 comments
Pro pocket 10 comments
· 8 years ago
Smaller pockets mean the jeans can be more form-fitting, and women's clothes are always marketed towards the fashion industry's definition of beauty... Basically why have something functional, us women are just meant for looking pretty :/ (I'm clearly not bitter. No way.)
Roses are Red. I'm a Tyrannosaurus Rex 22 comments
*magically cured* 28 comments
· 8 years ago
Dear lurkyfox,
I'm very glad to hear that. Too often people I know treat this like a polarizing issue. And of course I'm glad that you've got such supportive people in your life. Thank you for your thoughtful response. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have a mature and respectful conversation about this. Have a good day/week/month, and I hope 2017 treats you well. :)
But guest, this conversation is so enjoyable!
I'm very glad to hear that. Too often people I know treat this like a polarizing issue. And of course I'm glad that you've got such supportive people in your life. Thank you for your thoughtful response. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have a mature and respectful conversation about this. Have a good day/week/month, and I hope 2017 treats you well. :)
But guest, this conversation is so enjoyable!