
i highkey love john green 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How about when a family could live well on one income? When kids played outside rather than playing with a Playground App? When obese was the rare person who was 20 pounds overweight? When people didn't wear flip flops to weddings? When workers had pensions? When Queen, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Thin Lizzy, The Eagles, Kansas, Boston, or Fleetwood Mac was coming out with a new album? When something on your car could be fixed for $30 by a friend or a mechanic or yourself rather than by a technician for $600, and your car wasn't practically disabled because the security system or power windows had something wrong with their onboard computer?
Make this Happen MARVEL 30 comments
guest · 8 years ago
No. Captain Marvel is a man, and was since his origin many decades ago. Cast her as a female superhero who is a woman, even if you have to create a new superhero. Don't change one who is already something else just because you want to piggyback on its success (which was gotten the old way).
feminists 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Remember that time the Harvard President (Lawrence Summers?) ended up losing his job for saying that men and women learn things in different ways? You'd think that would be a safe thing to say, since feminists support this position when there are allowances to be made for different learning types/rates, funding to be gotten, studies to be financed.

Unfortunately, the people (men *and* women) who define feminism as equal rights & equal protection allowed the movement to be hijacked by the shrill anti-men harpies, and the "men" who kowtow to them in the hopes of ingratiating themselves into their good graces.
I completely agree 36 comments
guest · 8 years ago
A "safe space" is actually the opposite of free expression and sharing of thoughts. Anything that doesn't pass politically correct muster is suppressed. Political Correctness has a long reach in that some things are dependent on who says them as to whether they're OK to say or not. A transgender person may be able to express an opinion that a cis-straight is not allowed to utter, even if it's the same opinion expressed in the same words.

An interesting example of suppression is the journalism professor ("No censorship ever!") disliking a student newspaper correspondent reporting on a student protest she was involved in, and calling for people to forcibly throw him out of the quad. The protest was outdoors, and the reporter was a student (so justified to be there), but apparently she didn't think that he'd report the event in the exact way she wanted.
Down with hate 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Are people purposely misunderstanding that Trump and supporters are against allowing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to get benefits in the US like welfare and such, or to use a US-born baby to let them stay here on public assistance when they came here illegally? I mean, I dislike the guy too, but the "rich are evil for wanting to keep their money" espoused by Hillary and Bernie is worse. Maybe those people aren't even selfish, but don't like the fruit of their work or risk-taking to be confiscated by the government and used to perpetuate failed programs that condemn large swaths of people to permanent underclass.

It's doubly ironic that some of the comments are divisive without even adding any meaning or understanding, when the commenter thinks he/she is expressing that the named politician is divisive.
Proof? 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The weirdest thing was when Hillary Clinton Tweeted that....the woman who destroyed the careers and reputations of the women who accused her husband of rape and/or other sexual aggression.
Old people 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Riiiggghhht....the answers are there, but it's always someone else's fault because they didn't hand it to you on a silver platter.
The truth of the world today 1 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Now that you're rich, how about DOING something about poverty? Something more than complain that government doesn't confiscate enough of my income to give to someone else...
Respect & Congratulations! 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
...and then his Oscar party on the yacht uses more fossil fuel than my car and house do in a year. Thanks, celebs; you da real MVP.
Good guy Leo 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That's interesting how most celebs that spread awareness of climate change have yachts and limo's and throw extravagant parties...using more fossil fuel in a weekend than my car and home use all year long.
I have found this to be rather true. 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The other big Truth to this is that very often, the person most offended by a comment decides to be offended on behalf of some group he/she isn't part of. I see it all the time for comments on race or sexual orientation. After somebody gets super offended , a person who's actually in the demographic finds it funny and sometimes even repeats it.

I don't see it as much for gender. Nobody's allowed to stick up for men when there's an anti-male comment, but sometimes a guy will be offended on behalf of women. Usually it's a PC guy, so it's pretty clear he's doing it to ingratiate himself with the maleophobic alpha feminazis. (Note: specific terminology used to distinguish from "feminists" who just want equal rights, and feminazis who want extra prvilideges to make up for...oh, idk, centuries of patriarchy, of which nobody today can do anything about.)
My first thought too 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Plus a team that had an attention span longer than 140 characters.

And engineers/designers/technicians/project-managers who didn't get an A in every class just for showing up.
Trouble with the language 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Is there any way at all that a woman would like that? Even after kids, I can't imagine a woman liking "feasting." The only scenario I can imagine is her willing to do it to satisfy her (male or female) partner.
September 11 is also remembered in Germany 36 comments
guest · 8 years ago
You guys are kidding, right? Do they not teach World War 2 in your school? Prior to declaration of war with the US, Germany was sinking US ships beacuse they were taking things to England. When Japan attacked the US, it declared war on them, then Germany decalred war on the US because of the pact they had with Japan. Germany had already attacked Belgium and France and was in the process of exterminating Jews and other undesireables. The US was committed to winning this war instead of just maintaining lines (like later in Korea). The least loss of life in war is going to be when it's terrible for a short time rather than half-assed perpetually. The German government that caused all this was not some occupying entity, but the democratically elected government. So, as a people, this is what the country wanted.

War is terrible, but if you're in one, then win.
He brings up a good point 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Re: Guests should lose commenting rights.
Rather than censorship, try refuting the point with a better argument.
He brings up a good point 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Beyond whether Caitlyn is a woman or a man that looks like a woman, and beyond if s/he is so courageous as to deserve an award, I can't stand how everyone just couldn't wait to pile on all the accolades and superlatives. I mean, how about waiting to see if s/he can go a whole year as a woman without, say, going to prison?
truth 65 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Did a short boy insult your weight, or is insulting the short boy who didnt insult you revenge for the Rude boy who did insult you? That is, as long as you get back at SOMEONE of that gender, it evens out?
*politically correct* 37 comments
guest · 9 years ago
It's not automatically wrong for one group to get the breaks if that's the group that hustles, takes risks, sticks to the work, follows through, and creates benefits for others through their work, and another group sits around with their hands out.
Tipping intensifies 111 comments
guest · 9 years ago
She accepted my proposal 33 years ago when I offered her a $700 ring. Still married after 32 years. Both her sisters have larger rings, but my wife once confessed to me that those two rings aren't as nice as hers because hers has a white diamond and theirs are yellowish and not cut as well.
Getting told to come back with a larger ring would be very telling. I can't beleive that would be the only thing that wouldn't be to her liking during the marriage: We need a newer car, we need a bigger house, we need a vacation to a more exotic destination..oh, and why must you spend so much time at work when I want you to be home to talk to?
Alan Turing, everyone (Had to learn about him from a movie!) 18 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Geez, you guys complain about having to "learn stuff that nobody will ever use," but now you became aware of someone interesting and important because of a movie and you've got all this righteous anger. Maybe tear yourself away from social media and joke sites for an hour a day and learn things OUTSIDE of school. What was the last biography you read? The last US or world history based book? Why does your only learning have to come prepackaged from school?
Elephants or The Moon? 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Maybe she mis-read it as "The Mom."
<33 10 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That's Alex's right to set his product's price where he wants it, even if that's zero. Bieber may be a total douche, but it's his right to set his product's price at some non-zero number.
They keep us quiet. We have to find our voice. 8 comments
guest · 9 years ago
"Complain," "complained" and "talk about" that you're rich by your own admission, why not DO something instead of complain that people don't respond as strongly as you wish to your complaints and talking?
Awesome turn of events 3 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Do I have to apologize if I like this story?
When I heard that Saudi cleric rejects earth's revolution around the sun 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Naw...we need to respect that other culture. All ideas are equally valid (unless it involves personal responsibility). We need to value the diversity of these other beliefs. Plus, whatever other cr@p they're teaching and promoting on college campuses.
When I heard that Saudi cleric rejects earth's revolution around the sun 6 comments
guest · 9 years ago
LAW of gravity.
THEORY of Evolution.
The names are that way for a reason.
Anyone like this? 4 comments
guest · 9 years ago
OK. Thanks for the warning.
Moreover height is something we cannot change but we have full control 11 comments
guest · 9 years ago
That's because men as a group don't give a single #$%& about male models or how they might cause any sort of expections, and women as a group (80%, say) do care. For unknown and incomprehensible reasons, they care. Some manequins don't have a head, or don't have arms, or whatever, but the clothes hang on them nicely for display. Nobody cares about that. But if designers think that their clothes hang nicely off of 6'tall 115 pound models, for some reason women think that must mean "society" (which is made up 50% of women, plus lots of men who don't notice that stuff or don't care) has certain expectations.
Newsflash #2: Clothes don't look as good on an obese woman ass on a slim, athletic or even average woman.
Newsflash #3: EVERY man looks better in a well tailored suit. Even an obese guy that repulses small children at the beach looks OK if you get a perfectly fitting two-button suit on him, a crisp white shirt, and a tie that has his eye color plus one of suit's pinstripes.
Justice being served 13 comments
guest · 9 years ago
Now we see the bad side of revenge: This terrible bank is occuopying this person's consciousness to where he (she?) speaks to friends and acquantances about withholding their business. This bank occupies a portion of the writer's psyche...something that I try not to allow bullies and general b@st@rds to do.
Once a bank screwed me over, and I switched to a different bank without holding onto a grudge. I *did* allow myself a moment of gloating when they went out of business a few years later.