
He's on the move 25 comments
guest · 7 years ago
gonna be a lot of butt hurt republicans when this clown circus is done in four years
Realy realy small 13 comments
guest · 7 years ago
cameras don't matter, easy to key a douche without getting seen, i also like to park beside jerks that park like this and smash my door a couple times into theirs leaving a nice big dent
Adopt, Don't Buy 23 comments
guest · 7 years ago
let's ignore the fact that adopting a dog ( at least where i live) is a impossible progress, true experience, i wanted to adopt first i called several shelters after playing phone tag for day got call back from 3 who insisted i come in and fill a adoption form shortest being 4 pages long, no problem ok. then they wanted all 3 by the way to do credit checks seriously for a dog, ok whatever, next i get told they have to come to my house and do a "home inspection" really,ok, next i get told my house which is the country middle of nowhere is not good unless i fence it in, 12 acres of woods sitting beside neighbors who have 50 plus each really,,, my main point if you want poeple to adopt more which i agrea we should do don't make it so hard and next to impossible,, i'm sure there are reasons for all this but for someone who works full time and lives far out from the city. i found going to a buddy who just had puppies and buying was less time consuming and a lot less stress
Medication side effects 17 comments
guest · 7 years ago
spontaneous orgasm sound fun until you read about recovering heroine addicts, wake up orgasm, grab toothbrush orgasm, grab milk out fridge orgasm, grab bowl for cereal orgasm, I'm imagine that shit for weeks or months while your body detoxes
Before getting a tattoo 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
to add, when I was 5-6 I asked I biker friend of my pops why he ink on his hand and arms. he smiled and said it a warning sign that I'm not a nice person. I got covered for this reason but now a days it doesn't work people want to ask shit and touch you. wtf
Before getting a tattoo 14 comments
guest · 7 years ago
got a idea if have any doubts at all,don't get one,,I knew since I was a kid I was getting covered, being raised in a family of bikers probally helped,,,I hate it is now a "common" thing or the "cool" thing to get inked,,,I got mine for one reason to be left alone,not to have something in common with the guy in front me at checkout that thinks his tiny tribal makes us brothers
Perfect fit 5 comments
guest · 7 years ago
not anymore they split. m who didn't see that coming
Never a good idea 23 comments
guest · 8 years ago
wow the thaught soem put in there tattoos, am I the only person here that walks in say hey that looks badass stick it here
Glow-in-the-dark bookmarks that adds a touch of magic to your reading 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
take my money now
Riddle me this 76 comments
guest · 8 years ago
soooo... I'm guessing the answer is grape
Ouch... But so true 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
not entirely true,,they are allowed to own certain guns
Fire Boppit 25 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I have a pretty nasty burn scar on forearm, from playing cigarette war with s friend in highschool, where you hold your arms together and drop s lot cig between first to move loses. been there 14 years and still can tell exactly what it is,, but hey I'm undefeated
Teenage party in 1945 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
they all look bored as shit,,like come on and take the picture and leave mom. so we can burn one
Seriously do you want change? 30 comments
guest · 8 years ago
not all congressional elections are at the same time, second comment you have been wrong on in this post,, please just stop you are making yourself look ignorant
Friendship bracelet win 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
and in about a month you will have a "lucky" cats foot
Safty tip 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
thank you, the only reason to ever use longer screws is to find wood to sink them into. the little ones will pull out and after putting them back several times you will find that you have to go deeper to get them to sink in, the plate is just there to not tear up the wood where door hits it has nothing to do with strength
guest · 8 years ago
complaining about him not getting shit. meanwhile republicans in can guess have done nothing but stand in his way since day one,put the blame where it really goes,,like him or not the Republican Party has done jack shit but argue like children for 8 years. second you need to really check your facts your ignorance of foreign policy is outstanding, we can't and must not police the world that's why these countries hate us now
PC comments incoming 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
because it is so easy too,ps4 master race,,,,,just kidding poeple gaming is gaming who care what system
And haters be like "there are plenty of other white rappers better than him" 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
love Eminem too,,but the only to talk shit that matters and be tasteful. don't listen to much rap do. there are a lot of them spitting real shit,stop listening to this mainstream radio crap, and go by a real rappers cd
Mexico! 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
while we are giving facts about immigration, 42% of illegals in America came here on a work visa and never left
Yay! Another Irish post! 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
damn someone got their Cheerios pissed in early this morning
Does this trigger you 22 comments
guest · 8 years ago
yes we all did and still do in school,,,indocternation 101
I seriously have no clue. 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
at least is not gonna be trump,,yep we're all screwed
No sex before marriage 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
what I find real funny is when I hear older family members who I know had sex before marriage call people sluts and whores for doing the same thing, but as a American we see and hear hypocrites like this daily
That's not how it works... 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
is it human nature being to dumb to use google
That's not how it works... 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
this is the problem with American politics, instead of someone being informed and doing a little research. they just want to be spoon feed information and don't care if true or not,,I had to actually pull out a computer and prove to 10 family members this quote was bullshit, all republicans all heard it from friends or Facebook so they took it as fact
Where did you get that? 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
anyone from small towns in the south can tell you we all have a place called "the store"
In 50 years USA would consider raping as a competitive sport 38 comments
guest · 8 years ago
the op is just another sign of what's wrong with society, it is never the victims fault for being raped
Yep 28 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I'm from s.c. and see trucks like this all the time, and that the first thing I think, what is he overcompensating for
When justice fails, the internet shall shame 41 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I will say it, if this was a young black man he would have got hard time, or system is bullshit, rape should be a mandatory 20 years, let his punk ass go play with the big boys seeing as he thinks this is cool
A sacred bond 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
read a book written by people speaking for God,,,but yea I'm the one being deceived,, and sorry to tell you evolution is a lot more than just a idea, we see it all around us, so yea it's pretty much a fact, but I guess seeing as that book( which has been translated to much to have any value) doesn't tell you it's real so you don't believe it. but yet agian I'm the one being deceived. personally if your God is real I wish he would rapture all you ignorant fucks so the rest of can get along with or lives without having to hear this bullshit.
Good Guy PewDiePie 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
my kids love this dude, but I don't get it, seriously he over reacts, yells, and screams like he is scared of everything,,, it just seems fake as hell to me.
They work just as hard for minimum wage as waiters and chefs 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
yes please explain to me, why the fuck I should pay someone for doing their job,,,sorry but that is the responsbilty to the actual boss,,no need to explain I have family that work these bullshit jobs, it's a shame people can't place blame where it goes. sorry ass employers
The first one is dead on 25 comments
guest · 8 years ago
glad to see comment about Reese's, that one crossed a line, strongly worded email is getting sent somewhere to someone
The deep tea diver 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
They work just as hard for minimum wage as waiters and chefs 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I think the restaurant should pay all thier employs enough, tipping is bullshit, i don't tip shit, and when asked why I tell them ask their damn boss why should I have to help his bottle line
The deep tea diver 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
take my money now, please
Yup, this is legitimately legit 27 comments
guest · 8 years ago
as American I can say that we wouldn't put our gun into our food, instead we season all food with pinch of gun powder
Which billionaire would you rather be? 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
seriously, why even respond
Probably still alive 33 comments
guest · 8 years ago
to each their own, but that is seriously nasty, we ain't cavemen anymore people,lol
Never let this die, never let this go away 41 comments
guest · 8 years ago
but Christians make soooo easy, look at the battles they choose to fight, when we have real problems in this world
Which billionaire would you rather be? 44 comments
guest · 8 years ago
black panther is richer than both of them
Please tell me I'm not alone on this one... 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
the original comment took me WAY to long to get
Bad luck young Americans 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
glad I'm not alone, it's not our fault the older generation let the system get to the point you only have to party's to choose from, Clinton vs trump sorry but no way hell I would ever vote for trumps pandering ass
Makes me want to cry 56 comments
guest · 8 years ago
ohhh shit, I just spit my drink out laughing so hard,it's wrong but thanks for that one
Where is the limit 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
hell as a American I'm in the same boat, scared, confused, and have to deal with idiots daily that think trump and Cruz are presidential material
Majestic kite 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
looks like a awful lot of money to waste, to drag a dragon on the ground
Microsoft announced this. RIP Xbox 360 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
lmao, good one,,just poking a little fun, I actually own every system you can think off
Check out the largest single floor public library in America 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
walmarts are like a parasite, they come in destroy local business, destroy land, then when their profit is gone, they layoff everyone and pack up
Microsoft announced this. RIP Xbox 360 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
so is PS3, which they are still making, cause people still want them, unlike the crapbox