
So much so that we'll still have enough food even if the whole world is greedy 15 comments
guest · 7 years ago
I'm part of a group that collects food and other kinds of supplies to send to places in the world that needs them. It's kind of funny seeing everybody in the remote village get secondhand NFL jerseys that people donated because those players don't play anymore. What we found was very Often a shipment of food would sit on the dock and go to waste because the people in power we're trying to favor a certain tribe at the expense of other tribes, so we see that racism is alive and well in Africa and it's racism between types of people that we would consider the same because they're all black and from the same country.

So one of the problems with "distribution" is beyond what we normally think of as a challenge of worldwide distribution… Dictators and bureaucrats in the very countries were trying to help.
what 4 comments
guest · 7 years ago
As a bit of irony, motherboard, which looks like women run Twitter account is saying something so stupid that nobody will want to follow them. So maybe the reason that nobody is following women is typified by this motherboard tweet itself.
Polish government wants to COMPLETELY ban abortion. They protested 18 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Do you take The same stand against slavery? That is if you don't like slavery you don't have to own any but don't infringe on other people's right to own slaves? How about murder? Does the government step in to do something about murder? If you truly believe that abortion is murder how can you just come down and say it's a woman's right to choose? I understand that this is not an easy issue and we're going to disagree on things . But it's not as simple as saying just let a woman decide what to do with her body.
"The Egg" by Andy Weir blows my mind every time 20 comments
guest · 7 years ago
So any abortions actually kill a person with a soul, and it's not just a lump of flesh?
What a selfish bird 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Romney wanted to reduce government support of public tv. But they fought back with "the Republicans want to kill Big Bird," despite the fact that Sesame Street is one of the largest and most profitable franchises in the world. So, yeah, if you don't support using tax money to support that, you're a meanie.
Why I left Murcia 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That's not 0bama, but some other black guy.
This girl ignored him on Tinder is now regretting 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago's a great failure because he eventually got famous?
Now I can easily recharge my phone without electricity 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What is worse to stand downwind from: a campfire or a car that passes all the strict emissions tests? It's not a given that burning wood pollutes less than a generator.
Really cool initiative 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
This is a great example of lashing out at a group in an "us vs them" scenario. But the handicapped "us" are punishing all the non handicapped "them" they are inconveniencing all those who NEVER misuse a handicapped space, all in the name of "awareness." Maybe there's a less dickish way of doing so.
Vegetarian option 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Whenever I host an event or a cook out or anything I make sure to know who has dietary restrictions. Some people can't eat certain things because of allergies or intolerance towards certain things. I recently hosted a wedding rehearsal dinner and I made sure that the venue at an option for vegans.

Any of the vegetarians or vegans that I know don't go on and on about how their diet is superior to everybody else's, and they don't try to push their rationale for eating the way they do to anyone else. So you don't really know who all of them are.
What to do when the government says no 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There are a lot of neighborhoods where, because of the historical value of the old buildings, the new residents aren't allowed to make significant changes to the appearance of old buildings. Other places, people want to present a certain look of all the buildings and you aren't allowed to make any changes that you want. So the answer is if you want to do whatever you like to your home, don't live in a regulated community.
good doggy 5 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Doing what Bill did to a string of women.
The quote of the day 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago,increase life, I should give sperm to as many women as possible? Stand back ladies, I've been training for this.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson posts a tweet, gets unexpected result 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But it must be a man-made, right? There can't be natural phenomena that could cause destruction or a bad impact to the environment so it must be man-made. We need to stave off this coming doom by giving the government more control over things.
Let's hope Jack has a great sense of humor 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
He's a jerk for having a one night stand with her, but there is nothing wrong with her having a one night stand with him? It's all on him for not having called her afterwords or whatever but there's no culpability on her side for sleeping with some guy that she just met?
The real cause 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Look at the statistics on gun ownership and gun violence and see that the US has a very low rate of gun violence compared to a lot of countries in the world but it sure is reported on and promoted by people use that as a cause to control things
the american high school experience 58 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If high school is all that stressful for you, you are really in for a bad time in adulthood. Instead of only having to worry about yourself, you'll have to worry about a spouse and kids. Instead of having to do the stupid tasks your parents make you do, you'll need to worry about a job and providing for your family and instead of just worrying about yourself. If high school stresses anybody out this much, adulthood is going to be horrific.
Let's add that to the list of things I will never drink 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Are you kidding? If we get American advertising working on that people would pay a premium to get cockroach milk. They call it something else, use a catchy remake of the song from the 1970s, and have some celebrity endorsements. But we all know that if Coke can get us to buy black sugar water in preference over another brand of just about the same thing the advertising people can get us to buy anything.
Shhh don't tell Trump 35 comments
guest · 8 years ago
No doubt about it, white people colonized North America & pretty much took over from the indigenous population. Maybe it shouldn't have been done but that was centuries ago. However now we should not allow other people to colonize here. Now we have the understanding and the strength to resist it.
I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship... 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Guys: OMG, we had the same idea. Let's be friends!
Girls: OMG, you stole my idea. I'll hate you forever!
Star wars premiere for the rich 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Part of the fun of seeing a movie in the theater is the giant screen and the surroundsound that just fills the whole place. But another part of it is seeing a movie with other people and sharing the reactions and surprise perhaps wonder or see her. Just watching it by yourself seems pretty pathetic.
Does this break the internet? 67 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Remember when the BLM crowd was questioning all the potential presidential candidates, and asked them "do black lives matter?" Any answer other then yes black lives matter was met with derision and jeers. Even the people that said all lives matter were shouted down because it didn't support BLM.
Only in a perfect world 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The problem is even though several of those religions have a stated goal of treating people well and their adherents imperfectly trying to follow that, you still have one whose stated goal is forced conversion or death of all infidels.
Thanks school 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Remember that time your dad asked you if you would help him work on the car? And you were too busy on Facebook so you didn't help him? That was your first chance but you didn't take it. How about the time your dad asked you to help him work on the plumbing? Then you rolled your eyes at him because he didn't feel like doing it at that moment. That was your second chance that you blew. There were probably a few more occasions where your dad or uncle wanted to show you something but you just didn't feel like doing it. They were willing to have the job actually take longer because they were going to show you how to use tools and some things that grownups take as common sense but you just didn't feel like it so you missed it. It's not the school's fault that you didn't take all those chances to learn important things. On top of that you are blessed with something called the Internet that has instructionns for anything you can imagine.
Talk about badass 36 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I laugh at these comments complaining that the guy didn't get a fair trial or a fair chance when he delighted in burning people alive and was just about to do that to more people.
Rico Rodriguez, aka Manny, is my spirit animal 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
And here I thought you were paying for all the movie tickets, all the food, all the transportation, paying for all the entertainment and all of the expenses, out of *friendship*. I had no idea that you could have been thinking of me romantically. I thought it was all for friendship.
What a story 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
And yet you had time to comment on how it was too long for you to read
Albert Einstein when asked about education 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It's funny seeing teenagers imagining that this is them. Einstein wanted to learn more about advanced physics and advanced mathematics and teenagers today don't like school because they're just not willing to put in any amount of work. It's not the same thing at all
That's where racism comes from. No need to search further 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
...or until a SJW tells one to check his privilege, or tells the other one to listen to the "community organizer" to get their justly deserved reparations.
Just wait guys 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
George W Bush is the best presiding of this century, and that won't change with either of the current candidates winning. Some people imagine Obama is good, and can't name anything he actually did. Big promise to close Gitmo and pull troops out of Mideast, but not actually done. Got a Nobel peace prize for what he was gonna do, but now it looks like a participation trophy.
The environmental and health damage of fossil fuels is far greater 26 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Where do you put carbon that comes from burning fossil fuels? What do you do about all the birds are killed by wind farms? what do you do about all the strip mining needed to obtain the rare ores used to make solar cells? It's crazy to see all the people bitching about energy use, who don't actually reduce their own energy use.
The Anti-Rape buckle 55 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Agreed. The rapist...or rapistS....would beat the $#+ out of the victim until she undoes the belt, or cut off her pants with a knife. Does somebody think rapists will be concerned about cutting their victim?
You know you're in Texas when 30 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Wiggle: You're scared of visiting the US because of responsible firearms owners carrying them, but WEREN'T scared by criminals having guns in areas where one can't carry legally?
Men and their beards 29 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I grew up "circle beard" which is a van dyke with a mustache Because I'm shaving my head and a shaved head without any facial hair at all looks too much like a concentration camp survivor rather than a tough guy. Also a beard is supposed to add 40 pounds to your deadlift.

Diversity & political correctness >>> real life 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Back in 2001 when they made that statue to commemorate the iconic fire fighters raising the US flag, they made sure to make one of the firefighters in the statue Hispanic and one African-American. But here's the catch – in the original photo you could see that they're all white. So it's more important to represent diversity then accuracy.
Friendship bracelet win 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
That's just wrong.

It should be "for my cat and me."
Kinda true sometimes 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What a wonderful uplifting comment. If you suck in school because you're too lazy to do the work then you can still imagine that you are very smart because school is not testing smartness it's only testing memory! How wonderful for you! You could do it if you just don't want.
Got but stop 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago must be held accountable for misunderstanding mixed messages.
2.women are not at fault for sending mixed messages.
Riots in Baltimore explained 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
In Milwaukee, a black police officer shot young black man committing a crime, and during the riot the blacks Dragged white people out of their cars to beat them up. How does that make sense? Also during the riots the black activists called to stop destroying black property… And bring the rioting to the suburbs so that they could affect white people instead.
College education for everyone 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
All those people who majored in art history, gender studies and modern dance.
Australia is playing no games, straight to the point 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Well let's of course it's a fake. White people would never expect others to get a job and contribute otherwise they could be accused of being racist and apparently that's the worst thing in the world Tomhave happen to you. Plus, racism is when a white person doesn't agree with any pro-minority program or ides.
So basically,rich kids are accidentally getting their parents arrested. 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There was one case where there was a judgment against a company in favor of a family but there was a gag order that the family was not allowed to reveal the details of the settlement. Then one girl goes on social media to brag that her family got $3 million, and the company used that to vacate the judgment because the family broke the gag order.
How dare you 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Agreed! How DARE that poster use the wrong its/it's!
Starbucks barista found a way to troll hipsters and crappy customers covering the logo 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Part of the enjoyment of a $5 coffee is in the things other than the taste and caffeine. The customers are indirectly paying your salary. You can dislike the fact that some people take photos of everything, but who the hell are you to ruin someone's enjoyment of something, especially when that doesn't harm you in any way?
Dedication at its finest... 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But… But… How will be fine time to create lots of memes complaining about how busy high school and college students are?
Making a little girl's dreams come true 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But really, was it the little girl's dream or was it actually the parents' dream?
Y'all got any more of them double standards 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Wait… Wait… You really think the media favors Republicans over Democrats? That is absolutely ludicrous.
The truth hurts 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I think we could survive four years of Trump better than we could survive eight years of Hillary. If the Clinton machine gets in the White House it'll be nearly impossible to crowbar them out of there.
They do look similar, someone photoshop them together 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I agree with you. If it's truly a right then everyone else is obligated to supply it to you. I don't believe that water is truly a human right, even though it obviously is a necessity. A right is something like your right to free speech or freedom of religion. People have an obligation to fight for you to have those things But people don't have an obligation to supply others with water or food.
Obama! Ladies and Gentlemen 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
He also received a Nobel prize, not for anything he did, what he was going to do. So apparently awards and so forth mean absolutely nothing. They're just a way to make people feel good about giving something to someone they wish would win one