
Definitely! 9 comments
guest · 7 years ago
Because these are two different types of ice-cream. You can't go... in lack of better term... "bj" on left one, it has nuts, you'll scrape your lips, and if you have a Popsicle you don't bite it, mostly.
Went from cute to war of the worlds 13 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So, Mars sand tracks dick is also bigger
Savage 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Its *. Dammit autocorrect.
Savage 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Haha. A memorial in Macedonia had big menorah that lit up it's "candles" connected via rubber hose to a biggest gas tank with similar commercial inscriptions
Deep political illustrations 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
plain history. Not one's interpretation of one's. Just simple timeline of events. If you deny that I am forced to classify you.. Even when they didn't "do it first",remember, remember that sentence. If west didn't take half of Germany east wouldn't stop till Madeira islands of European Atlantic. More than 300 self -immolated students wouldn't save you from them. Look up on the internet flags of USSR Scotland and USSR Iceland and USSR South Carolina. I despise these "American leftists"(Russian spy instigators),spitting on global policemen Americans, and not a word on despots of eastern Europe,banning Latin alphabet/church (before communism)and non-Russian names, genocidal bloodsuckers, antisemites and global domination wannabes. You make me puke. You're so see through. When you attack both of them than I'll trust your just cause, now, all I can see is that you're pathetic Russian agent, agent of (the other(or the 1st)) global plague. Which is lowest slime of the earth. 7.This one's OK.
Deep political illustrations 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
No, we understood them. They're just plain stupid. warNing? It can affect us here..Antarctica is a continent, there's land underneath that ice, penguins are cool with anything under their feet, they don't give a damn if it's ice or rock I guess they even prefer ground, there are penguins in Africa you know, they're not loosing
anything with ice meltdown it's even shorter distance away from their chicks and sea and easier fish hunt, if they don't like that, let them evolve flying, survival of the fittest. 2.can't even happen,they would plunge into the gorge, and also survival, they should've gone with accordion bus(better than limo),longer, has 2 doors and engine in the back if this is apocalypse day or smth 3.throwing away smbd's food? It's 70% of Asian diet, it's their cereal,throwing away spoonful of their brunch won't get them starved, here in Balkans we eat Turkish pilav and sutlijas, but we throw wheat at bride, when was the last time you ate rice, they won't starve
I dream of that time 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If you only ducked, Harambe
This made my heart happy 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I thought he was using him as a bazooka
Little old couples are the cutest 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So he got his meal, ate it all, grabbed her grub without even asking Are you going to finish this, which is anyways offensive (we men, we must eat more, we bigger, them stupid ordered more than they can eat with their tiny mouths and stomaches, we anyway provided that food we take it) and all she did is giving him the food which he tried to steal from her by throwing it at him. That would be like bear tries to eat your baby and you chase him away with another baby. And in the end she kissed him probably "Boys will be boys". Great r.g. you got there.
War flashbacks 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My dog (her name was actually Bitch in my native tongue) hated New Year's eve. Because of the fireworks she really did have flashbacks of war few years ago. I miss her dearly.
Can we give the Kurdish Peshmerga forces the respecognition they deserve, finally? 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Kurds are the biggest nation without their own state (maybe Roma, but they are hard to be grouped as one and same nation). They're not fighting cause they're righteous, cause they despise ISIS, or defending Syria. Don't give them praise. Kurdish terrorists are demolishing turkey, and will help WWIII come to its fruition. And don't think that these peshmerg "heroes of fighting back" won't unite with Iraqi, Turkish and all the other Kurdistans. Boohoo, we don't have a state. Don't we all. If I went there and go splitting hair, I belong to a whole different nation than people of my state. And we're even indigenous, they're not. Don't get me wrong. People should always fight for least fight against the opresor state which in most cases conquered them, the indigenous, I'm totally supporting Kosovo and Basque people and all Russian separatists, past and I certainly hope future Turkic ones, even if they are labeled,but in sucha close proximity of ISIS and WWIII, it's just selfish
He's playing for themmm 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Third photo the kitties biting his moving hand. Cats don't give a fcuk about music. Or anything else.
Days it has been since I've cried over fictional deaths: 0 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I would actually be freaked out that I wuz peeing glue (this almost happened once )
Vancouver, you the real MVP 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Obviously you never had to sleep outside (no homelesso, just bad patch of life and circumstances ) I slept on the grave cause it's warm, on top of a gate, cause grass was wet, on roof beside chimney, cause of.. balance, hanged with my shoulder epolettes and sneakers in midair, on a tree stump cause mud all around, on coal, on fiber wool, on I don't know how do you call them plastic containers for more than 20 beer bottles, not mini-fridges,less comfy than those, even in the ashes cause..warm, on various vegetables, sometimes not soft, like potatoes cucumbers and watermelons... I could totally sleep on mofo spikes "as slaughtered" as a saying goes in my country. Homeless hommies could sleep on top of Seattle needle. I've seen shieeet. Those are for drunken teenagers who after a wild night of two beers forgot where their comfy home is. Amateurs
Every time I take a break 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Somehow I see in "the future not so distant" some kind of "parlours" or something that take our everyday needs to completion WHILE WE SLEEP. I mean, we're getting to a stance where we in order to earn our "living money" stopped living.But we must shower shave poop sooo our families suffer (people in the past didn't actually care how they look or smell going to work so their actual work(prepar)ing time actually was 8 hours, damn you hygiene peer pressure and industry )Sure, there's that sense of insecurity and breach of privacy while we sleep so probably we're gonna modify our bathrooms for the purpose.Go and sleep in your cocoon and it will shave and wash you and your teeth and nails and clothes and all the other sh#t, literally. And you also save flat space with baedthroom! "Look at them, just sleeping and doing nothing". And classes of "how to balance your checkbook in lucid dreaming" and robo-gyms simply pushing our muscles and sleep -walking house cleaning and... The future is near