
Really lebron? 23 comments
guest · 10 years ago
Rich Peverly in the 2013-2014 season for the Dallas Stars
That Kind Of Friend! 7 comments
guest · 11 years ago
That's me. I'm that friend
Requirements of a sperm donor 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Can someone explain to me why?
Gravity is attracted to me 9 comments
guest · 11 years ago
By that logic so is everyone!
A wild title appears! 14 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Mine are black- (watermelon, fried chicken)
be jealous
When all the mosquitoes die because winter's coming 4 comments
guest · 11 years ago
Not in Texas
Rape culture is bullshit 24 comments
guest · 11 years ago
There is a feminism club at my school. I agree with their notions that women should have equal pay and more rights in other countries. However, I hate their culture about how men are to blame for everything. I was talking about how Miley Cyrus has no respect for herself and how gross the Robin Thicke performance was. She was like Robin Thicke let her do those things, he is disgusting! Miley is just being Miley and I was like no! Another girl there refuses to read books written by men! I think they are crazy... And yes the rape statistics are bad, but the bias is horrible too. Both of these are biased and don't encompass the whole truth odds are! Its so difficult to find the truth when it comes to this...