
Stupidity 41 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I think what the "feminist" meant was that men are mean by sitting all splayed out and open postured, or by referring to women as "girls," or by preferring women who are attractive to ones who aren't, and that those things are as bad as rape. Usually, trotting out the "equivalent of rape" stuff, most men won't argue because that degenerates into sounding like you're defending rape.
Everytime I hear a couple making over $100k a year claim to be struggling financially 17 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What did they spend money on? A car for their kids, maintenance for the car,vacations for the kids, spring break, activities and lessons for the kids, clothing for the kids (stuff they get tired of faster than they outgrow), a phone for each of the kids plus data plan, car insurance, food,

On the food, if all breakfast cost was two dollars, lunch was three, Dinner was four, that's still over $3500 a year right there...and the meals are actually more. Have you children actually priced cost of your car insurance and phone+data plan?

Then there's medical insurance, dental insurance, the parts of the doctor and dentist bills which the insurance doesn't cover, skin and hair care products...electricity and gas for those never ending showers and the lights that you never turn off. Cable TV and Netflix aren't free. We buy life Insurance for the risk of kids growing up with no income earner.

A child costs between 6500 and $13,000 a year. Imagine if you have three or four.
Not my meme but I agree 29 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Any teenager who make a blanket statement about what everybody else should do as if he or she actually knows anything should be silenced.