
Polar bears don't know anything 79 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Interesting that a bear on a floating piece of ice somehow proves that there's less ice, or that it's caused by man, and it's not just a loose piece of ice.
Make America dumb again 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Google reported sharp increases in searches for those terms, but how do you know the searches were done by Trump supporters and not other people?
Bruh 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I liked her other tweet that all women who say they were sexually assaulted should be believed. Then she canceled it after people started asking about the dozens of women accusing Bill Clinton of sexual assault and rape.
So I saw a cute story while browsing le web and I thought I would share it with you 25 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The story says "the window overlooked a lake. "It should have said "the man described a lake" which would've been accurate, but whoever wrote the story wrote something that's not true by saying the window did indeed overlook the lake. It's no fair making a "plot twist" when you write something that disagrees with the facts that you find out at the end of the story.
If world war II was a bar fight 20 comments
guest · 8 years ago
America fixes up Japan's house, Germany's house, and Italy's house, and then after a while of making sure everybody's on their feet they return ownership to the corresponding person. Everyone else is amazed because never before had they returned anything they appropriated in a bar fight.
1day 15hrs 10min 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How do you think I feel? I'm a dad to college age & high school age kids and I like Supernatural. I also like NFL football, college basketball and local high school sports plus working on my car. I can talk about that stuff of the other dads but who in the world am I going to talk to about supernatural? It's not like it's normal to strike up a conversation with teenage girls.
Male version of hooters 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Women: "There should be" something. Let's complain about how that something doesn't exist and how society is so unequal.
Men: "There should be" something. Then, they create that something, and it succeeds or fails based on the idea and the execution.
We need this 22 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I've taught these and similar things to my kids, and tried to teach some of them to other kids that I interface nieces, nephews, friends of my kids (one was over while I needed to change propane grill tanks, so I showed him along with my son). Some are open to learning new things, and some are not. If you attempt to broach the subject and get a big eye roll in return, after a while you lose the motivation to try to be a teacher. One kid wanted to get a job in order to get a phone, and I asked how she'd get to work; she said she'd buy a car. How much do fuel, insurance, maintenance and license cost? She didn't know and had no idea how to even figure it out or get a reasonable estimate. She was sure she knew everything, and any question I had about the reality of the situation was interpreted as just one more adult oppressing today's youth. So I let it go. I later found out she made a long series of bad (or at least short sighted) decisions, based on unrealistic expectations.
Does this trigger you 22 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Looks like some kid finally got around to hearing something other than 100% pro-America talk, and bought into it hook, line and sinker. He/She discovered that the U.S. Isn't perfect, and decided that the only other alternative is that it must be crap. You see this most often among those who don't read widely (reading a lot, but only from sources who agree with you doesn't mean "reads widely") and who haven't been to other countries.
The way my life is right now 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It doesn't matter how much you make if you spend more than that. Worse still is having nothing to show for it. After 15 years, some of us will have a paid off house and a little something in a 401k (which, if you are lucky, has some employer matching money, but you have to put in to get matching). Others will wonder "Where the hell did 15 years of income go?"
#irishpride 57 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If there were just a germ of truth in this, people would acknowledge it, laugh and move on. But, it hits really close to home, so plenty of people are offended. Blacks still have so many problems because (as a group) they wallow in their victimhood. That's aided by plenty of Whites who want to be offended *on bahalf of* someone else. There's enormous money to be made by the Jesse Jackson types who look for discrimination everywhere and then demand to be paid off. He extorted money from NASCAR because there weren't Black drivers...not becaue NASCAR didn't allow them, but there just don't happen to be any.

In the name of ending discrimination, we have scholarships that *I* can't apply for because of my skin color, but there aren't any that a Black student can't apply for. Admissions and hiring are geared towards "increasing diversity" if Blacks can be given some spots that a non-Black is better qualified for, but I've never seen Whites/Asians given preferential treatment.
Stash 8 27 comments
guest · 8 years ago
On tHe judge, Trump said he couldn't get a fair hearing from that judge because he was a member of the same pro-Mexican/American group that was bringing the lawsuit against Trump. I don't think it's unreasonable to want to judge who isn't a member of the group that is suing you.
What a douche 16 comments
guest · 8 years ago
What a shame. Some guy who is immature enough to break up with a girl over a game is a good match for a girl so immature that she would play a Kardashian game.
omfg chill lady 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
How Is this a burn? The moderator can wear a Burka Or a notable or modern western dress if she wants, but the Muslim has to wear the all-covering clothing or some Muslim man will throw acid on her, or relative will kill her in an honor killing. The smart Ass insulting response doesn't undo the oppression of their whole region.
This is how Australia reacts to a terrorist attack 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Am I the only person that thinks it's weird that all these people reacted to protect Muslims though no Muslims were ever threaten but this is in reaction to a Muslim holding non-Muslims hostages?
Shrek is life 12 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Doesn't is free (for teenagers).
How can we move forward when there are people still holding us back? 57 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It's great how so many people are willing to raise other peoples awareness of climate change and call other people out but apparently the only solution is more taxes on corporations. The people who have the most to say never actually reduce their own energy usage or energy footprint.
90s kids be like 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It'll be cool how you of the next-generation will fix all those problems plus all the ones all the previous generations inherited. Since you are so smart and know everything it should only take like 15 or 20 years. I look forward to being a retiree in the idyllic a paradise you create with all the free healthcare, free education and free Wi-Fi.
Why is this such a hard concept to grasp. 8 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Totally true, but why do certain groups protest equally hard when a black guy gets shot trying to take a cop's gun, doing the very OPPOSITE of the officer's lawful directions, and some guy who dies in police custody. There's a hell of a difference.

Also, have a look at some of the signs and statements at the protests. "Let the community police itself." Guys..."the community" is actually your worst risk, with the vast majority of black murders are committed by other blacks, not whites and not police.

It's easier to take a movement seriously when they don't make such idiotic statements and demands.
Isaac asimov warned us about it 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
We see it all the time, right? "My opinion is just as valid as yours," even when it's just a first reaction based on incomplete understanding vs a well thought out stance based on facts.

This'll anger some, but I see this a LOT on college campuses. "This speech is a trigger," even when someone is angered or fearful for a wrong reason. Remember when someone had to apologize for using the word "niggardly," even though it has no relation to "The N Word?" Even when that was explained, the offended bunch wanted an apology for the guy using a word that they were ignorant of and misunderstood.
People kept abusing handicapped parking spots, then this happened 9 comments
guest · 8 years ago
So...let's screw up the day for people who DON'T park in handicapped spaces to protest those who do.
reality sucks 2 comments
guest · 8 years ago
To be true to the books and the movies, Harry should do everything against the rules and everything that should cause problems, but then everything somehow works out to the best at the end.
Lying bastard! 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Things sort of got better. She was picked on not because of anything she did, then later she was in jail for something she did do. So she controlled her own destiny she just chose to go the wrong way.
Why Isn't This Everywhere Right Now? 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
My son is a police officer. He once pulled a guy over for drunk driving. The guy happen to be African-American. My son was behind him and he backed up and hit the patrol car. Later on he registered a complaint that my son hit him, and then called him all kinds of racial slurs. My sons camera in the patrol car and camera on his shoulder indicated he did no such thing.

So, I expect that the complaints going down are because it's harder to lodge a superficial complaint because there's evidence to the contrary. It seems less likely but not impossible that the cameras are causing the police to behave better.
Back when the duck face was acceptable 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But you had to wait for the third date to get a kiss...
Metal men 18 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Alternative interpretation: metal men have the same percentage of gentlemen are jerks as the rest of the population, and you happened to randomly draw two from the gentlemanly pool.
it's not too late 24 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Posted by an environmentally conscious teenager who has to be driven everywhere and who replaces all her clothes and technology when it becomes unfashionable, not when it wears out.
Anon's Dog 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
The Law says so, your sarcasm notwithstanding. Your not liking it doesn't make you less responsible.
Anon's Dog 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If your dog runs into the road and gets hit by a car, that's YOU'RE fault.
He is cool 21 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Everybody here: It's such a great analogy. It SHOULDN'T matter how many people you've had sex with.
Extending the analogy further: Cheerios shouldn't care if you eat something else for lunch and supper...but imagine the FS culture's reaction if you floatd the idea that it's OK to **** around on your "long term partner." If it doesn't matter before, why does it matter so much after?

I'm staying faithful to my future wife, even though I may not have even met her yet. Apparently I'm completely out of touch.
Somebody has built a border wall around Donald Trump's walk of fame star 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
JFK wanted to remove the wall that prevented people from fleeing the communist/socialist paradise of East Germany. But, it was Reagan who actually caused communism to defeat itself.

Trump proposes to build a wall to make it harder for people to illegally cross the southern US border. Of course, all us right-thinking people should not want to exclude those who want to come here and go on welfare, but welcome them and pay for all their needs (by taxing someone else, of course).
Her first speech 39 comments
guest · 8 years ago
...but no complaints about Elizabeth Warren claiming to be Native American to get scholarships and preferential treatment.
Nasty af 10 comments
guest · 8 years ago
No, we kill people for being infidels who obstruct the adoption of Sharia law.
Let's build a wall around his wife! 14 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Oh no! Trump will take the best ideas of others and implement them, rather than have to think of every solution himself.
One can always hope 6 comments
guest · 8 years ago
In trumps businesses he had women who work their way up by sheer competence and earn more than many men. It seems that he respects people who do things that are worthy of respect rather than just being nice to everybody. Take a look at how Hillary treats her underlings. As much as I dislike Trump he's less terrible than Clinton.
hOW 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If the story is true then the company has the guys Social Security number because they have to withhold FICA. That means wherever else you might open a bank account he has to use his Social Security number. It's hard to imagine somebody going through life without get a credit check, apply for a mortgage, get another job that pays them by check rather than by cash and withholds FICA, but he might use his Sosa security someday. The whole thing just doesn't make sense that it would actually work for somebody that doesn't mean that somebody wouldn't get another job that pays them by check rather than by cash and withholds FICA, but he might use his Sosa security someday. The whole thing just doesn't make sense that it would actually work for somebody that doesn't mean that somebody wouldn't cry try it.
Amen 15 comments
guest · 8 years ago
It's weird when I tell people that make this wage gap comparison to look into the methodology and see that age and experience and job title aren't factored in. It's just all women's earnings versus all men's earnings regardless of other factors. People say they MUST have factored in those things otherwise the comparison wouldn't even make sense. But of course it doesn't make sense because those items aren't factored in. There still is a one or 2% gap, that's attributed to the fact that women dont negotiate hard for salary or things like that men do. I don't think that men should be penalized for negotiating better.
Well now you know 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
We are in the process of fixing this right now. Social pressure is forcing settling non- Norse /non-European immigrants in European countries so soon we won't have to worry about any all-white countries. OddLy enough, we're not "improving"non-white countries by increasing their diversity by adding White people.
Kaboom 3 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I guess the salient at point here is that sometimes you could forge your own path but sometimes it's also good to not do everything different than everybody else just because it's different. You have to know the rules before you can know which ones are worth breaking based on the possible consequences. But usually you see these inspirational messages encouraging everybody to be different just to be different
The reality 11 comments
guest · 8 years ago
We can live without video games, yet video game manufacturers are rich and several video game players do so professionally. Some people even watch others play video games professionally.

We can live without MP3 players and smart phones too but I don't see anybody railing against those.
truth 19 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Another way to look at this is that women are the only ones vain enough to go to that extreme to look the way that other women want them to look.
Capitalism 35 comments
guest · 8 years ago
In reality, people dislike him or even hate him for charging the price he wants to on a drug that he owns the rights to. But he was arrested for committing fraud, which is a crime. What you'd like to have happen apparently is for him to be arrested for being mean in your opinion.

But if you want to be "un-mean," then you and all like minded people should join together and pay for a bunch of drugs for people you don't know so they can have the drugs that you want them to have.
Poor Tamera. :'( 29 comments
guest · 8 years ago
But as we all know, or at least as is taught in every university, only white people can be racist.
Well...shit 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Hillary Clinton ruined the reputation and career of every woman who accused her husband of rape. There are many other terrible things about her but oh yeah conservatives are mean so let's elect another Clinton.
Cant tell you how many times i went without 36 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Are you under impression and then if your uncle had insurance it would somehow it magically prevented him from ever dying?
Cant tell you how many times i went without 36 comments
guest · 8 years ago
If anyone needs help, don't be afraid to reach out. There is always help. 23 comments
guest · 8 years ago
I hate to be judgmental victim of rape, but if going back again and again is "never your fault" then nothing is anybody's fault ever for anything.
Damn prohibition 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
There are a lot of so-called refugees that are men between the ages of 16 and 29. The group is seriously overrepresented so it's not like we'd be turning away women and children. We'd Be turning away to people who are actually contributing to the violence that everyone else is trying to flee from.
You're so creepy! (True Story) 7 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Ladies, this is the answer to your question "why can't you guys be more demonstrative and be straightforward?"
Damn it Alex 4 comments
guest · 8 years ago
Number 12 will BLOW you away!